God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2069: about eternal secret

Ye Que did not expect that the new rules of the Artifact God would be used to protect him.

He was shocked and surprised.

That's the defining rule.

Everything in the world is a product of rules, including rules, order, etc. It is conceivable that the importance of defining rules.

It took him a long time to calm down.

"System, can eternity define rules for the second time?"

Ye Que asked the system.

"No, an eternity, only one chance to define the rules."

system way.

Ye Que was silent for a long time, Qi Shen really thought highly of him.

"It's you who made him, and he is willing to protect you with new rules. It's a repayment of kindness. Ye Gushen can afford it."

The system replies.

Ye Que frowned: "You are very good at talking, and you can guess my thoughts. You never talked to me before, why are you chattering non-stop now?"

"Ye Gushen dared to carry the Eternal God Mountain to save people, so I figured it out, you are worth it."

The system replied very simply.

Ye Que was still a little complacent in his heart, and at the same time, his curiosity was also aroused.

"Me? Are you a human being or another life? Or Grandpa Goldfinger?"

"I am the spirit of the Conferred God List, not a life, not a person, no gender, and not even Grandpa Goldfinger. I am just self-scientific and assist Ye Gushen in a systematic form."

The system answers one by one.

"That's right, I got my inheritance from the list of gods, and the list of gods is the treasure of the mysterious temple."

Ye Que felt that it made sense.

Everything in the world is inseparable from eternity.

If the system says that he came from outside eternity, that would be real bragging.

"All the treasures are given to you. From now on, the system can only assist you."

The system said again.

Ye Que recalled the scene on the ladder.

At that time, the system suddenly figured it out, accompanies him to make a fuss, lives and dies with him, and finally gives him all the treasures before disappearing.

"It doesn't matter if I assist or not, you are not allowed to leave me in the future."

Ye Que said seriously.


The system cherishes words like gold.

Ye Que smiled faintly. Suddenly, he thought of something, and said, "Actually, you are quite good. You can digitize many things. You should know a lot of ancient things, right?"

"I already existed when the Mystery Temple rose, and I know many things. What do you need to know?"

system way.

Ye Que was shocked, he really guessed it right.

This is a great treasure.

"You are not eternal, how do you know eternal things, such as an eternal life, you can only define new rules once."

Ye Que still couldn't calm down, Qishen defined the rules for him.

"There used to be three eternal ancestors in the mysterious temple, and the system knows a thing or two about the secrets inside."

"Oh...then let me ask you, law, order, including everything from birth to decline, are all the products of rules?"

Ye Que asked.

Just like why water can extinguish fire, it is because of the definition of rules that water can extinguish fire.

Just like after life is born, why can it grow up, grow old, and then die? It is because of the definition of rules. After life is born, it will grow up, grow old, and then die.

He had asked this question a long time ago, and he was sure of it, but it was all speculation after all, so he asked the system to confirm.

"They are all products of rules, but everything in the heavens and myriad realms is not eternally defined, but is naturally formed when the world first opened."

"Eternal life belongs to acquired practice, and also belongs to the rule level."

The system answers truthfully.

When it comes to eternity, many things need to be carried by a new worldview.

Ye Que was very curious, and felt that he needed to know.

Actually, he was lucky.

Among the hundreds of millions of beings in the heavens and myriad worlds, there are no more than a thousand low-level beings who can know the eternal secret, and Ye Que is one of them.

"Then why do they have the ability to define a rule?"

Ye Que asked.

"In order to walk with the rules, for eternal life and eternity."

"In other words, eternity is the new rule. In order to become a regular life and integrate into the heavens and worlds, they need to define the rule once."

"After the rules are defined, it takes ten billion years to adapt."

Ye Que realized in his heart.

No wonder, eternity cannot be born in ten billion years.

It turns out that in order to integrate into the heavens and worlds, New Eternity needs to define the rules once and integrate into the circle at the same level as the rules.

And this process of integration will take 10 billion years to adapt.

During this period, all lives cannot become eternal.

"The newly defined rules will always exist in the heavens and myriad worlds. They are not understood by Ye Gushen. They are only valid for ten billion years."

The system explained Ye Que's confusion.

Ye Que nodded heavily, the God of Artifacts became the new eternity, so he must know this.

But Qi Shen still uses the rule of immortality to protect him.

As long as he does not become eternal, as long as he does not die, he will never be suppressed by eternity.

Those eternities aimed at him, do they always have to be aggrieved?

As long as he lives, how long will those eternities against him have to be held back?

