God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2009: The long-lost dark lord appears

The jar fell from the sky, smashing the palm that covered the sky and the sun.

It was a terrible scene.

Yuanshen's blow was suppressed, shaking Longhuang.

At this moment, a very penetrating voice echoed in the dark world again.


The golden scales are suspended in the air.

The vast and mysterious golden starry sky replaced the dark battlefield world.

No one knows who made it.

Then I saw groups of sky-blue bugs buzzing into the golden starry sky, and the strength of two of them quickly soared to the peak of the middle-level Yuanzun.

Then, he rushed towards the army of darkness without fear of death.

This scene.

The world is puzzled.

The Man God looked stunned, and then quickly reacted, his face was gloomy for a moment, and he said gloomyly: "Libra!"

What a familiar scene.

boom! !

Loud noises and waves spread from below him, setting off an incomparably terrifying shock wave.

That was the star sea worm self-destructing.

It was the two star sea worms at the peak middle-level source level that blew themselves up.

The earth trembled!

The sky is twisted!

Large numbers of dark armies were torn apart, washed away, burned, and fly to ashes!

The world was shocked.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

hum! hum!

Another two star sea worms soared from the realm of creation to the peak of the middle-level Yuan Zun, sweeping the world with power, rushing towards the army of darkness again, and then blew themselves up again.

boom! !

It's another self-destruction of two middle-level Yuan Zun and peak-level ones!

At this moment, the sky and the earth have been enveloped by the explosion, and the dark substance mixed with mud and blood filled the space between the sky and the earth.

The Primal God is suspended in the air, covered by dark matter and mud and blood, which is a kind of turbidity produced by the explosion.

At this moment, most of the world on the battlefield was covered by turbidity.

The Jiang family, the demon gods, the wild sea cow demon, and other source masters of the alliance stopped in the distance, watching this scene in a daze.

They seemed to have forgotten that they were running away, and they also forgot where they were, and they all looked at in shock.

Not only them, but other strong men from the wilderness, and even the ancient power from the inheritance of the nine wildernesses were also stunned.

Yuan Zun blew himself up!


The continuous self-explosion of Yuanzun is unheard of!

Even superpowers are not so extravagant!

"Ye Que!"

In a world covered by black turbidity, the barbarian **** was rarely enraged, and his low voice echoed in the world, like the roar of a hellish ghost.

The world was shocked.

Ye Que?

Ye Gushen did it?

On the ground, one of Jiang's surviving children noticed something and looked up at the sky.

Their place is not covered by black turbidity, and the child can see the existence in the sky at a glance.

"what is that?"

The child pointed to the sky, and saw a figure full of darkness descending from the sky. The speed was so fast that a long black line was drawn behind him, like a black long rainbow about to penetrate the earth.

Everyone looked up, only to see the figure crashing to the ground.

boom! !

The earth is torn and dust is everywhere.

I don't know who blew a breath to blow the dust away.

The figure inside appeared clearly in front of everyone.

I saw that tall and majestic figure, like a dark sacred mountain, wearing a pure black armor like an exoskeleton, ferocious and domineering.

A head of long red hair is as strange as blood, and each hair exudes the might of a demon god.

He was filled with pure darkness, purer than dark matter.

A dark red stick that was dripping with blood was tightly held in his hand.

The scarlet eyes revealed a strange domineering and dark profundity.

This is a dark monarch, above the darkness.

"It's Ye Gushen!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Boss Ye!"

The demon gods cried out in horror.

"It turned out to be him!"

The other Huang strong men murmured in shock.

The figure that descended from the sky was exactly Ye Que's first form of the Three Illusory Gods - the Dark Lord.

He turned around and glanced at everyone.

The silent momentum and the dark deterrence made everyone feel awe.

Rumble! !

The explosion ahead continued, the dark turbidity covered the dark army, and also drowned the wild god.

Suddenly, the barbarian slowly flew out of the turbidity, staring at Ye Que with his dark eyes.

He is very angry.

Even if his apprentice died, he had never been so angry.

"How do you recover your blood?"

As soon as Man Shen said this, he realized that something was wrong.

It was still exploding just now, why is it dead silent now.

His eyeballs, moving left and right.

Suddenly, his expression froze.

Just now, the army of darkness that obeyed his orders now occupies every corner of the world and surrounds him one by one.

Those hideous dark creatures, with dark scarlet blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, roared silently at him.

"What's going on...huh?"

Man Shen seemed to have sensed it, and suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Que.

Ye Que was already floating in the sky, staring at him coldly with blood-red eyes, stretched out his right hand into a claw, and then fisted fiercely in the air, with a voice like a demon god: "All dark creatures , from now on, launch a self-destruct attack on the gods!"

The voice was low and deep, like a devil whispering, like a demon **** born, with great terror, echoing the world, hitting the hearts of the world.

Roar! Roar!

In the deathly silent world, the roars of dark creatures resounded in an instant. They frantically opened their ferocious mouths, threw themselves at the barbarian desperately, and blew themselves up decisively.

Rumble! !

All the dark creatures rushed towards the god.

There are too many of them, and they are so densely packed that no individual can be seen at all, and they gather towards the wild **** like a group of black clouds.

When they all blew themselves up, one can imagine how terrifying it would be.

You must know that the strength of these dark creatures was at least at the level of true gods during their lifetime, such as Juggernaut, Yuanzun, etc., and there are not a few of them.

They collectively blew themselves up, and the power produced was faintly comparable to the power of the explosion made by Ye Que.

Everyone was dazed and suffocated, watching this scene in disbelief.

But what shocked them didn't stop.

clang! !

There was another loud noise from the golden scales, but this time it was mixed with disgusting darkness.

The next moment, the golden scales turned into dark scales.

The deep and shocking golden starry sky also turned into a dark starry sky in an instant.

Everyone thought they had fallen into darkness.

The range of the eternal golden starry sky is actually expanding after turning into a dark starry sky.

That range quickly included all the dark armies.

Golden starry sky, range unchanged.

The dark starry sky can be large or small.

"I give you the power of the middle-level peak Yuanzun!"

High in the sky, the dark lord uttered an awe-inspiring voice, echoing between heaven and earth.

It's like a godsend.

There are two dark creatures in the Dominant Realm, their strength has suddenly increased, and they have obtained the power of the middle-level peak Yuanzun, and then they rushed towards the barbarian **** and blew themselves up brazenly!

However, this is not the end.

After they blew themselves up, two more dark creatures gained the strength of the middle-level peak source master, and blew themselves up against the barbarian **** again.

This cycle goes on and on without interruption!

Boom! !

The explosion goes up another level.

An ant's self-explosion can't hurt an elephant.

But when tens of thousands, or even billions of ants explode, the elephant will either die or be maimed.

Rumble! !

The battlefield has become a hellscape of infinite explosions!

Everyone's body trembled slightly, and their scalps felt numb. This scene shocked the world.

When they looked at the Dark Lord again, their mentality changed, as if looking at a supreme eternal ancestor again, they could bury all beings while talking and laughing.

[Author's Digression]: And

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