God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1907: The pupil of the world, the might of the world overwhelms the world

Ye Que had gathered his energy, and there was a blaze of light in his eyes, so sharp that people couldn't look directly at him. His cold words added courage and made the atmosphere tense to the point of explosion.

buzz buzz —

Greedy Moon Wolf and the others all shone with light, from Void Immortal to Yuan Zun, they all released their coercion, and approached Ye Que, which also made the whole city a bit chilly.

Greedy Wolf old man decided to make a move after some testing.

He glanced at the people of the Demon Sword Sect, to the effect that he would take the lead, okay, we will fight, but if you don't keep up, then we will destroy you.


Demon Sword Sect's bald head was hiding behind with a knife in his hand, and he was also accumulating energy, and the rest of them were also getting ready.

They made preparations, and many strong men in the ancient city of the Yuan Clan also held their weapons tightly. They all lifted into the air, and the coercion spread. The weak ones maintained the formation in the rear.

The atmosphere took a turn for the worse.

Everyone was confronting each other, only the scar-faced black dragon and the armored man were still fighting.

The two of them evolved another world, and with a pinch, they pinched out the cosmic starry sky to bury each other, with huge destructive power and momentum.

But the more intense they fought, the more tense the confrontation among the crowd outside became.

All of a sudden, the black evil dragon shot the universe, and the starry sky collapsed, piercing the heart of the armored man inside.

what! !

The armored man let out a scream, and stepped back while clutching his heart-wrenching wound. He vomited blood from his mouth, bleeding from his seven orifices.

He lost, but the end of the battle was the signal for another battle.


With a bang, the old man Greedy Wolf exploded with the power of a high-ranking Yuan Zun, and the mighty aura almost forced Ye Que back.

In terms of strength, Ye Que can't beat the high-level Yuan Zun even out of ten.


Dozens of masters of Greedy Moon Wolf, with hundreds of followers, sacrificed secret techniques.

All the secret techniques came out, and they smashed towards Ye Que like a meteorite from the sky, exploding the sky in an instant.

Seeing this, the bald head of Demon Sword Sect shouted sharply, holding up the butcher's knife: "Destroy them!"

The members of Demon Sword Sect shouted together, turned into long rainbows, and rushed towards Ye Que with the momentum of thunder.

"Brother help!"

Scar's face was covered in blood, and it was not an easy win. He thought he had earned enough face, but he didn't expect that just after he left the battlefield, he saw Wu Yaoyao's gang killing them, all of them were vicious, and he ran away in fright.

"Two advanced formations."

The head of the Yuan family shouted anxiously, the sword in his hand burst into light, and he was about to sacrifice to meet the enemy.

Ye Que hangs high in the sky with an indifferent expression, his imposing manner is like an invincible god, and he has the potential to cover the sky with one hand without collapsing in the face of all enemies.

At that moment, Scarface saw the man who was competing for the glory of the sky in the sea of ​​Longhuang, among several source gods, hundreds of source gods, and thousands of masters.

This is definitely not a fake, nor is it the momentum of a show.

It is the power of a strong man who has gone through thousands of trials and countless **** seas of life and death.

People's awakening is often in an instant.

Scarface lost his focus at that moment, and felt an inexplicable inferiority complex in his heart. Although it was dangerous at this time, the feeling of inferiority couldn't stop gushing out.

The difference between ordinary practitioners and top practitioners is often not based on the comparison of realm.

Age and realm are not the core of the comparison, but what you have experienced.

The ancient **** in front of him is by no means superior to others because of his aptitude.

At this time of life and death crisis, he clearly noticed the difference between himself and the other party.

Not only him, many people in Yuanshi Ancient City also felt this way.

"Is this someone from the Ice Empress Domain?"

Many people are slightly lost in their hearts.

"Is this the mysterious God Cotyledon Ancient God?"

Scarface knew the truth, and was silently shocked.

At this moment, he somewhat knew why the other party was the son of the mysterious god, but he was not.

"Forging the world!"

Ye Shashen stretched out his right hand, aimed his palm at the attack that covered the sky and blotted out the sun, and uttered a mysterious sound, like the sound of heavenly power, descending into the world brilliantly.


Purple light bloomed from his palm, and the radiance was so strong that he was in the purple sea, mysterious and vast, with a magnificent temperament, and an immortal figure.

At that time, the source of the purple light was the palm, the skin slowly cracked, and a mysterious eye slowly opened.

It was a purple pupil standing upright. The pupil was flowing with purple light, which contained mysterious, grand, clear and indescribable power. As soon as it appeared, it made the day dark, as if the night engulfed the sky and the earth, and there were thunderous sounds around it. .

This is the eye that casts the world, and it is also the pupil that destroys the world.

Where the pupil shines, the world can be destroyed, and the world can also be recast.

This is the power of the world-casting eye.

With the current ability of the ancient gods, it is still impossible to destroy the world and create the world, but the rudiments of that kind of avenue is invisible, but with charm has begun to take shape.

"What's this?"

The old man Greedy Moon Wolf was horrified, but he had launched an attack and could not retreat, so he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill him!"


Demon Sword Sect's bald head was at that moment, his mind turned sharply, and the knife was forcibly drawn away, which caused the blood in his body to be disordered, and he was forced to vomit blood. Fortunately, the knife was successfully drawn, so he turned around and died run.

The members of the Demon Sword Sect around him were so clever that they turned their heads and ran away without hesitation of internal injuries.

Those who didn't react, or those who had reacted but still insisted on killing, rushed towards Ye Que without hesitation.

"Big brother is invincible!"

For the first time, Scarface yelled sincerely because of low self-esteem but was completely admired, like a licking dog.


The eye of casting the world, the purple pupil erected, scanned the attack of many attacking gods, and finally locked on the old man of the high-level source of respect.

The old man Greedy Wolf's heart skipped a beat, his body trembled inexplicably, and a life-and-death crisis surged in his heart, but before he could make a move, his body began to disintegrate.

His skin is separating, his bones are being dismantled, his brain is being torn apart, his eyes are tearing themselves apart, and his blood is floating in the disintegrated body without direction.

"Ah, ah..."

The old man screamed in horror, and finally, in the eyes of everyone's horror, he was completely separated into pieces of fist-sized flesh and blood.

what! !

Everyone was so frightened that they scattered, and Sa Yazi ran away.

Even the Patriarch of the Yuan Clan trembled, and the young master next to him had his legs weak and almost fell down.

At a glance, the high-level Yuanzun was separated.

Is this Nima telling horror stories to practitioners?

At the same time, the countless attacks came and submerged Ye Que.

Ye Que shrunk himself down and hid in the magic pot. Suddenly, he saw that Scarface was still outside, and stretched out his hand to pull him into it. The next moment, the attacking god's light flooded them.

The rumbling sound reverberated between the sky and the earth, countless cracks appeared in the sky, the earth trembled violently, the formations of the ancient city shook light and dark, and were about to collapse, and the buildings in the city were collapsing one after another.

When the explosion disappeared and the light dissipated, the land in front of Yuanshi Ancient City sank more than 100,000 meters, leaving the ancient city on the edge of an abyss.

Everyone raised their heads in shock and stared blankly at the sky, wanting to see if the two people from the Ice Empress Domain were still alive.

And the truth is shocking.

Ye Gushen kicked Scarface out of the Ten Thousand Demon Jar, then flew out, took the Ten Thousand Demon Jar away, and patted the chain mail on his body.

He just appeared in everyone's sight unharmed.

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