God is Coming

Chapter 72: Action begins

Meng Jianghu was sitting in his office in Xinzheng's camp, looking through the materials.

光 On the light screen in front of him, there is a red-brown planet. The data next to it shows that it is a resource star, slightly larger than the parent star, and its surface is basically rock and desert. The air here cannot breathe directly, and the temperature fluctuates between -90 and 70 degrees.

Meng Jianghu contracted the picture again, and brought up the star map. The galaxy where the planets are located is at the junction of the Tang Dynasty and the Community, and is currently under the Tang Dynasty.

After watching Mengjiang Lake for a long time, he enlarged the image of the planet again. This time zoomed directly into the planet's surface.

There are several huge cities and large industrial areas on the planet's surface, and some cities can even be seen in orbit. There are about 20 million people on the planet, and the sources are complex. From the Tang Dynasty citizens to the community fugitives, to the star thieves and rebels hidden here, there are all kinds of people.

One of the buildings is highlighted, it is a city adjacent to the mining area, and the data shows that there are nearly half a million people.

After watching for a while, Meng Jianghu frowned, and then connected to Qin Yi's channel.

Qin Yi's face appeared in the center of the light screen and said, "What's the commander?"

Meng Jianghu looked at the two beauties next to Qin Yi and did not speak.

Qin Yi understood it, got up and walked into a separate room, hesitated a few times, and said, "This is the bottom of the dynasty, I don't count as glory for the country! At least I did not lose face to the college."

Seeing that Meng Jianghu's face was ugly, Qin Yi hurriedly put away a smile, and said positively, "Boss, what do you tell me?"

"Go and report for a while, and say that I will follow the team this time. Go and get me a place."

Qin Yi was startled, "What ?! Boss, you want to go too? This is not a command of a large army, this is a sneak attack of a squad!"

怎么 "What? You think I'm old and my technology isn't working? Haven't this battle made you aware of my artillery? I didn't let go of my profession at that time."

"Your specialty is ordnance repair, right?" Qin Yi was not polite.

"Ordnance repair can really understand the principles of various weapons and become a real weapon expert. In short, you don't have to worry about combat. Although I am old, it is not a problem to pack up three or five of you. Even Xu Muyan ... ... "

Sui Mengjianghu suddenly realized what to stop and said nothing.

Qin Yi smiled and said, "I'm still the best, knowing that I want to record."

Seeing that Meng Jianghu's face began to turn blue, Qin Yi immediately honestly asked, "Did you want to go, do you feel anything?"

"The target of the winter hunt is rebels, and there may be a lot of variables. I'm a bit uneasy. I want to follow along. You are all my students. I don't want you to have an accident before you leave the college. "

Qin Yi was taken aback, "Is it so serious?"

也许 "It may be serious, or it may be nothing."

"Okay, I'll do it immediately." Qin Yi cut off the communication and flew away.

Twenty-three days later, a spacecraft left Luantian V and flew deep into the stars.

Xi Chujun returned to the compartment where his dormant cabin was located and put his backpack in the locker. This spaceship is loaded with Lin Xi's Winter Hunt team and all equipment.

She Chujun returned to see Lin Xi only a few times when the team assembled. She was surrounded by her followers, and she passed through the area to Chujun. She did not show any abnormality or even a little indifference.

Xun Chujungui didn't think it had anything to do with him. He no longer knew anything about the world and knew Lin Xi's status was definitely not simple. All he had to do now was put down his stuff, go to sleep in the dorm, and wait for the place to fight.

I took out the dormant clothes, Chu Jun turned to close the door to change clothes, and suddenly saw a young man at the door, tall and sunny, with a slightly curly hair. He looked up at the compartment number, then looked at Chu Jungui, and asked, "You are Chu Jungui?"

"It's me. Are you?"

The young man held out his hand and smiled, "Li Ruobai. I heard about your record, and I was very curious, so I came here to see who was able to make such a record."

Xi Chujungui looked at Li Ruobai with a little doubt and asked, "You should not be a member of the Winter Hunt team?"

There are some people in the team of Xun Dongkun. Chu Jungui already remembered them clearly when they assembled. There was no mistake or omission in the test subject, so Chu Jungui could be sure that he had never seen Li Ruobai.

若 Li Ruobai pointed at his feet and smiled, "I am the pilot of this spaceship, responsible for transporting you to your destination, and then returning you."

Wu Chujun returned his respects, "It turned out to be the captain."

若 Li Ruobai waved his hand, "I'm not the captain! If this is heard by the captain, he must be punished for cleaning me for a month. I am the pilot, that's all."

Xi Chujungui thought the young man was inexplicable, looked at the time, and said, "It is almost time to enter the dorm room."

若 Li Ruobai said, "Now that I know each other, I won't bother. Goodbye!"

After waiting for Li Ruobai to go away, Chu Jun returned and closed the door.

Chu Chujun changed his clothes, entered the dormant cabin according to the already familiar process, and began to fall asleep.

In the frontier star field, the outer space of the Mufengshi galaxy, a spacecraft jumped out of the void and flew to planet three.

Yumu Fengshi is the name of the Tang Dynasty, and the title of the community is Huanhuo Galaxy ~ www.readwn.com ~ This galaxy has changed hands many times, but it has been under the control of Tang Dynasty for nearly 50 years.

In addition to the strategic location of the Omaki Fengshi galaxy, resources are also a factor that triggers repeated competition. Planet Three is the only habitable star in the galaxy, leaving countless remnants of war on it.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the Winterfighting Team in the spacecraft have woke up from the dormant capsule, gathered in the conference room, and are listening to a major responsible for intelligence to explain the main points of the operation.

Pointing at the dark red silhouette of the planet, she said, "This is the Mukhoishi Stone III, which is also the target of our operation. Star III is rich in helium-3 and is one of the main energy producing areas in the surrounding star domain. But in recent years With the maturity of the positive and negative material engines, the demand for helium-3 has declined, and the economic situation of the three stars has deteriorated, and it is currently one of the poorest planets in the Tang Dynasty region. "

She zoomed in on the planet, clicked on one of the cities, continued to zoom in until it occupied half of the light screen, and then said, "This is Lingang City, adjacent to the No. 3 mining area of ​​Hope Valley. It used to be the second city and mining area on the planet .The goal of our operation is the three leaders of the Rebel United Front hidden in this city: Luo Wei, Larke and Hood. "

Three pictures appear on the screen, with the information of the three leaders transmitted to the personal terminals of each action team member.

"The first priority is to destroy the United Front headquarters and capture all three of them at the same time. One thing to note is that we only need corpses."

Lieutenant Major closed the notebook and said, "After the mission is introduced, we are ready to go."

All members of the action team got up and walked into the planetary shuttle.

After boarding the plane, Chu Jun returned to her seat and fastened the safety frame. Then the shuttle suddenly trembled, got out of the spacecraft, and landed on the third planet.

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