God is Coming

Chapter 62: layout

The puppet army assembled for a whole day, and the final assembly camp was still in chaos, with countless supplies piled up and unclaimed, and at the same time, many troops could not find where their supplies were going.

Inside the headquarters in the central assembly area, Li Zeyu looked at the topographic map on the virtual sand table, and for a long time he didn't say a word, the Sichuan pattern at the center of his eyebrow was a little deeper.

An aggressive British major major strode in, saying: "It's all messy, it's just a bunch of black people! It's been a whole day before it's finished, so it's really on the battlefield, not for those guys in Yingsa Record? "

Li Zeyu didn't look up, but just said, "Isn't Admiral Lu and Xu Moyan the same way? Besides, these troops were not originally used to deal with Yingsa, the community was their opponent. You have been in the army for so many years, why are you still This temper? Yes, it seems that the standard ammunition of the first generation is not enough. You can get some more. "

"Don't you have to spend money again? You have to deduct the record!"

"How can you be afraid to spend money when you fight? If you don't want to spend money, you have to fill them out. Go!"

Major stomped and rushed out again.

A middle-aged general next to her had never spoken, and said after she had left: "Zeyu, Yiyi's character is just right for war. Don't always think about making her like you, stuffy."

泽 Li Zeyu sighed and said, "Actually, I don't want her to go to the battlefield at all. Wouldn't it be nice to find a beautiful planet in the future?

"Everyone wants this, but it's useless. Insa's provocative action is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks like he will soon have to fight."

Li Zeyu said, "I'm not afraid of fighting, but I really don't want to fight such an inexplicable battle. It has not been more than ten years since the last war. Why are we going to fight again this time?"

"Who knows what those guys are thinking. Wasn't the last war just to kill a faction on the battlefield? As a result, even the monsters of the community got involved. Don't think about it, think about how to win. Lu Neither Tigers nor Xu Moyan are easy to deal with. "

"I already think about it."

General Wu Zhongnian reminded: "A lot of people are watching this time. If you want that position, you have to play a little ... take the initiative."

泽 Li Zeyu nodded and said, "Relax, as soon as the battle begins, I will move the whole army immediately!"

"It's ... a bit risky, right? Then?"

"Seize the peninsula, stick to it!"


In the assembly area, Chu Jun returned to sit on the top of his chariot, looking at the back and forth of military vehicles and piles of materials, his eyes glowed.

He suddenly jumped off the chariot and patted Aachen's shoulder vigorously, saying, "Leave, move things."

Achen whistleed and immediately called on dozens of people to follow.

Xun Chujun returned to the quarter office not far away, rushed to a female lieutenant colonel, and said hello.

"Why are you again!" The female lieutenant colonel gave Chu Jun a look, and said angrily, "what do you want this time?"

Wu Chujun pointed to a pile of ammunition not far away and said, "Is no one receiving those ammunition?"

"Every box of ammunition here has a master." The female lieutenant colonel emphasized.

"I know, but the receipt must be within the time limit, even if it is out of date. We take away what they don't need, and can save you a bit of moving back. Isn't that good?"

"It's all right, let's move."

Xi Chujun beckoned, everyone immediately rushed up, carried away more than a dozen boxes of ammunition, and moved back to his own transport vehicle.

Lieutenant Colonel found this batch of ammunition on the light screen and switched the status to claimed. She looked at the watch in her hand and suddenly called Chu Jun: "You have been here three times today!"

"Are you there?" Chu Jungui looked guilty.

"Forget it." The lieutenant colonel softened, his face still serious, and said, "No more come."


等等 "Wait, I'll give you one more chance."

In the early hours of the morning, new combat instructions have been delivered to the personal terminals of commanders. Just after midnight, a striking red signal flew up into the sky, and the performance began.

The chariots roared out of the staging area and rushed to the intended position. After the chariot group, there were a large number of armored personnel carriers and countless military trucks. The real fighter mech does not need to land at this time, it needs to be transported by a special transport vehicle.

