God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1932: ignoring the rules

The Tianyin Ancient Eye Bird, one of the ten evil spirits, is born with the ability to devour everything in the world, the same ability as the Lunar Sun Dual Origin Bird.

But this beast is different.

The ancient-eyed bird devours everything, relying on its eyes, which can melt the substances in its body and turn them into its own use.

Now, the ancient-eyed bird swallowed the flames, but it was difficult to melt.

The destructive power of the flames is too terrifying. When it enters the body, it starts to burn the internal organs. Although there are double pupils to suppress it, it cannot suppress everything.


The ancient-eyed bird vomited blood, and his whole body burst into flames.

"I'm dying."

She trembled, weakly frightened.

She regretted absorbing the flames.

But now, the ferocious beast has discovered her existence, and its stinking mouth is about to bite off her head.

"I can't die!"

Ye Que had finished opening the sky, broke open a space, and saw the giant beast biting him, immediately put the ancient-eyed bird into his body, and retracted the control pot.

At the same time, a powerful suction force was generated in the broken space, sucking him in. He didn't resist, and even accelerated to rush in.


The ferocious beast was furious. It never thought that the other party could escape in the distorted space. Seeing that the other party was about to leave, it immediately slapped it with its paws. With a bang, the paws slapped on the magic jar, leaving a gray mark.

Ye Que vomited a mouthful of blood, and he knew that the beast would pounce, so he used the magic pot to block it in advance, but even if he resisted, the force that fell on the pot would still hurt him.

You know, he is also wearing a source god-level chain mail.

"Fortunately, fortunately escaped!"

Ye Que forcibly controlled the magic pot, quickly entered the space, and shuttled between the regular and turbulent flow.

At this moment, his face was pale, and his body was empty, leaving less than 10% of his strength.

A note to open the sky, almost killed him.

Watching the spatial rift gradually heal, Ye Que gradually relaxed, and began to take out the treasures, devouring them in big mouthfuls, in order to restore the lack of strength in his body.

In his body, the ancient-eyed bird wailed in pain. She was covered in flames and became a fire man. Her internal organs had been melted, leaving only her soul and a human skeleton.

In the end, after taking the reincarnation liquid, she revealed her original form under the crisis of death and turned into a ten-eyed sky-eyed ancient-eyed bird, but she still couldn't stop the flame from burning.

"help me."

The ancient-eyed bird wailed, calling for help to Ye Que.

Ye Que looked inside the world and immediately cast a spell. Countless ice crystals appeared in his body, enveloping the ancient-eyed bird.

huh huh—

A blizzard appeared out of nowhere, blowing past the ancient-eyed bird.

click click click—

The world in the body opens up an ice valley, surrounding the sky-yin ancient-eyed bird.

It's a pity that the effect is not obvious. The flames on the ancient-eyed bird are too terrifying, melting all the ice crystals, and even the blizzard that can freeze everything in the world has turned into an extremely high-temperature gale, and one breath can burn the lungs.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, thinking that if he touched the flame, it might be more serious.

You must know that the ancient-eyed bird itself can melt all the substances it devours, and its body contains the blood of the ten evil spirits of the source god, which is much better than his physique, but this result still occurs.

It would be even worse if it were him.

Seeing that the ancient-eyed bird's wings were about to burn out, he immediately said: "Turn on the kung fu, use your own ancient eyes to suppress the flames, don't be afraid, I will help you!"

He recruited a large number of treasures from heaven, materials and earth, and selected the ice objects among them, such as the million-year-old fruit and the billion-year ring jelly, crushed them in the air, and controlled them to flow into the mouth of the ancient-eyed bird.

"Eat them."

The ancient-eyed bird did as he did, devouring it in big mouthfuls, and at the same time reluctantly operated the ancient eye, forcibly melting the flames in his body.

Ye Que was not idle, most of his thoughts were on the world in his body, and the secrets were played one after another, and a steady stream of ice crystal blizzards appeared, turning the world in his body into a world of ice and snow.

