God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2039: Entering the restricted area

In this kind of matter, Ye Que didn't know how much he had experienced.

Although I have experienced a lot, my endurance has become stronger.

But after all, the human heart is fleshy, and it hurts.

That night, Ye Que couldn't sleep.

Perhaps, he shouldn't have been autopsyed, otherwise these things wouldn't have happened one by one.

He came from the God Realm yesterday.

All those related to him yesterday were suppressed by eternal life.

This is an eternal warning.

Although I can't find you, I still want to force you out.

Ye Que shook his head, jumped to the roof, looked at the moonlight, and drank wine.

I don't know when, but he also used to carry a flagon with him, and occasionally had a sip.

"System, you said that we have been partners for so long, will one day, you will be destroyed because of me?"

Ye Que looked up at the moonlight, and the words in his heart echoed in his mind.

The system didn't respond to him.

He wasn't talking either.


The golden clock in my mind sometimes transmits the sound of eternity, covering the whole body.

This is the Eternal Ancestor looking for him, and the golden bell transmits sound to protect him.

These supreme beings really took pains to find him.

He no longer thinks that he has received the attention of the Eternal Ancestor because of his identity as the mysterious Son of God.

Ever since the incident of the ancient **** in the beginning, he knew that there must be a deep meaning for the eternal ancestor to seek him.

On the second day, Ye Que went to the lobby and informed the Ye family to get ready and set off in three days for the Black Land.

It is imperative for him to go to Eternal Mountain.

There is no place for him to stand in the Yuanshen Realm.

The mysterious temple has fallen and cannot help him.

Only Eternal Mountain is the only hope.

If Eternal Mountain is different from other Eternal Ancestors, no matter what price he pays, he will join it.

"That old lunatic, you look for it secretly, and don't interfere with the rest of the things that involve eternity."

Ye Que looked at the nine ancestors of the Ye family and said calmly.

Things involving eternity are nothing less than taboo.

He can't interfere, at least not yet.

Ye's can't either, if someone finds her by following the clues, nothing can be redeemed.

Ye's patriarch breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ye Que's order.

If you really want them to investigate things involving eternity, even give them ten guts.

On that day, the high-level actions of the Ye family.

The ancestor of the Ye family's origin **** will re-enter the black land, and all the members of the Ye family will return to the family and select enough people to accompany them.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was excited.

In the Seventh Dragon Realm, the only Yuanshen is in Ye Shi.

No one dared to waste time and returned home one after another.

On the second day, the patriarch of the Ye clan invited Ye Que to the martial arts arena to have a look.

"What? Go to the Black Land and choose a junior?"

Ye Que said in surprise.

"With Senior Yuanshen leading the team, the juniors can hone in a safer place in the Black Land. Don't worry, Senior, we will never cause you any trouble."

Patriarch Ye said respectfully.

They, Mrs. Ye, calculated carefully and took advantage of Yuanshen's entry into the black land to try their best to obtain more resources in the black land.

Ye Que acquiesced, considering his whole body's equipment, he was indeed a source god.

He went to the Martial Arts Field, fell from the sky, and everyone admired him.

The juniors have accumulated enough momentum and are full of energy, hoping to be favored by the ancestor of Yuanshen, and they will soar into the sky from then on.

Ye Que said something casually, and the competition started, and the juniors used the method of suppressing the bottom box.

In the end, he selected a few juniors with more potential, and then left.

Three days later.

The Ye family flew out of a giant ship.

Ye Que took the lead, and the Ye family was accompanied by five ancestors, all of whom were the peak Yuanzun, and there were almost no remaining Yuanzun, so they left with the top match.

In addition, there are three high-ranking Yuanzun and five juniors. They will return to the Ye family after a safer search in the black land.

They flew all the way over the edge of Longyu and entered the black land.

Along the way, the barren land was black and boundless, as if it was going to swallow the sky.

Ye Que stood at the bow of the boat, wondering what he was thinking.

Half a month later.

They gradually penetrated into the black land, surrounded by mountains and black waters, as well as vicious beast spirits.

"I'll give you three days."

Ye Que gave the order to stop the boat, and Ye's three high-ranking Yuanzun, along with five juniors, honed around and searched for resources.

Those five patriarchs also accompanied them, so it's not a bad thing to be able to search for more resources.

Ye Que was not idle on the boat, using bones as a cauldron and blood as a guide, put the thunder of myriad calamities into the cauldron, and then smashed his own stick into it.

The stick slowly absorbed the thunder of myriad calamities, and trained again.

Occasionally, Ye Que would throw in some Yuanshen-level divine gold, which he obtained from the Left Eye Tomb.

On the third day, an explosion sounded on the west side of the giant ship.

Immediately afterwards, the ferocious power of the source **** struck from the depths of the west side, suppressing the land to be lifeless.

Ye Que put away the big cauldron, and the chain mail body protection on his body burst into divine power, resisting the fierce power of the source god.

He looked to the west, and saw a stalwart figure standing on the top of the sky, turning his head and looking at him.

"Lend me the boat."

The stalwart figure stretched out his hand and grabbed the giant ship with invincible coercion, as if the world could not contain that hand.

"You can borrow it, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Ye Que jumped up, and smashed the Heavenly Vulcan Divine Source stick in his hand. In an instant, the space was shattered, turbulent currents surged, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Wei An's figure was surprised, and he withdrew his hand instantly, and said with a smile: "So it's a friend from the same situation, I'm sorry."

Ye Que also put away his stick, not afraid to face Yuanshen, with a tyrannical spirit blooming, and said calmly: "Come back."

Immediately, the five ancestors of the Ye family, the three high-ranking Yuanzun and the juniors returned in a hurry.

"Where are you going, brother?"

The stalwart figure smiled.

Ye Que said indifferently: "You usually question people in this way?"

This was the first time he communicated with Yuanshen on an equal footing, but he was not afraid, but rather strong.

He knew that if he was half weak, the other party would never be so polite.

Having seen a lot of important people, he can handle this kind of scene casually.

The stalwart figure stood in the sky and fell silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff.

Ye Que sneered and said, "Start the boat!"

After that, he turned his head, glanced at those juniors and high-ranking Yuan Zun, and said lightly: "Go back, if something happens on the way, notify in time, whoever dares to stop, I will smash him to death with a stick!"

He was very strong, and he was speaking for that stalwart figure.

"Many, thank you Yuanshen Patriarch."

The high-ranking Yuan Zun and the junior were relieved, looked at the stalwart figure in fear, and then flew away from the giant ship and returned to the Dragon Realm.


Ye Que stuck his stick in the void, causing ripples.

As the giant ship started to move, Ye Que's eyes stared coldly at the figure of Wei An, not even picking him up, just watching him quietly and coldly.

Ye's patriarch saw it with complicated eyes.

It would be great if this Yuanshen was really their ancestor.

Those juniors looked back and saw that Yuanshen Patriarch was so powerful, his blood boiled inside.

It is estimated that after they go back, they will have to add more details to this matter.

"Brother, don't be angry. I come from the Yuanyu Dynasty in the southern Tianlu. If I am rude, please forgive me."

The stalwart figure spoke and smiled.

[Author's digression]: Also (I'm away, I just came back not long ago, and I'm rushing to draft, don't worry, I won't write abuse)

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