God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2052: Critical Weapon Heavy Bombardment

Senior Taishan stepped into the void, and the crimson divine light flowed from his body, like a supreme **** standing upright, trying to trample the sky and the earth.

That is a divine manifestation of a top-level life.

"Although you are the ruler, I heard that in order to find you, those eternities placed your giant tortoise body on the ancient desolate God's Punishment Cliff to lead you to look for it, so your body has not been wiped out?"

Senior Taishan put his hands behind his back, stepped on the void, and spoke leisurely.

"Exactly! I asked a senior from Eternal Mountain to pay special attention to it. On God's Punishment Cliff, my turtle form is still there, but it is shrouded in eternal power and it is difficult to take it out."

Ye Que said respectfully from behind.

There was a terrifying life who was touched by his climbing the ladder, so he looked for the turtle form for him with the mentality of being idle and idle.

In the end, it was discovered that his giant tortoise body was still being dissected and had not been destroyed.

"How about the realm of the body?"

Senior Taishan asked.

"If the corpse is successfully dissected, it is Yuanshen!"

"How many sky marks?"

Senior Taishan asked again.

"Nine ways."

After Ye Que finished speaking, Senior Tai Shan turned around and looked at Ye Que in shock.

After a long time, Senior Taishan let out a long laugh, the voice shook the heavens and the earth, causing the law to tremble like a divine fruit on a tree.

"Mystery Temple has produced a remarkable person. It's a pity that you have the status of a temple, and Eternal Mountain can't recruit you. Otherwise, you will definitely be allowed to stay here."

Senior Taishan sighed, then put away his emotions, his expression became majestic, like Tianwei, and he grabbed the distant sky with one hand.

Boom! !

The Law of Millions From Heaven!

The world trembled!

"This trick is called Ten Thousand Magic Spear. Given your current dominance level, you can't master it. You just need to remember the secrets in it. It's not too late to learn it after your body is liberated!"

On the Eternal Mountain, the calm days are now full of waves.

There are many supreme beings who look up and see the laws of millions condensed into spears, flowing with a destructive aura that can penetrate the heavens and the world. They are incomparably amazed.

This is a kind of taboo magic power from an ancient alien race before the Dark Ages. In the Dark Ages, a peak source **** who had cheated on Eternal Mountain was nailed to death with a single spear.

It is difficult for Yuan Zun to kill Yuan Zun, and it is also difficult for Yuan Shen to kill Yuan Shen.

Crucifying a source **** with one spear is enough to be called a taboo.

"This old man is really willing!"

There is a supreme being on the mountain, looking at the 10,000-meter-long spear in the sky, amazed.

"Supernatural power is just a technique of attack. What we are looking for is eternity, not fighting and killing. These are foreign objects. If you give me great medicine, I will be willing to give it!"

There is another top life, in the next mountain, blowing his beard and staring.

Originally, he also called Ye Que, but he was dragged away by Taishan first, and he was depressed because he didn't take the medicine in the wine.

In the distance, Ziyi Mountain.

Ziyi bent down to pour the magic water on the big medicine, and suddenly saw the Wanfa Spear in the distance, stood up and chuckled, it was very beautiful.

A few days later, Ye Que returned to Ziyi Mountain, and once again learned medicine from Sister Ziyi, and Ye Que took over all the responsibilities of taking care of the medicine garden.

He was very careful and ruthless enough to hang the scales on Ziyi Mountain. Hundreds of millions of star sea worms were densely packed all over Ziyi Mountain, like small stones, even the foot of the mountain and the surrounding uninhabited land were not spared.

"Sister Ziyi, don't worry, I will find out whoever comes in, and I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Ye Que patted his chest to promise.

"Little thing, thank you for your hard work."

Ziyi smiled, then stretched lazily, and really handed over the responsibility of taking care of the medicine garden to Ye Que.

After a few days.

The seven old men came to the foot of Ziyi Mountain.

In fact, they are not considered old men, but they were punished and became old before, and now they are all young again.

Ye Que would occasionally meet them for a drink, and they got to know each other very well.

"Boy Ye, what are you looking for from us?"

The seven people are still like ruffians, and their realm has reached the master state. Now they are assisting some powerful people to do things in several mountains of Eternal Mountain, similar to Ye Que's situation in Ziyi Mountain.

"From now on, the medicine garden will be under my management."

Ye Que whispered mysteriously.

The seven of them thoughtfully, and gradually smiled.

the second day.

There are gossip rumors that Ye Que is in charge of the medicine garden in Ziyi Mountain, and the Zixian doctor has gone to study other medicine techniques.

