God is Coming

Chapter 42: Famous Participants

Early in the morning, Chu Jungui was the first to arrive at the training ground to report. This assessment is the same as last time, or on the 31st training ground. Basically, except for water scenes, training ground No. 31 is the planetary surface infantry training ground with the largest scale and the most complete facilities in the academy.

The **** inspected his identity and compared his task description with a strange face, saying, "You are Chu Jungui?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Nothing. This time the ammunition allocation is a little different than before, you and me to get the equipment together."

"Yes, instructor."

Chu Jun did not understand why the instructor would pick up the equipment with himself. When he arrived at the material warehouse and swiped the task card, the two material distributors simply put on exoskeleton armor and moved a bunch of equipment and ammunition boxes. come out.

A light screen was handed to Chu Jungui, "a total of two machine guns, four barrels, and twenty cases of ammunition. Sign it!"

Wu Chujun returned in shock, then realized that most of it was Colonel Hu's handwriting. It seems that this battle really does not need to save ammunition.

The **** shook the muscles that were about to overflow, carried the machine gun and barrel behind him, and slammed twelve boxes of ammunition, and said to Chu Jungui, "The rest is yours."

Xi Chujun silently mentioned the remaining eight boxes of ammunition. Looking at the instructor's cheerful, beating muscles, he dispelled his plan to get two more boxes of ammunition.

A moment later, the Blue Army troops had arrived and entered the designated defensive positions. Today's assessment is almost the same as last time. They are all garrisoned by the Blues. They are attacked by the examination side.

For the students who take the exam, this is originally a standard semester quiz, the purpose is to test the training results and maintain a sense of battlefield battlefield, as long as it is taken seriously, there is no reason.

那 The time two days ago can only be said to be an accident.

直升机 The helicopter was already in place in the sky, Su Xue was maneuvering the drone into place, and suddenly a warning sounded from the personal terminal. He almost jumped up and yelled, "There is a market! Haha, there is a market!"

Su Suxue directly opened the light screen and started betting. Li Bin's face changed greatly, and he rushed over, exclaiming: "Drone!"

Su Xue didn't look up until she entered the bet and clicked OK. "What drone ... drone!"

Xu Chujun returned to the exploration position and suddenly heard a strange whistling. He dropped to the ground for a moment, and then a cry, a drone was almost passing over his head!

The assessment party also has air strikes?

Xi Chuchu returned to that little knowledge of the battlefield and knew what air strike meant. He immediately knelt down with a gun, and the crosshair steadily caught the drone that was desperately maneuvering to try to escape. However, with this level of maneuverability, it is really difficult to escape the locking of the test body.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Chu Jungui saw the proctor logo on the drone's body, so he did not pull the trigger.

上 On the helicopter, Su Xue Li Bin was already sweating cold, and felt like the rest of his life after the disaster. Just now, whether the drone hit Chu Jungui or was shot down by Chu Jungui's counterattack, their working life was over.

This minor accident did not cause much commotion, and several deputy shooters entered the position one after another. One of the fourth-year veterans looked at the mission description, and then looked at Chu Jungui, apparently curious. This small machine gun position was actually equipped with three deputy shooters, obviously not to send ammunition, but to protect Chu Jun's return.

The captain of the assessment came over and said, "This task, we are opposite 53 and 60 tactical infantry. These two classes are both re-examination, the momentum is fierce, everyone will do what they want."

"What about class 54 last time? Do you need to retake the exam?" Chu Jun asked.

听说 "I heard that they are now at the bottom of their grades and are not eligible for re-examination. Well, prepare separately, pay attention to concealment, and don't expose your position easily."

Captain Chen returned to his battle position in a hurry, Chu Jungui racked the machine gun, and finally checked the shooting circle.

At the foot of Laoshan, both squads have entered the offensive position and are finally mobilizing.

The squad leader of class 53 opened the speaker and snarled at it: "Look, we have no way out! Although there are 54 classes at the bottom, there is definitely more than one class to be eliminated this time! After a while, the battle begins, Lao Tzu The first rush, who dares to hinder the whole class, Lao Tzu will never let him go! Have you heard anything? "

There was a ghost crying on the communication channel, and the monitor was very satisfied: "Very well, everyone is very angry! Now we pour dozens, and then everyone rushes together! No matter how bad our luck is, we will not encounter the last abnormality again. Both Are you ready? Now countdown, ten, nine ... "

Da da da! A crisp short shot interrupted the countdown.

I watched the tracer flare high above my head, and the squad leader suddenly became bitter.

The long bell rang, the assessment officially started, and the countdown to Class 53 should also come to an end. But the entire offensive position was quiet, no one charged, no probe, no one even spoke.

The deputy squad leader moved over and said softly, "Willn't it be the pervert again? Maybe it really was a gunfire?"

The squad leader didn't speak, but just held his helmet with a gun and poked out a bit.

With a bang, a bullet flew in, hitting the helmet with a finger just out of the ground.

The deputy squad leader looked bleak and said, "What an abnormality! What should we do?"

