God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 892: Take lunch to go (1)

"Is it?"

The second elder, Jin Kaishi, had mockery in his eyes.

"Looking at your situation, it shouldn't be considered a Dao source, but in the face of many gods, your ability has come to an end."

The first elder made way.

Feeling that she had won, Jin Yuxue raised her chin like a swan, looked down at Ye Que and sneered, "I tell you, it's too late for you to regret it now! Miss Ben will never forgive you for your disrespect and greed for me!"

What kind of thing is Ye Liangchen, dare to be presumptuous to her?

She is the daughter of the patriarch of the Golden Beetle Clan. She has a noble status, and she is not something that can be contradicted by just a small character.

It is also the other party's honor that the other party can cure her father, and there is no way to try to find a leak in the Golden Beetle Clan.

Ye Que, who was in the form of a giant god, stared at Jin Yuxue and said, "Lie to me! Trick me! You still want to kill me now! You all have to die!"


With one step, the starry sky trembled.

The two elders took the young lady away from Ye Liangchen, and the young lady sneered: "Cheat you? Can we call this cheating? You are not the source of Dao, and when you are presumptuous to me, it is already great that this lady can give you some star cores." Grace!"

"You have to be clear, not everyone is qualified to contact my father! This is your honor!"

"As for playing with you? You are a small source of Dao, is it worth playing with us?"

"As for killing you? Look at your dick, who do you want to scare? We're afraid to make a move, right?"

She held her head high, the more she looked at Ye Liangchen's slack, the more ridiculous she felt.

Ye Queyin sneered coldly: "Really? I hope you can still be so unreasonable and strong!"

"In his form, his strength is only at the third level of the Divine Ruins Realm. I know the basics. Don't worry about it, just treat it as a joke!"

"I told you he's an idiot! You still don't believe me!"

Xue Chen and Xing Han walked in, Xue Chen was the leader, with bloodlust and teasing in his eyes.

"We've waited long enough, are you scared now?"

Xinghan sneered.

"Your woman was targeted by someone I sent. I don't believe it. She can stay out of Xing Kong Fang City for the rest of her life! I have a hundred ways to play with her!"

Xuechen twisted his neck, stretched out his hand, pushed Xinghan away, and said ferociously: "A daoyuan bastard, hiding his strength? Confidence? Who gave you the confidence? You still want to attack us, where did you get the confidence!"

To deal with a Dao source, he alone is enough.

He is not a waste like Xinghan.

If they really wanted to join forces, he would feel ashamed and disgusted.


Taking one step forward, the aura of the fifth level of the Divine Ruins Realm spread, covering Ye Que directly.

"His self-confidence comes from ignorance! He doesn't know the strength of the strong, so he dares to be arrogant!"

Jin Yuxue had seen the disgusting appearance of such inferior people a lot, and when she said this sentence, everyone present agreed.

"I said, I will show you the fear of the Black Sea Group, Ye Liangchen, do you regret it?"

Xinghan endured Xuechen's behavior, because Ye Liangchen was about to die, and the hatred in his heart could be vented.

"The starry sky is too big, and there are too many ignorant people. You may be a local strongman, omnipotent, but when you go out, you have to lower your head! Do you understand? Ye Liangchen!"

Xue Chen sneered, and took another step, approaching Ye Que.

At this time, the two sides were less than 500 meters away.

Ye Que's three eyes stared at Xuechen, and said lightly: "I've pretended enough, it's time to get a box lunch!"

He walked towards Xuechen.

"Ye Liangchen, today I will wake you up and realize how cruel the reality is!"

He took another step and went straight to kill, his right fist condensed the starlight, containing the terrifying power of the fifth level of the Shenxu.

"Then you should also be sober, some people, you shouldn't provoke them!"

Ye Que stretched out his hand, then stretched out his fingers, flicking slightly.

Before the person moved, the nine purple stars around him had turned into nine cannonballs, hitting the blood star directly from nine directions.

"It's so funny! Some people shouldn't be provoked, who gave you the courage to say this..."

Jin Yuxue was watching the play, but she stopped abruptly before she finished speaking.

Not only her, but the two elders around her, several dao sources patrolling outside, two first and second ranks of Shenxu, including Xinghan, were all horrified.

Look at the field again.

Xue Chen's punch, before he could get close to Ye Que, was crushed by nine fist-sized purple stars, crushing his arm.

"I personally confirmed that his strength is only at the third level of the God Ruins Realm. Even if he breaks through in the past ten years, his strength is at most the fourth level of the God Ruins Realm! What's going on?"

Xing Han's expression changed drastically, and he lost his voice in shock.

This blow is too strong, the destructive power is very thorough, it has reached the point of being invincible in the same realm.

But, why does the opponent possess such terrifying combat power?


Xuechen screamed, and the pupils in his eyes fluctuated violently.

"How is that possible! His strength back then was only at the third level of the Divine Ruins Realm, I have truly experienced it!"

Xinghan exclaimed again, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

"You are just too weak, and you are not qualified to let me use stronger strength!"

Ye Que's words shocked everyone.

too weak?

So he is not qualified to use stronger strength?

Very slap in the face, but also very arrogant.

But that's how it is.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Nine voices sounded in succession.

Xuechen was like a chick, he was rampant when he came, but now he was bombarded by nine purple stars, he jumped up and down, unable to fight back.

Although he is fifth rank, Ye Que is fifth rank, but in the fifth rank, Ye Que is much stronger, almost invincible in the same realm.

Good fortune ancient **** body, giant **** spirit power, these two great bonuses are not a joke.

"Ah... help me..."

Xuechen screamed again and again, no matter whether he fought back or opened the distance, he couldn't do it, and was restricted by the nine stars.

"Today's box lunch, eat your fill!"

Ye Que's eyes of reincarnation rotated, and black flames sprouted from Xuechen's body.

He strode forward, and the power of the giant **** descended powerfully.

boom! !

Susano's body opened, and the blood gushed out, turning into a huge blood body.

"Whoever dares to come over will die!!"

When Ye Que said a word, everyone present was so shocked that they didn't dare to say a word.

Just because it was too shocking.

The small Daoyuan crushed the fifth-order Shenxu.

Who dares to make a move?

No one dares.

boom! !

The terrifying bombardment erupted instantly from the blood body, from both fists, from the black flames, and from the nine stars.

Not only that, good fortune sees through the opponent's flaws, and his moves hit the vital points directly, and his moves are fatal.

So many successive attacks came out in an instant.

"Ah!! Don't...don't kill me...please...please..."

Xue Chen's voice was instantly high, and then instantly extinguished.

Just because he died.

It was completely dead.

Before he could finish his sentence, he was instantly killed.

Yes, a powerhouse at the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm was instantly defeated.

All around, there was an instant silence.

Elder Jin Kaishi said with an ugly face: "Things... seem to be getting complicated... If I knew it earlier, I would have given him the star core if I knew it..."

"No! A trash! An inferior person, no matter how strong he is, he is no more than the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm! I, the Golden Beetle Clan, would be afraid of this kind of thing? My clan has a **** king! No matter how daring he is, I will destroy him !"

Jin Yuxue screamed and shouted, her image of Ye Liangchen had always been low-level and rubbish, no matter how strong the opponent was, she was no better than her Golden Beetle Clan.

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