God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 996: Killed to self-appointment (2)

After years of silence, the universe finally experienced a major shock today.

The invincible existence that existed in the memories of many creatures gradually emerged as the vibration resounded.


Terrifying power covered the Star Demon Realm, and the Star Demons in it were terrified.

For the first time in many years, they felt helpless and frightened.

boom! boom!

The ancient **** has opened all thirteen bloodlines.

Ancient God's Nirvana, Ancient God's Latent Wrath, Ancient God's Giant Spirit, Ancient God's Nightmare, Ancient God's Dharma Body, Ancient God's Conferred Spirit...

Many bloodlines are condensed in the body of an ancient **** who is the pinnacle of the Creator Protoss.

Its strength is so terrifying that even the three great creator protoss in the star demon are trembling.


The powerful force fell on the Good Fortune Cauldron, although it weakened nearly 90% of its power, but the remaining 10% of the power was transmitted in, and it also hurt the spell-making star spirit, and even killed many low-level star demons.

Only the Creator Protoss can resist, but this seems even more desperate.

boom! ! boom! !

Many demon lairs in the Star Demon Territory are collapsing, and many star demons are shaken to death by the fluctuations.

Many starry sky creatures are in distant places, although they cannot see this scene, they are all very happy.

Star demons sweep across the universe every ten thousand years. Except for those top races, the weak are powerless to resist. They can only hide or be slaughtered.

"It's retribution!"

Many starry sky creatures were excited.

Rumble! !

The old patriarch finally shook the Creation Cauldron with one punch in countless attacks.

This is one of the weapons of the True God of Good Fortune, one-eighth of the split of the true God of Good Fortune's weapon, and its power cannot be competed by any creature in the universe.

But under the attack of the old patriarch, he was a little unstable.

Seeing the trembling cauldron of good fortune, the leader of the three major creator gods trembled and said: "The destruction of the ancient gods does not lie with us, the key lies with the gods! They want to seize the resources of the ancient gods, so during the war, they took advantage of the ancient gods. When we went out to fight with us, the Protoss took the backup from the rear, leaving the Ancient Gods in isolation, so we succeeded!"

"The root lies in the Protoss. If they hadn't been making trouble in the rear, we would not have succeeded! The same is true for the Six Realms. When they saw us attacking, they used the Six Realms as cannon fodder and ran away!"

Another explanation for the ugly face of the Creator Protoss.

For the first time in many years, he was so afraid.

"So it's not your fault?"

The terrifying thirteen-star ancient god, with a lot of power added to his body, and the laws surrounding his body, became as huge as a planet. Standing on the top of the starry sky, he intercepted hundreds of billions of star demons in the Star Demon Realm.

There was anger in his voice.

It was another punch, which made the cauldron vibrate, and the fluctuation spread, and large numbers of star demons were smashed again.

The remaining ten spell-making protoss quickly cast spells to resist, but they were still seriously injured.

"We...we were wrong."

The leading creator Protoss bowed his head.

They believed that the Fortune Cauldron could block the opponent's attack, but they knew that it could only block 90% of the attack, and the remaining 10% was enough to destroy all star demons below the Fortune Star Spirit.

So, they are afraid.

"How many times have I forgiven you?"

The old patriarch was angry, he was questioning, and he was also rectifying.

The strength of the whole body is concentrated in the two fists, attacking again to create the cauldron.

The humming sound kept ringing.

It's so strong, it's almost invincible.

Piece after piece of Star Demons fell, they could not hide in the Star Demon Realm, they were all shaken by the waves.

"Thirteen-star ancient god, we are willing to proclaim ourselves forever, please don't destroy us, this time, we dare not mess around again!"

The leading Creator Protoss knelt down trembling.

The strongest star demon kneels, and the rest of the star demons all kneel.

The old patriarch remained indifferent, surrounded by many laws of destruction and chaos, and possessed the power of thirteen bloodlines.

Its power makes the universe tremble.

He looked at the kneeling man, and in silence, he punched the Creation Cauldron one after another.

Some star demons wanted to hide, but they had nowhere to hide, and the power of the shock caused large areas of star demons to fall down.

The creator protoss and the law-making protoss did not dare to give protection, for fear that after the protection, the most powerful person in the universe would be angered, and the Star Demon Territory would be destroyed by then.

boom! !

boom! !

Even if only 10% of the power of the shock is left, the ancient star spirit will die, and the Xing Nirvana Star Market will be shattered. As for the Dao Yuan under the Star Market, etc., there is no chance of survival.

Hundreds of billions of star demons are under the bombardment of the old patriarch at this moment, smashing one hundred million after another.

They are regretful and helpless at the moment.

Before that, they swept across the starry sky, killing anyone they saw, and were ferocious hunters.

Now, they have changed from hunters to prey, and they can only wait for death in despair.

boom! !

The Fortune Cauldron trembled violently after being bombarded by the old patriarch.

The Creator Protoss and the Law-making Protoss were still kneeling in front of the Demon Nest, not daring to raise their heads.

The ancient gods other than Fortune Cauldron are too strong, so strong that they despair.

Every blow of the ancient **** shook the starry sky in the far west, and made other starry skies tremble.

Finally, at the end, the hundreds of billions of star demons were wiped out to only 300 million, and the old patriarch slowly stopped.

"Hand over the Creation Cauldron! Then proclaim yourself! Never come out!"

The old patriarch withdrew his hands, and there was lawful power in his voice, rumbling across the Star Demon Realm, killing some dying ancient star spirits.

This is the law that follows the words, and the terrifying law of chaos surrounds the Star Demon Realm.

"Please don't take away the Good Fortune Cauldron, otherwise we will be wiped out by other races."

Headed by the Creator Protoss Trill.

What responded to him was the power that could destroy countless star fields.

Rumble! !

A few punches fell, and another 100 million star demons were wiped out.

"Are you also afraid of being destroyed by other races? Hand over the Good Fortune Cauldron! If you refuse, I can keep attacking until the Good Fortune Cauldron is shaken!"

The thirteen-star ancient **** is the thirteen-star ancient god. He is too powerful, and he is not afraid of weapons of fortune.

Creator Protoss trembled, hesitated, and the old patriarch made another move.

boom! boom! boom!

The Creation Cauldron is trembling, and many star demons are being destroyed.

Finally, the leader of the creation protoss was afraid: "Senior... please keep your word, don't destroy us!"

"You think I'm you?"

"We were wrong."

"My seat speaks out the law, and the law of chaos surrounds the Star Demon Realm. If you never leave the Star Demon Realm, I will naturally not destroy you! Hand it over!"

The ancient **** opened his mouth.

He wiped out hundreds of billions of star demons, leaving only 200 million alive, which is really shocking.

"Okay... okay... we will never leave the Star Demon Realm, and the law will follow what the senior says. If I wait to go out, the law will notify the senior, and I will not dare to mess around again!"

The leading creator protoss got up, and the other two creator protoss also got up.

The three creator star spirits simultaneously used secret techniques to cut off the connection with the Good Fortune Cauldron and obliterate the mark of the Good Fortune Cauldron.

Immediately, the Fortune Cauldron became an ownerless thing.

The Star Demon Realm was completely exposed to the ancient gods.

At that moment, many star demons trembled.

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