God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 964: Unscrupulous businessman Ye Boss (1)

"Son of Blood, we are here to hunt for treasure, and we cannot conflict with the peerless **** king. Senior Ye and I met once many years ago. How about this, I will ask for mercy and see if he can help us for free. Open a passage."

As soon as he said this, there was a touch of emotion in the eyes of the blood saint.

The way he looked at Jin Duande changed again and again.

From the very beginning of the encounter, Kim Duande helped him to cheer him up.

Then to the distress command on the road.

From the last to the present, please ask the peerless **** king to open the way for free...

You know, Brother Jin's strength is only at the fifth level of Daoyuan.

All these things made the Blood Son think that he had found a treasure.

"Although this person's realm is weak, he is extremely loyal! It is rare to meet such a sincere friend! My Blood Son, I must be friends with him!"

Blood Saint Son glanced at Ye Liangchen in the sky, with disdain in his eyes.

Although, he believed that the top peerless **** king behind him would definitely be able to suppress the opponent.

However, Jin Duande's actions moved him even more.

"Forget it, spare your life!"

He looked at Ye Liangchen and said to himself, and then said via voice transmission: "Brother Jin, if Ye Liangchen has the slightest intention to kill, he will kill Ye Liangchen!"

The top peerless **** king behind him nodded, and when he looked at Ye Liangchen, he was also a little unhappy.

"Senior Ye! When I was in Xingkongfang City, I hosted you! Now, for my good friend, I beg you to open a passage for us! He is going to the other side of the sea, and I want to go with him! "

Well, this guy's excuse is exactly the same as Qi Wangshu's.

All the creatures in the starry sky turned black when they heard this.

Why don't you find an excuse, can you change it to something fresh?

Ye Que's face was dark, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Thanks to Qi Wangshu and his group walking fast, otherwise they would have to reveal their secrets when they heard this.

"Brother, I'm about to break into their interior! Just let us pass for free. This is an early investment, and there must be great treasures to be found in the later stage!"

Jin Duande voice transmission.

Ye Que stared at Jin Duande with a dark face, and said in a deep voice: "You are only at the fifth level of Daoyuan, and you dare to do such a thing just for a friend. It is really admirable, and it really touched me! That's all, miss you and I have a relationship once, and I want your sincerity, so I will let you pass for free!"

The creatures in the starry sky were dumbfounded.

You seem to have heard this just now, right?

It is exactly the same.

"Is this peerless king so easily moved?"

Someone was dumbfounded.

"Son of Blood, let's go."

Jin Duande turned around and smiled.

Blood Saint Son sighed softly, handed a black star card to Jin Duande and said: "There are ten million third-grade star cores in it, take it and practice hard! In addition, I have some treasures here, which can help you improve as soon as possible." realm!"

Jin Duan De quickly took the black star card, and said with a straight face: "I am not a greedy person, the main thing is that the blood saint son saved me before, these are what I should do!"

Seeing that the other party answered so quickly, the blood saint son felt a little strange when he heard this sentence again.

"Son of Blood, let's go!"

Jin Duande's words interrupted his thoughts.

He didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Before entering the passage, he looked up at Ye Liangchen, and said via voice transmission: "You are lucky! If the peerless king behind me did it, you would not be so safe and sound!"

Ye Que ignored it.

In his eyes, these peerless **** kings are no different from the third prince.

It is still important to close the star core.

More and more people went in, and he received more and more star cores, which made him smile with joy.

But the good times didn't last long.

Someone went to the other side of the sea and found that there was no treasure there, and his mentality exploded on the spot.

"That earth dog lied to us, there is no treasure at all!"

"That earth dog is a trustee! Is it! I came to explore and hunt for treasures. I just came in, and I didn't even see a single hair. The star core was deceived!"

"The earth dog and Ye Liangchen are in collusion! I'm so mad!"

"They are all profiteers! Black-hearted boss!"

Someone came back with a message, which calmed down many people.

They looked at Ye Que with unfriendly eyes, but they didn't dare to make a move.

Ye Que said cheekily: "It's all voluntary! I didn't force it!"

That's what he said, but he looked backward from time to time.

Not for anything else, the main reason is that I am afraid of being beaten with a sap.

"Let's go! The continents on the left and right are not too big. You can visit them all in one day. There are no treasures. If you want to win the opportunity, you have to go to the deepest part."

Some people think that the other side of the inland sea still needs to be searched.

There are not a few such people, and after handing in the star core, they went to the other side of the sea.

Ye Que collected star cores as usual. Although it was not as cool as before, he could still make a lot of money.

a day later.

There are almost no star creatures who want to go to the other side of the inland sea.

This is also normal.

Adventure treasure hunting, the fight is time.

It's been a day, and the people who went there before have already searched everything they can, and there is nothing to gain if they go again.

"It's so cool to collect hundreds of millions! I have to go in too!"

Ye Que looked at the inland sea unsatisfied, and got into the passage by himself.

As soon as he left, there were no obstacles, and many starry sky creatures followed.

But still not many keep up.

It's the same old saying.

The starry sky creature's desire to think about the past is already weakening.

Ye Que walked through the passage, found a place where no one was around, and entered the inner world.

Looking at the extinct treasures in the place, especially the **** tree and the **** star spring, which are heavyweight treasures, his eyes are shining.

"There are three fruits on the tree of gods, but they are not yet fully ripe, so we have to wait."

He swallowed, and ran to the side to check the star core he had earned.

Not counting the golden star card given by the third prince, there are more than 900 million third-grade star cores in his hand.

I'll be good, it's a lot.

Then calculate the fourth-grade star core.

There are still a small number of people who can possess fourth-grade star cores, but they cannot cope with the large number, and there are more than 200 million star cores in total.

"This time, the sixth-level ancient ruins are not in vain, and they can be upgraded to another level!"

View panel data.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: First Level of Divine Nirvana]

[Advanced: Swallow 200 million fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the second level of the God Nirvana Realm (the second level of the God King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/200000000 (pieces)]

Devour all 200 million fourth-grade star cores.

The new data is as follows—

【Progress: 200000000/200000000 (pieces)】

"Ding! The host has swallowed 200 million fourth-grade star cores, and has achieved the qualification to break through to the second level of divine nirvana! Do you want to break through?"



Another powerful aura came from him.

He let out a breath and looked at the panel data.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: Divine Nirvana Level 2]

[Advanced: Swallow 800 million fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the third level of the God Nirvana Realm (the third level of the God King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/800000000 (pieces)]

Only 800 million fourth-grade star cores can break through.

Ye Que's legs were a little weak.

Fifty million from the beginning.

to the previous 200 million.

And then to the current 800 million.

Quadruple Quadruple Increase…

It's scary.

He turned his head to look at the spirit tree.

I hope the fruit on the tree will ripen sooner. If I can really become a **** after one bite, it will be much easier.

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