Some Yuanshen, who are not willing to die, have their hearts itchy again.

Half a month later, a certain Yuanshen sneaked into Ziyi Mountain, considering himself a high realm, and belittled Ye Que's dominance realm.

He is indeed qualified to despise, but he shouldn't despise star sea worms.

The star sea worms are not strong enough, but there are a lot of them.

Quality is not enough, quantity is enough, Ye Que's invincible theory has been practiced for many years.

Hundreds of millions of star sea worms are hidden in Ziyi Mountain and its surroundings, like small stones, except for a specific hidden road, there is not even a place to stand.

After the Yuanshen entered, he easily passed by Ye Que, but because he stepped on Ziyi Mountain, he disturbed the star sea worm.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of star sea worms buzzed and flew up, turning into a sky-blue divine sea, illuminating half the sky of Eternal Mountain.


The scales hanging in the sky made a strong sound, awakening many lives.

At that moment, that Yuanshen was embarrassed.

There is a saying that if you are dazzling, even if you are submerged in a sea of ​​people, you will still be the most eye-catching place in the middle of the mountains and seas.

This Yuanshen is very dazzling, he is in the center of the sky blue sea of ​​gods, and there is a scale above his head that keeps ringing, as if to die for him.

"not good!"

He just slipped away.


In the void in front of him, the purple fairy doctor descended, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Ye Que waved his hand: "Senior, let's go!"


The Zixian doctor even praised Ye Que, and was quite naughty during the period, making Ye Que unbearable.

In the end, the Zixian doctor gave Ye Que a high-quality medicine, which fit Ye Que's heart.

One trick to catch fish and enforce the law, Ye Que will catch hard, and finally get the big medicine!

value! Very worth it!

Ye Que got the big medicine, so he refined it into wine, and started wandering around again.

He let the fission clone guard Ziyi Mountain, then took the wine, and deliberately opened a crack on the cork to let the aroma of the wine overflow.

The operation of this guy is also a show, holding wine, flying back and forth between the mountains every day, the aroma of the wine lingers around the mountains for several days.

The method of refining the wine was taught by the Zixian doctor, who can fuse all the essence of the great medicine with the wine, which not only satisfies the pleasure of drinking, but also has the effect of the great medicine.

The powerful people among the mountains are not interested in anything else, but they are very interested in wine and medicine.

They smelled the essence of the great medicine in the aroma of the wine, and they were so greedy, they all found reasons to keep Ye Que.

Ye Que was very polite and declined one by one, but he didn't talk too much.

"Senior, I want to give this wine too, but this wine was specially ordered by sister Ziyi to send it to Tiangong Mountain."

Ye Que acted as if he wanted to give it to seniors as well, and after finishing speaking, he added: "How about this, after a while, when the younger generation gets another big medicine, after refining it into wine, I will give it to seniors as a gift." altar."

As a result, the seniors let Ye Que go, laughing and calling Ye Que a cunning.

The wine that Ye Que took was really not ordinary wine, because the medicine in the wine was not ordinary.

The medicine that Zixian doctor gave him was a top-notch medicine, and it was on a higher level.

After Ye Que got it, he thought for a long time, and gradually understood Sister Ziyi's intentions.

This is a very important person that Sister Ziyi wants him to give to him.

As for the person who is very important to Ye Que, there is only that one.

There is a mountain in the distance, which is called Tiangong.

In Tiangong Mountain, there is a weapon **** called "Supreme Weapon".

It is rumored that in a certain era, the ancestor of Eternal Mountain wanted to forge an eternal creator weapon.

This weapon **** was once paid attention to by the ancestor of Eternal Mountain, and let him participate in the creation of the Eternal Creator's weapon.

Just from this point, it can be seen that the attainment of this weapon **** is very high.

Today, the Heavenly Desolation Drum hanging over the gate of Eternal Mountain was created by this instrument god.

There was a drum in the sky, and a drum and thunder in the sky, and all the wilds knelt down.

From this we can see the power of the **** of weapons.

It is said that a long time ago, the Temple of Mystery wanted to invite this God of Artifacts into the temple, but was strongly rejected by the powerhouses of Eternal Mountain.

This is one of the ancient secrets that Ye Que learned from the mouths of those supreme beings.

And the person who has achieved the highest source of God by forging weapons is known as Tiangong.

Ye Que brought the wine and came to Tiangong Mountain a little nervously.

He didn't know if this trick would work, but he quickly took a deep breath, no matter what, anyway, he was stalking, and he had to ask Senior Tiangong to help him refine his natal weapon.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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