The squad leader stretched his body, changed to a more comfortable posture, calmly calmly, and said, "I have encountered it once, do not know what to do? Go live."

"But what about retaking the exam?"

"What are you afraid of, even if you fail, will there be another 60 class at the bottom?"

The deputy squad leader finally understood and sat down helplessly. According to the assessment regulations, people who are still alive at the time will still get points even if they fail the assessment. It is precisely because of this provision that the performance of the 54 classes killed by all members will be lower than that of 53 classes.

There is no other way but to work hard and seek some psychological comfort.

On the battlefield, Chu Jun waited for a full three minutes, except for a helmet, there were no results. The offensive position on the opposite side was silent, just like nobody, and no one could imagine that a whole class was hidden inside.

枪 At this time, the other side of the position was full of gunfire, and the battle was extremely fierce.

"Go there first." Chu Jun jumped out of the position holding the machine gun. Before he left, he suddenly remembered something, so he took out a micro-toss to the position and turned on the switch.

Along with exciting music, a large beam of brilliant light exploded in the air, and finally merged into eight eye-catching characters of one meter square: charge innocence, shameful life!

The three deputy shooters were stunned and couldn't see why.

"Ammunition! Keep up!" Chu Jun yelled and rushed to the position on the other side. The three deputy shooters then remembered the extra clause in their mission statement: If Chu Jun returned to ‘to die’, the reward would be zero.

They immediately picked up the assault rifle, picked up the ammunition box, and immediately followed Chu Jun's return.

With the roar of the light machine gun, the 60th class soon realized the astonishment and tragedy of the 54th class. They didn't have any chance to adjust their tactics, and they fell on the charge. Many people don't know how they died when they fell.

楚 When Chu Jun returned to his original position, the offensive position of Class 53 was still dead, as if this assessment had nothing to do with them.

Xi Chujun beckoned and the captain came together obediently. Although he is the captain, but after watching Chu Jungui's shooting, he has quietly changed his position with Chu Jungui.

Wu Chujun turned to the offensive position and said, "We have 30 people, and they have less than 120!"

The Captain Nodded his head and felt the huge gap between the enemy and us.

"Occupy the main points of the surface positions first, surround them, and then connect them to the pot!" Chu Jun turned to a gesture of cutting his throat. He has learned such cool poses from movies.

"Okay." The captain Muran nodded, Muran arranged, Muran led the team to cover, and then successfully occupied the surface position.

On the training ground No. 31, the first case of the Blue Army surrounded and wiped out the attacker was born.

The next day, there will be one assessment each morning and afternoon. The two exams refer to the top 30 classes, and their combat effectiveness has increased significantly. Each assessment battle was extremely fierce. Chu Jun had to empty two ammunition boxes before he could end the examination.

He wanted to play more ammunition. However, the opposite side didn't cooperate very well. He always rushed in charge, trying to kill the **** of the machine gun.

No matter whether it was a group of fifty or seventy people, they failed to test the limit of Chu Jun's shooting efficiency. He basically shot one shot and occasionally needed to replenish his shots; it was only necessary to make room for special circumstances. Use a short shot to get rid of the students who blocked the shooting. If a short shot doesn't move far enough, then add a long shot.

After two days, there were already seven squads of tactical infantry that failed the assessment. The unusually severe examination situation finally caught the attention of all tactical infantry ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then urgently discussed countermeasures overnight.

On the third day, there was only one assessment. Participants were 37 and 41, ranked 20th. The two squads actually did not choose the traditional two-wing joint attack tactics, but joined forces in one place, intending to overwhelm Chu Jun's position with an absolute number advantage.

At this moment, the helicopter in the air has been replaced with a model that is a full circle. There are seven or eight people standing in the cabin, and Qin Yi and Lieutenant Colonel Hu of the logistics department are among them. Su Xue and Li Bin were all rushed to the corner. With so many officers there, naturally there was no place for them.

Seeing the new tactics of Classes 37 and 41, Lieutenant Colonel Hu, who seemed like a virgin steel, was a little bit calm, and said, "Is this illegal?"

A major instructor next to the grandma said, "Strictly speaking, it is not a violation, and there is no rule that two classes cannot choose the same offensive position."

"Is there no rule? Then add it now." Lieutenant Colonel Hu did indeed have a consistent style.

Major Tong was very embarrassed. "This, the task rules have been issued, I'm afraid ... not very good."

He was able to finish his words under the penetrating eyes of Colonel Hu.

"Then add a few sets of artillery fire support to the Blue Army? It doesn't take too much, you can do it at the division level." Colonel Hu has new suggestions.

Major Li saw sweat on his forehead.

在 At this moment, Qin Yi released the siege for him, "It doesn't seem to be necessary, you see!"

Qin Yi enlarged the image of Chu Jungui.

On the ground, facing the unprecedented turbulent assault team, Chu Jungui silently picked up another machine gun, holding one in each of his left and right, without any slight shaking of the muzzle.

Defensive firepower doubles instantly.

A short while later, the 37th and 41st tactical infantry were completely destroyed.

Blue Army Legendary Gunner ‘The Legend of Hungry Wolf’ has since participated in business.

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