God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 867: Facing the Six Realms of the Star Demon Alone (4)

In order to wait for this scene, the Six Realms paid a painful price, and even Tathagata beheaded himself.

Those weak common people are all crying.

The world of beasts was killed into the world of blood, and countless creatures died tragically.

Even Ye Que was overjoyed and saddened.

"Kill! Kill her!"

The gods came back to their senses and shook the six worlds with a sound.


The gods strike the final blow.

There was blood in their eyes, and they killed the powerhouses of the six realms without being soft-hearted or soft-hearted, and they wanted to kill the masters of the six realms.

Roar! !

The undead roared, Susano waved his huge wings and forcibly killed him.

"Stop him!"

The **** king was furious.

However, before they could make a move, Ye Que's strength had faded.

"Ding! The host's energy and blood are insufficient, and all forms disappear!"

"Ding! The host has overdrawn his life, and his foundation has completely collapsed, and his life is dying!"


Ye Que fell on the ground, the three forms disappeared, his body was covered in blood, **** steam was also emitting, and the pupils in his eyes collapsed.

This sudden scene shocked the King of God to great joy.

"Finally exhausted him!"

"Kill! Kill him!"

The **** king was afraid of this ancient god, and he didn't even have the courage to take a look at this ancient god.

Now everyone is making a move to kill the ancient god.

Thirty-one **** kings made moves, with ruthless moves, directly hitting the ancient gods.

It seems that this fatal situation cannot be reversed.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

Rumble! !

There was a loud noise from the distant star field, and a lawful power that no living being could resist came from the distant star field, like a storm in the starry sky, no living being could avoid it, and all of them were affected.

The power of the **** king collapsed in an instant.

The golden mask instantly collapsed.

The gods lost their strength and fell.

Even the demon girl who had just stepped out of the black chrysalis was shaken to the ground.

Even the three great gods were too shocked to use any power.

All creatures looked at the distant starry sky in horror.

There, there is a terrifying big hand covering the star field and attacking the six realms.


The boundless frenzy of star demons came roaring like countless locusts in the starry sky behind the big hand.

It was a quantity that would make one despair at a glance.

Suddenly, there was a voice.

"Protoss, if you dare to walk out of the Good Fortune Gate, you will be disrespectful to the Star Demon!"

The voice containing the power of law came from the other side of the distant starry sky, containing the supreme power that no one can resist.

The three gods shivered, their pupils shrinking.

"It's the law-making protoss!"


The **** was shocked by the photo, turned around and fled.

However, how could the gods locked by the law escape from being wiped out by the law-making protoss.


The giant hand of fear contains law, which is an absolutely obliterating power, and even the gods cannot resist it.

The mighty power swept across.

The common people panicked.

The gods collapsed.

"Wait, disappear!"

The voice from the far side of the starry sky contains laws, saying that whoever wants to die must die.

The giant hand pressed down and wiped out the three great gods.

Boom! !

Above the starry sky, in the deepest part of the unknown, a figure intertwined with laws descended.

That figure was vague, contained laws, and contained supreme power. As soon as Shi Shi appeared, he forcibly locked the star field.

"The star demon has discovered this place, and the gods have returned to the God Realm. Starting today, the God Realm will close the gate of creation!"

The voice of the figure also contained terrifying power, and he turned around, faced the huge palm, and slapped it.

That palm contains the supreme, the law, and the power that can obliterate everything.

In an instant, the two palms collided, resulting in a clash of laws, and the star field was shaken, and the force of the impact almost caused the star field to collapse.

When the impact disappeared, two huge black holes appeared in this star field, swallowing everything.

In fact, both sides are restraining, otherwise this blow can destroy thousands of star fields.

After all, one wants to protect the Star Demon.

One does not dare to destroy the Six Realms, because the law-making gods of the God Realm, the power in their bodies contains the true meaning of the law that must not attack the Six Realms.

Once he made a move, he didn't even dare to conceive the idea of ​​helping the gods destroy the six realms, otherwise the laws would collapse and the law-making gods would annihilate themselves.

For various reasons, both sides were afraid, so they restrained themselves.

"God Realm, you'd better not leave the gate of Creation for the rest of your life! You'd better pray to the Star Demon Clan not to give birth to the True Creation Spirit! Otherwise, the True Creation Spirit will destroy the universe with one thought! Wait, everyone will die!"

The hand slowly disappeared.

"You should also pray to my gods, don't give birth to a true **** of good fortune, otherwise, the star demons will die!"

That vague figure opened a passage to the God Realm in a single thought.

"The star demon is attacking, you are not the opponent of the star demon! Go back!"

The blurry figure spoke slowly.

God King Baiyu bowed and said, "The Six Realms have been breached, but..."

"Shut up!"

The gods shouted loudly.

Dare to say this to the law-making gods, this is to destroy the cultivation of the law-making gods.

"Since they want freedom, let them be free!"

Another **** said coldly.


The Divine King Baiyu wiped off his cold sweat, and flew to the passageway of the God Realm with the gods.

The people of the six realms were stunned for a moment, they were completely dumbfounded as they stared at the star demon all over the sky.

Seeing this, God King Baiyu smiled coldly: "The freedom you want is given to you! The God Realm will no longer protect you! Enjoy your freedom!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on the ancient **** who was almost dead and his pupils collapsed, playing with his taste: "You are so strong, go fight the star demon."

With a sneer, he left with the gods.

The last strongest person in the world, one is Di Xiwei, and one is the great power of Nanling in the yin and yang realm.

Gazing at the desolation, star demons, and the scenes of the gods leaving after fighting, he suddenly fell to the ground and cried, "God, you used the six realms as a shield again!"

In ancient times, that similar scene repeated itself.

All the living beings cried out in grief.

They were powerless to make any resistance.

The Old God is almost dying.

The powerhouses of the six realms were almost wiped out by the gods.

Today, the Six Realms are riddled with holes and vulnerable to a single blow.

Blood all over the ground, corpses all over the ground.

With what to resist?

"Damn God! Why are you treating us like this!"

Someone cried loudly, looking at the star demon in the sky, feeling hopeless.

In the end, I didn't expect to become a god's shield.


The ancient cardinal lost his mind, knelt on the ground, felt the cold touch of blood on his body, looked at the endless star demon, and murmured: "It's over."

Among the star demons, there are thousands of God Nirvana Realm experts, that is, Star Nirvana Realm powerhouses.

Thousands of times stronger than the army of the gods.

"Unstoppable! It's over!"

Many people were desperate, kneeling on the ground, looking at the bodies of their relatives, weeping uncontrollably.

"Brother Ancient God."

Hearing Han's cry, Die ran towards the ancient **** whose body was like dead wood, still emitting **** steam, and whose pupils had collapsed.

Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao flew over in silence, with despair in their eyes, but they still wanted to die with their lover.

"Brother Ye Que."

The demon goddess murmured, and flew towards the ancient **** with one step.

Roar! !

Thousands of Star Nirvana powerhouses among the Star Demon roared excitedly as they looked at the Six Realms riddled with holes and devastated.

"Destroy them!"


The terrifying frenzy of star demons swept across the Six Realms.

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