Gradually, the flames on the ancient-eyed bird were weakened, and the breath of the ancient-eyed bird also stabilized.

Ye Que breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at a corner of the world inside his body, where there was a tripod, which was upside down on the ground.

There are two-source birds of the sun and the sun.

When they entered the Rift Valley before, they found that the Shuangyuan Bird was almost refined by the people who fell into the Sun Valley, so they rescued them, but the Shuangyuan Bird had been refined for too long, and its original source was missing, so it almost died.

Therefore, Ye Que helped him to sleep in the world in his body to repair his injuries.


Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief, the injuries of these two little guys are under control, and they are going in a good way.

He withdrew part of his mind and used it to focus on the outside.

After the sky is opened, he will go to another world and needs to be handled carefully, but he does not forget the ancient-eyed bird, casting spells one after another to extinguish the flames.

That is to say, he withdrew most of his thoughts, and happened to find that there was something different in front of his eyes.

Faintly, there is a **** smell lingering in front of the nose.


Ye Que sensed something was wrong, out of years of caution, he immediately closed his eyes, opened his mind, and his body shook.

I saw wisps of blood-colored gas lingering in front of my eyes, and the **** smell wafted from them.

"No way?"

He let out a cry, turned his head, and saw that fierce beast that looked like a tiger or a lion followed in, wandering in the endless turbulent flow.

The ferocious beast followed for a long time without making a sound, staring at him with blood-red fierce eyes, and was slowly approaching.

What made Ye Que even more horrified was that this ferocious beast survived the turbulent flow of countless rules without any damage.

A series of regular turbulent currents, like tornadoes, passed through the body of the beast, as if the air blended together. There was no substantial collision between the two, and the beast did not suffer any damage.

"Yuan Shen will either die or be disabled if touched, this beast is like entering a land of no one!"

Ye Que's pupils shrank slightly, and the crisis in his heart soared.

He didn't even dare to touch the turbulent flow of rules. He obeyed the suction of Kai Tianhou and followed a certain trajectory to avoid the turbulent flow of rules and survive.

And that ferocious beast has no scruples.

This is a monster that can ignore the rules and destroy it.


The ferocious beast opened its mouth and swam like a fish in the regular turbulence. Fortunately, it was not fast in it, and it seemed that it could not spew flames and attack. It did not catch up to Ye Que instantly, but it was slowly approaching.

Ye Que turned his head with a sullen face, looked forward, and felt that he was going to leave here and go to other worlds, and the sense of crisis was even heavier.

If that ferocious beast was allowed to go out too, and his strength was beyond the limit, he would most likely die.

"Open it again!"

Ye Que's face turned fierce, he devoured the treasures in big gulps, and quickly recovered the strength in his body.

His power is inexhaustible, and it was almost used up once he opened the sky. Now he wants to restore it, and he needs time and treasures.

Treasures he has, but time...

Yes, he needs time now.


The ferocity of the ferocious beast was so fierce that it stared fixedly at Ye Que. It swam quickly, and there were regular turbulent currents rushing towards it. It ignored them all and crossed unscrupulously.

Ye Que devoured the treasures in big mouthfuls, and fixed his eyes on the approaching beast, ready to open the sky immediately after going out.

Time passed bit by bit.

The suction pulling Ye Que came to an end, he gradually passed through the space barrier and returned to the real world, and the beast was less than a hundred meters away from him.

The moment he returned to the real world, he immediately waved his hand and cast countless secret techniques, overwhelming the beasts, even using the Eternal Domain, just to limit the approach of the beasts.

The ferocious beast was terrifying, smashing all obstacles with one paw, but after all, the existence of obstacles still slowed down the speed of the ferocious beast.

Ye Que was worried, so he released the fission clone and went straight to the beast, in order to attract the opponent's mind.

The next moment, he returned to the real world, and before he had time to observe where it was, Ye Que really broke the sky and opened up the world again.

Since the strength in the body has not yet recovered, it is only about 40%, and the sky is forcibly opened, resulting in the loss of life and origin.

Gradually, gray strands appeared in his black hair.

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