God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 970: Brother, give me face, forget it (7)

At that moment, his aura instantly soared to a level comparable to that of a god, and the murderous intent in his eyes scared all the people present to collapse on the spot.

Plop! Plop! Plop! …

All the creatures in the starry sky subconsciously knelt down and begged for mercy.

This scene was shocking.

All the creatures in the starry sky were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

The only ones who can stand are Star Soul Little Girl, Jin Duande, Earth Dog, Qi Wangshu, Spirit Clan and Whale Clan.

The rest of the people were frightened and knelt down.

The power of the dark giant **** is too terrifying. No matter how strong the top peerless **** king is, he will easily kill him instantly, and no one dares to resist.

Ye Que glanced at the people present, and suddenly, a dark and cold gaze fell on him.

His heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look around.

At that moment, the palpitations disappeared again.

Ye Que was very vigilant, the blood of immortality could be activated at any time.

Looking back at the many creatures in the starry sky, there was indifference in his eyes.

Whoever he saw, he kowtowed and begged for mercy.

When he looked at the blood saint son, the blood saint son trembled with fright.

"Don't...don't come here..."

The blood saint son retreated, and the guards of the **** king behind him resisted the fear and protected the blood saint son.

"You will definitely die today! It's useless if the gods come!"

Ye Que walked towards the Holy Son of Blood, his voice was cold, with the intention of killing decisively, but after he finished speaking, he glanced at the bewildered Jin Duande again.

Jin Duande understood in seconds, ran over in an instant, stood in front of the blood saint and said, "Forget it, big brother! Forget it! Big...cough, senior Ye, can you look at my little side and spare him a little bit?" Life?"

Blood Saint Son immediately hugged Jin Duande's arm as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, with gratitude in his eyes.

He remembered that Jin Duande and Ye Liangchen were friends before.

Ye Que frowned, but still stopped.

"How much is your face worth? Jin Duande, it's nothing, I can accommodate it!"

Ye Que said with a gloomy face.

Jin Duande's body trembled, and the Blood Son could clearly feel Brother Jin's body trembling, and was instantly frightened to pieces.

If even brother Jin can't protect him, it's really over.

"Get out of the way, I won't kill you."

Ye Que said to Jin Duan De coldly.

The two guys sang together, and they were dumbfounded by Qi Wangshu and the local dog.

Jin Duande backed away tremblingly, and said with a flattering smile, "Big... big brother... my face... still... still worth some money..."

As he said that, he turned around and whispered to the Blood Saint Son: "What treasure is on your body? Take it out quickly! Take it out and give it to Senior Ye, it will save your life!"

"Yes... yes yes yes! Yes yes yes yes yes!"

Hearing Jin Duande's words, Blood Saint Son felt that it was reasonable, and immediately took out the treasure, but for a moment, he hesitated.

This scene was seen by Jin Duande.

He eagerly whispered: "You don't want to die? Didn't you see that Senior Ye has three eyes? Those are the eyes of the gods that can see through everything. He knows exactly how many treasures you have. Don't hide them! You will die! Yes! Letting you take it this time is a chance for you to admit your mistake! Otherwise, when you die, senior can take all your treasures!"

Xue Shengzi shook his body, turned his head to look at Ye Shenwang's three eyes, and was immediately frightened.

He gritted his teeth and took out all the treasures tremblingly.

There are four or five golden star cards, and many treasures are in the storage ring, all handed in.

"Brother Jin... you must save my life! If you can save me, from today onwards, you will be my brother who lives and dies with me!"

Blood Saint Son really took out all his wealth, and solemnly entrusted him.

Jin Duande snatched these treasures away, gritted his teeth and said: "I will do my best!"

As soon as he turned around, he handed over the treasure with a flattering smile: "Senior Ye... Look, it's still worth some money...You...you accept it!"

Ye Que remained silent.

Anger freezes into something.

Xue Shengzi looked at Ye Shenwang tremblingly, knowing whether he would survive or not, it was at this moment.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Jin Duande turned around and said, "Let your **** king guards also hand in the treasure! Hurry up! Don't hide it!"

The Blood Son immediately followed suit.

In the end, the guards of the **** king handed over the treasure to Jin Duande, and Jin Duande handed the treasure to Ye Que.

Seeing this, Ye Que said, "When I make friends, Ye Que doesn't care about your strengths, I only care about your attitude! Jin Duande, you give me a very good impression, but... don't be an example!"

He stretched out his hand and took away all the treasures in Jin Duande's hands.


Blood Saint Son sat down on the ground and murmured: "I survived! I survived!"

He raised his head and looked at Jin Duande, with tears in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Thank you brother! Brother Jin! Thank you!"

Jin Duande sighed, squatted down and helped the Blood Son up: "Don't do anything wrong next time! I advised you before, but you didn't listen! Hey! If there is another time, I can't save you!"

"Don't worry, there will never be a next time!"

Xue Shengzi wiped away his tears and looked at Jin Duande's eyes with light.

Not far away, Qi Wangshu and Tugou were stunned.

What the hell, he was sold and returned the money to the number of people, and he also thanked each mouthful, which is too beautiful.


As soon as Ye Que turned around, he turned his attention to the juniors of other overlord forces. These juniors were on the same level as the Blood Saint Son and the Third Prince, and were protected by the top peerless **** kings.

It's a pity that these top peerless **** kings were all suppressed, and these juniors were all frightened.

At this time, when they saw Ye Shenwang coming, they imitated Jin Duande's example, handed over all the treasures, and kowtowed for mercy.

Ye Que seemed to have lost his anger, and said lightly, "I'm not an indiscriminate killer! This time, it's a warning!"

With that said, he took away all the treasures.

Turning around again, he glanced at the Whale Race and the Spirit Race.

"Senior Ye."

Qi Wangshu put on a show, shielding the frightened Lingling behind his back, and gave a flattering smile.

"It's a good girl, take care of it."

Ye Que didn't do anything, just said this sentence.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Qi Wangshu just hugged Lingling.

Lingling said with red eyes: "Wang Shu! You are so kind!"

The peerless **** kings and **** kings protecting Lingling changed again when they looked at Qi Wangshu.

Ye Que stopped paying attention to the Spirit Clan and Whale Clan. He turned to look at the many starry sky creatures kneeling on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Those who don't want to die, hand over all the treasures! Those who want to die, stand up!"

Many creatures in the starry sky did not dare to be presumptuous, and handed in their treasures one after another.

Because I heard Jin Duande said that Senior Ye's eyes can see through everything, so many people dared not hide it and handed it all in.

At the same time, I feel extremely regretful.

If I had known earlier, I would not have come to explore.

Not to mention that the treasure was not found, but the treasures all over the body were given away.

What kind of adventure is this?

Probe with a hammer!

Ye Que took piles of treasures away, thinking that he could break through two or three realms again.

He was satisfied, but turned around indifferently, facing the statue, and said indifferently: "Go aside, don't disturb me!"

After all, he approached the statue, and his three eyes looked at this extremely beautiful statue of the twelve-star ancient goddess.

Faintly, he saw fluctuations in the eyes of the statue.

Ye Que was taken aback for a moment, and then excitedly said, "Could it be alive?"

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