Xin Zheng's troops also started with the large troops. At the beginning, the units could still maintain a compact formation, but after driving more than ten kilometers, they inevitably pulled the formation apart.

Xi Chujun returned to the chariot and led his troops to continue along the road. At this time, the command of the Meng Jianghu was uploaded from the combat terminal: "To speed up, you must reach the designated position two hours in advance!"

Wu Chujun turned back and glanced at his team. There were two main battle tanks, three supply transport trucks, and two troop transports.

Then he silently calculated the fuel on his hand. In addition to the standard share, he received a total of four shares of materials, including two power packs. Although I divided it up to others, it was enough to use it.

He made a speeding gesture to the chariot behind him, and then the team started to accelerate, over one unit after another, and quickly left. Anyway, there is ample power reserve, not afraid to consume, it doesn't matter how fast you drive.

At this time, the commanders of several troops were furious: "Just order the power pack, how do you get to the position ahead of time? What do you eat as waste?"

His subordinates certainly did not dare to say that it was because the master was late that he did not receive the due supplies.

The change of several small troops did not affect the overall situation. The troops of the British Immortal Division turned into a steel torrent and went straight into the theater.

With such a big move by the Yingying Fairy, naturally the other two's eyeliners cannot be concealed.

In the Orion headquarters, Lu Shanhu stared at the battlefield situation on the light screen and said, "Do you want to come to a scuffle?"

The staff and staff next to him did not speak. At this moment, the war has just begun, and it is too early to conclude.

On the battlefield situation map, the Yingxian Department went straight to the east, killing directly to the center of the battlefield, where the distance between Orion and the fairy was exactly the same.

Balu Shanhu also did not wait for the staff's advice, saying: "Li Zeyu has always been stable. This time he has to take a risk. There must be fraud! But, am I afraid of you?"

He sneered, and ordered: "The entire army is oppressing forward, the frontier forces annihilate and expel all enemy reconnaissance units. The fighter is out, and I want to make sure that we have no other reconnaissance planes on our heads!"

His Majesty ordered, and Lu Shanhu clicked on a fortress in the middle of the battlefield and said, "I want this fortress! Tell Pan Jiang, even if Yingxian takes it first, he will take it down!"

The fairy department hasn't moved yet. In the headquarters, Xu Moyan stared at the battlefield situation map, and gradually sneered, saying, "I will observe and observe when others rush to the center of the battlefield, but since it is you Li Zeyu, I still don't know what you want to do? When I asked for so many fighter planes? "

She zoomed in on the battlefield situation map, pointed to the peninsula, and said, "Occupy the attack position opposite here and let the fighter control the airspace of the landing site ~ www.readwn.com ~ etc. When the main force arrives, we land here and give him from behind A ruthless! At that time, he will find that no matter how he calculates, he will be caught between our fairy and Orion. We will kill the fairy first, and then we will fight against Orion. "

The staff took note of the order and began distributing it.

"By the way, don't you say that there are troops from the scale star that are very good at interspersing assault? Let them send fast troops, lightly assault, cross the sea first, and grab a beachhead position."

The staff member silently noted the order, and then deduced for a moment at the terminal, saying, "Without heavy weapons, they should be able to grab the bridgehead before the Yingxian avant-garde troops arrive, about 2 hours in advance."

"Very good, two hours is enough. Send two transport planes and airdrop some heavy equipment to the intended position."


"right now."

The staff officer was taken aback and said, "The place is still without land."

"What are you afraid of? Because it is now without a master, Li Zeyu will not find that we have dropped heavy equipment. At that time, he must think that he is facing a small army that does not have heavy fire support and has broken the back road. But wait until he When you attack, you can give him a big surprise. "

The staff officer understood and nodded: "Just to repel them and attack, our follow-up troops can land."

"That's it, go."

At this moment, the sky is still dark. Chu Jun returned to the chariot, which was a march that was so fast that he could not reach the scheduled position two or half hours earlier than the scheduled time. The extra time can just build a position.

However, Chu Jungui did not understand why Meng Jianghu placed a defensive position against landing.

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