God is Coming

Chapter 60: strong

I don't know how long, a ray of light appeared in front of Chu Jungui's eyes, and the soft electronic call sound kept repeating.

Xi Chujun returned to her heart, restarted each component one by one, and slowly opened her eyes.

He was still immersed in the dormant fluid. According to the instructions before dormancy, he touched a switch in the cabin. As soon as he reached out, the liquid level in the dormant chamber began to drop, and the hatch slowly opened.

美丽 Two beautiful female sailors lifted Chu Jun back from the cabin. One of them brought a transparent container and said, "Respiratory fluid accumulated in the lungs can be vomited here."

Tong Chujun returned with one mouth, a stream of water spouted, spit out a small half of the water, and then said, "OK."

The two female crew members stayed where they were, and it took a while before they returned to God, and quickly resumed their work. One female crew member lifted up her breathing fluid and drained, and the other reached out to Chu Jungui's armpit and tried to help him. This female crew member is obviously genetically enhanced and looks beautiful and weak. In fact, she is more powerful than men in the old times.

She supported Chu Jungui with strength, and when she was about to exert force, Chu Jun returned to her own feet, stepped out of the dorm bay, stood on the ground, and said, "I'll do it myself."

The maidservant was dumb again, a little helpless.

Xun Chujun looked at her expression and felt as if she had done something wrong. But there is nothing wrong, but nothing.

"I help you change the sleeping suit." The female crew member came over to untie the sleeping suit.

Yun Chujun wanted to say that he came, but after thinking about it, he left the female crew to help take off the sleeping clothes and put on the original clothes.

Changed her clothes, the female crew member flushed, and said, "You need to go to the front cabin to gather, and the luggage will be delivered to your accommodation after you get off the spaceship."

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes, after 49 days of sailing, we have reached the famous Tang Dynasty star field in the Tang Dynasty and are about to enter the planetary orbit of Luan Tian 5. In another hour, we will stop at the star port of Liuyinwei. This The planet used to be a fortress star. As the empire's territory gradually expanded, the planetary fortress lost its military significance and the garrison troops evacuated one after another, but all the facilities on the planet were left, and it became a year-end military exercise site every five years. Luantian V has become a very famous tourist star, and it is also a sacred place for military academies in various star domains. On this planet, you can see various types of things from 800 years ago to 100 years ago. The planetary fortress is a living military historical museum star. "

After the introduction of the crew, he looked at Chu Jungui anxiously and asked, "Are you really okay? Is there any discomfort?"

"No!" Chu Jungui conducted another self-test and found no problems.

The crewman's face was red again, saying, "You are really strong."

Xi Chujun did not understand.

He now has some basic social knowledge, knowing that this starship crew is unlikely to see through his true physical strength, that is, she cannot know how strong Chu Jungui is. How did she know she was strong?

The maidservant opened the hatch of the compartment and let Chu Jun return first.

When I came to the rest area outside, Chu Jungui saw that there was movement in most of the compartments around, but the door was still opaque, indicating that they had not changed their clothes.

At this moment, the door of an isolation compartment suddenly opened, and Achenyu fell out of it, kneeling on the ground, coughing desperately with his hands, and the translucent dormant liquid kept flowing from his mouth and nose. Flowing out. He coughed to death and was about to suffocate, a female sailor followed, patting his back constantly, calming with a soft voice.

A moment later, Achen spit out his breathing liquid, which was better, and stood up weakly.

"The vast majority of people will not be comfortable when they just turn out of liquid breathing, just like him," whispered the female sailor beside Wu Chujun.

Wu Chujun returned to his sorrow. It turned out that this was normal. As soon as his lungs were closed, all the effusions were automatically discharged, as if it was not normal.

The doors of the other two compartments also opened, and Qin Yi and another young man walked out. The female crew members behind them were covering their mouths and chuckling, while they were a little blue under the eyes, their feet were floating, and they did not wake up.

Xi Chujun turned around and laughed and said, "I didn't dream less when I saw the road."

"What dream?" As soon as the words came out, Chu Jungui remembered the function of that dream setting. But when he felt sleepy, he automatically shut down all systems and rested quietly.

The maidservant smiled even more joyfully, "You haven't dreamed, it's really good!"

Xun Chujun didn't understand why he didn't dream. He was obedient. The boring and wasteful energy of dreaming should never have happened.

Other cabins came out one after another, including several acquaintances, including Fang Yu, Hei Ya, and Su Xue and Li Bin. Most of the others did not know Chu Jungui.

All the students who got the winter hunting quota will be automatically assigned to this floor, and some students are not on the winter hunting list, such as Achen, but because they are rich enough, they also bought tickets for the upper floor of the living area.

Gui Chujun returned to the public area under the guidance of the crew, then disembarked the starship, and went to the predetermined area to assemble.

As soon as I walked out of the starship, everyone was shocked by the magnificent sight. Outside the covered bridge, there is a huge hall with a radius of 1,000 meters. The transparent dome like a sea wave is more than 100 meters above the ground. Traction columns are intricately intertwined with each other to form a large net, supporting the dome, and then landing against the wall ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the huge hall, the flow of people comes and goes in an orderly manner. Even if the traffic is heavy, it seems empty in this huge hall.

Suddenly a huge shadow passed over everyone's head, and the whole hall was a little dark. Everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw that a starship that was more than a kilometer was slowly taking off, and the end and end even exceeded the curtain wall. And through the transparent curtain wall, you can see every detail of the huge hull.

The starships rose to a certain height and flew slowly from the dome. The rows of engine vents flashing faint blue light were so gorgeous.

The crowd did not breathe until the starship went away.

A low voice whispered, "Are you shocked? This Qing Cang class can only be regarded as medium in the deep space fleet of the dynasty. If you want to fight on it, give me a good fight this time!"

Xi Chujun turned back and saw Meng Jianghu. The colonel is not so burly and tall, but in Chu Jun's return perception, he felt an inexplicable threat.

This time, the participating business schools are going all out. The two deputies are in charge and are responsible for solving all logistics equipment needs. Meng Jianghu is the chief commander. The students who participated in the winter hunt basically selected the strongest people, and the arms were complementary. Under Li Weiyong's own repression, everyone who wanted to clear up the relationship was pushed back, even several cabinet ministers.

Surprisingly, Su Xue and Li Bin, the two mech infantry had not been shortlisted for strength, but under the pressure of No. 4, these months of hard work, almost sleepless day and night, the strength soared, which was a mysterious crowd On the list.

In addition to the winter hunting, the first stage of the show, almost all the ground troops sent by the participating business school. As for fighter planes, Xinzheng owns and uses old models for training. Even the college ace can't do anything about the rookie, so Li Weiyong is clumsy.

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