What if he is so aggressive that You Eternal can't help but attack him?

"If Eternity forcibly strikes at me..."

Before Ye Que finished speaking, the system blocked his thoughts: "The innate rules of the heavens and myriad worlds define that after Yuan Zun becomes stronger, he can become Yuanshen. Then, after Yuanshen becomes stronger, will he become Yuanshen?" Yuan Zun?"

"He even asked me questions."

Ye Que smiled, but also understood what the system said.

Rules are rules and cannot be broken.

As the system said, when Yuanzun becomes stronger, he becomes Yuanshen, and when Yuanshen becomes stronger, it is impossible to become Yuanzun, otherwise it is not a rule.

Therefore, if he does not become Eternal, Eternal cannot attack him. This is defined by the rules.

"Then eternity is going to forcibly shoot me?"

Ye Que got up.

"Eternity is a life of rules. Any eternal power will fall on you, and you will be fine. Because of the definition of rules, if you are not eternal, eternity will not destroy you."

When the system said this, Ye Que raised his head, pointed at the sky and sneered, "The Eternal Ancestor of Reincarnation, shit, come and kill me!"

Good guy, this has not gone down the mountain yet, and I started doing it.

Boom! !

The sky instantly gathered dark clouds, and there was thunder!

That's God's wrath.

But other than that, nothing happened, not even any killing intent against him.

Ye Que laughed.

"It is suggested that Ye Gushen should not do too much, it will not hurt you forever, but Youyuanshen really can't stand it, he can still hack you to death."

system way.

Ye Que coughed and smiled.

Also, in this era, due to the emergence of eternal opportunities, too many peaks have recovered.

He didn't forget what Zixian doctor said to him, that you are extremely strong, even if you have one body and three forms, you have to deal with it carefully.

In the end, he sighed in amazement: "Defining the rules...eternity is so strong, defining the rules, you can still live forever, no wonder so many lives want to become eternal."

At the end of the sigh, he let out a long sigh.

After this conversation, Ye Que completely understood why eternity is absolutely invincible.

"System, I only have one million years to live, not ten billion years."

Inexplicably, Ye Que yearned for eternity.

"The life of Yuanshen has a lifespan of about 100 billion years. Your highest state is in Yuanshen, and I have placed the approximate lifespan of Ye Gushen in the data panel."

system way.

Ye Que hadn't looked at the data panel for a long time, so he forgot about it.

"Based on my Yuanshen lifespan, I can easily wait for an eternal opportunity."

Ye Que said, he feels that he has a 50% chance, which is really great luck, no, it is luck greater than the sky.

"God Ye Gu, don't relax. Even if the 10 billion-year restriction passes, it will still take tens of billions of years, or even longer, to find the eternal opportunity."

"Without the suppression of the influence of the new eternity, it does not mean that it can become eternity. It needs an eternal opportunity to come to the heavens and the world."

"Before the God of Equipment became eternal, it had been 600 billion years, and no one became eternal."

"Because the eternal opportunity has never appeared, or it has appeared, but no one has found it, and the source gods who have died of old age during this period are countless."

"Even if you have a 50% chance of finding an eternal opportunity, you still need to put in more effort to have a chance to achieve eternity."

The system wholeheartedly assists Ye Que and guides Ye Que wholeheartedly.

Ye Que's fluttering heart was gradually held down.

The system is right.

Even after 10 billion years of suppression, it still takes a lot of money to win the eternal opportunity.

"Like the one before, the supreme source **** who dared to touch the light of rules is named Huo Gu."

"Huo Gu was born 100 billion years ago, and it took him more than 70 billion years to reach the peak of the source god. At that time, I was recorded as the spirit of the **** list."

"However, Huo Gu became the top, and he was only qualified to find the eternal opportunity, and then spent 10 billion years looking for it, and found that there would be an eternal opportunity in this era, so he waited for more than 15 billion years, but Before dying of old age, I can only watch the God of Equipment take away the eternal opportunity."

"At the same time, there are too many beings who are waiting for the eternal opportunity to come. They are all looking for it, but only Qi Shen finds it. Now that the opportunity is taken away, they may not be able to find the next opportunity until they die of old age. "

"As for you, Ye Gushen, you haven't even reached the ultimate source god, let alone looking for an eternal opportunity. What you have to do now is to become stronger, strong enough to be qualified to find an opportunity."

The system really figured it out, and even used the example of the death of Jue Dian Yuanshen just now to let Ye Que experience it.


Chapter 1 on December 22.

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