God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2100: Yuanshen level corpse refining

"Ye Que, the new guard of the Ice Emperor's Domain, please see me!"

Ye Que stood on the top of a boulder floating in the sea of ​​lava, facing the depths of the Ice Emperor's Domain, he let out a long drink.

The sound reverberates through the heavens and the earth.

In the area of ​​tens of billions of miles near the Ice Empress Domain, there are quite a few source gods who have attracted attention, waiting to see a good show.

"I knew that Ye Wangzhao would definitely come to trouble the Ice Empress Domain!"

"Now is a good opportunity to observe his strength!"

"This seat came here from the Western God Realm, just to witness this scene."

Ye Gushen's reputation is too great, and everything about him is feared and envied by many Yuanshen.

Some Yuanshen even rushed to the vicinity of the Ice Emperor's domain early to observe the strength of the ancient gods.

And some supreme source gods and old monsters are looking at this place from other distant places.

"A new guard in the Ice Emperor's domain...he has become a source god, equal to the Ice Emperor, and there is no need to call himself a guard."

There is Juefeng Yuanshen, who looks at the central world that has been reduced to a dark abyss and talks to himself.

"Hehe, the ancient **** has a true temperament. He calls himself a guard, so he naturally regards himself as the whole of the Ice Emperor's domain."

In the darkness deep in the abyss, there was also a hoarse and cold laugh from the old monster.

Ice Emperor Domain.

The magma flows on the earth, the bubbles are blown and blown, and the high temperature is raging.

The ancient **** stood on a boulder and let out a long shout, attracting many mysterious and low-key powerhouses to watch.

It also alarmed the two mysterious source gods in the depths of the Ice Emperor's Domain.

From the moment the ancient **** finished speaking, in the depths of the Ice Emperor's domain, two terrifying sources of pressure, like a gust of wind rising from the ground, instantly overturned the world.

Boom! !

Dark clouds descended from the sky, the void was dim, and the wind howled, contrasting with the dark red lava on the ground, it was like a **** on earth.

Suddenly, a black figure in a black robe with a waxy face, holding a black knife, walked from the depths step by step.

"Are you the so-called new guard in the Ice Empress Domain?"

Heipao is a man with a ferocious complexion, waxy skin, and his face is covered with scars, which is extremely ugly, adding ferocity and lifelessness.

Ye Que took out the stick, rubbed the lines on it with his hands, his eyes drifted away from the world, and said indifferently: "Leave, you two, outsiders are not allowed to enter the Ice Emperor's domain."

He knew that there was another source **** in the deepest part.

His words are warnings.

The man in the black robe was carrying a black knife, and black air rose from it. Hearing Ye Que's words, he let out an ugly laugh of metal friction: "Hehehe, I once left a warning in Longhuang. The Ice Emperor's domain is already Are you deaf in the territory of my two brothers? Or do you have a bad memory?"

Ye Que clenched the stick tightly in his hand, his eyes fell on the man in black robe, and he said indifferently: "So, are you going to declare war on the Ice Emperor Domain?"

Under the bronze-colored skin of the ancient god, the meridians gradually formed a path of purple-gold light. Starting from the forehead, the skin was dyed into a red battle lotus like the embers of the doomsday, and the embers of the doomsday replaced the heaven and the earth.

"I said before, this is Lao Tzu's territory, you are not the guard of the Ice Emperor's domain, get out!"

The man in black robe screamed ferociously, clenched his black knife tightly, strands of terrifying killing intent rippling from his body.

Also at this moment, another person came from the depths of the Ice Emperor's Domain and spoke.

"If you are willing to be a guard, my brother and I are not against it. As long as you honestly keep an eye on the gate in the Ice Empress Domain, you can still become a part of the Ice Empress Domain."

That man was also in a black robe, with many scars and an ugly complexion. He came with bare hands, and his laughter was a bit playful.

The source gods watching the battle from afar smiled silently.

Ye Que looked at the two of them indifferently, with eyes of darkness appearing on his forehead.

As for Zhu Shi's right eye, a mysterious, magnificent and inviolable purple streamer bloomed.

"I will treat you as declaring war in the Ice Emperor's Domain. Ye Que, the new guard of the Ice Emperor's Domain, will never allow the Ice Emperor's Domain to be trampled upon by others!"

boom! !

The purple divine power of speed and eternal law flowed under his feet, and his whole body disappeared in an instant.

And the boulder under his feet disappeared in an instant.

The two black-robed Yuanshen were stunned for a moment. They didn't even know how the other party disappeared, so the smiles on their faces hadn't had time to restrain themselves.

Not to mention them, except for Jue Dian's source gods, the rest of the source gods watching the battle were also stunned.

They also failed to capture the velocity trajectory of the Old Gods.

Until the monstrous loud noise spread from the Ice Empress Domain.

Rumble! !

As soon as the loud noise came out, there were continuous explosions!

I saw the Ice Empress domain covered by the boundless sea of ​​supernatural powers.

Thunder fell from the sky, blazing thunder flashed in the void, and the magma on the earth was swallowed by the fire, turning into countless dragons, roaming and roaring in the sea of ​​magical powers.

No one can see the ancient gods.

But everyone knows that this is the ancient god's supernatural power to transform the sea and the art of thunder and fire.

"There was a vision of dragons fighting each other in the sea!"

"It's so scary. I haven't found the figure of the ancient **** yet, and the thunderous attack has appeared!"

Many Yuanshen, their faces changed slightly, and their hearts trembled.

I saw the domain of the Ice Emperor turned into a doomsday world, the sea of ​​supernatural powers surged, thunderstorms descended from the sky, and magma fire dragons roamed the sea. This vision was too terrifying.

The ancient gods used their own attacks to change the world.

"That Long Huang can't go!"

Some Yuanshen murmured.

Not long after, screams came from the sea of ​​supernatural powers.

The black-robed Yuanshen, like a mortal who can't swim, fell into the sea, was ravaged by divine thunder, was hit by strong winds, and was attacked by evil dragons. He could only helplessly cry for help.

"I'm going, I'm going! Let's go right away!"

The black robe Yuanshen screamed, and there was another black robe Yuanshen who was swallowed by the dragon just as he asked for help, but he didn't die, and was still dying in the dragon's body.

"The two of you declare war on the Ice Emperor Domain. Both sides in this battle must either die or live! There is no admitting defeat!"

Above the sea where the wind was raging, there loomed a terrifying and darkest figure. It was the voice of this figure, with a monstrous murderous intent and boundless indifference.

Yuanshen, who was watching the battle, swallowed frequently.

Once the ancient **** made a move, it was like the **** of death coming, and he didn't give him the slightest chance.

Fortunately, the ancient **** didn't just open the mag without saying anything, at least he would give a warning.

But these two Yuanshen don't know what is good or bad, and now they can't leave even if they want to.

"Help! Let us go!"

The only Yuanshen who was still screaming on the sea, begged for mercy repeatedly.

But no one responded to him, the sea of ​​supernatural powers, the thunder and the evil dragon were smashing him together.

In the end, the black-robed Yuanshen was terrified, and said: "The ancient gods have mercy, I will immediately leave the Ice Emperor Domain, the treasure of the Ice Emperor Domain, we have not moved, everything returns to its original owner, everything returns to its original owner!"


It turned out to be a treasure in the field of fighting ice emperor.

Ye Que didn't know what this treasure was, but it had nothing to do with his intention to kill someone.

With a thought.

Under the dark clouds of thunder, ten thousand dharma spears, exuding the aura of destruction, gradually condensed into shape.

This is to be beheaded.

"Don't, don't kill me, let me tell you, I am the source **** refined by the barbarian god, if you kill me, the barbarian **** will kill you!"

Seeing that there was no hope of begging for mercy, the black-robed Yuanshen brought out the Manshen, sternly and threateningly.

Ye Que's pupils shrank.

The source **** refined by the barbarian god?

No wonder, these two black-robed Yuanshen, with waxy and hideous faces, looked like corpses.

But it would be too monstrous to refine two Yuanshen by refining corpses.


Ye Que spat out the word coldly.

Man Shen, the most promising contemporary number one powerhouse, should not be underestimated.

After half of his body was sealed and escaped with serious injuries, he could still produce so many shocking things.

Such as black extinguishing liquid, such as obtaining the artificial glory of opening the sky, such as the living corpse of the source **** level.

"The system deduces that the Man God has mastered at least half of the nine corpse autopsy books!"

The sound of the system came.

Only ancient books such as the Autopsy Book can refine such a terrifying thing as Yuanshen.

"Yes, it is Man God, you let me go, let's go immediately! Man God will not kill you!"

Seeing Ye Que's silence, the black-robed Yuanshen thought that Ye Que was afraid, so he quickly added another sentence with a flattering smile.

"The barbarian sent you here to seize the treasure of the Ice Emperor's domain?"

Ye Que said indifferently.

"Yes, but we don't want it anymore, we return it to the original owner, just let us go."

The black-robed Yuanshen sometimes begged for mercy, threatened at other times, and now smiled apologetically, willing to do anything to survive.

"There's no need to go, since it's a corpse, let's go back to the corpse!"

The ancient god's fierce radiance flourished, with one hand clenched in the void, ten thousand magic spears rumbled into the sea of ​​supernatural powers, killing the two black-robed source gods.

[Author's digression]: There are two more chapters

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