God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1539: The First Phantom God of the Three Phantom Gods (Part 2)

Extremely extreme, without the slightest impurity, the power of pure darkness, all entered every corner of the ancient god's body, including the soul, surrounding the mind, including everything.

Ding ding ding sounded continuously.

This is a warning.

"Ding! This system is unique. Once the host is taken away, obliterated, and irreversible, the system will self-destruct to prevent it from falling into the hands of darkness!"

"Ding! The host is completely merging into the darkness, and it is irreversible. The system is starting the self-destruct process!"

"Ding! The host has completely merged into the darkness, plunged into extreme darkness, and the system began to self-destruct!"

"Ding! System self-destruct countdown: 10, 9..."

The ancient dark **** leaned against Saint Lolita's body, becoming weaker and weaker.

"Little girl, I can't give you what you want."

"I can give it, I can give it."

The unyielding source in Saint Lolita's body is dying, because the ancient **** of darkness is about to escape into complete darkness.

She's also becoming a creature of total darkness.

But she is not afraid, she just loves him.

Only she can feel the despair and pain in Brother Ye's heart.

The dark ancient **** is not as demeanor and arrogance as a king on the surface.

It's just outsiders' speculation.

It's just that no one can understand it.

"If there is fate, see you next time. Now, I am going to rest."

The Dark Ancient God closed his eyes, and fell heavily into the muddy rain.

Perhaps relief is the best result.

He has long been prepared for this.

Boom! !

The roar of thunder and the death of life cannot stop their echoes in the world.

Even the helpless cry couldn't stop the ruthless thunder.

Seeing this, Yuanxu was just indifferent: "You have the dark instinct given by me, after becoming a dark creature, come to me."

After all, he turned and left.

As for Sheng Hatsune?

He has no interest in crushing a weak ant.

Soon, there was only an ancient **** and a weak and helpless girl left in this world.

Thunder is ringing, rain is falling, and the daytime world is gradually returning to darkness.


The girl sat slumped on the ground, her body covered in black textures, her eyes lost their luster, and gradually fell into complete darkness.

Just when she was about to give up resistance, the dark ancient **** shone with a dark golden light.

"Ding! System self-destruct countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2..."

"Ding! The host entered the extreme darkness and activated the blood of the three phantom gods!"

"Ding! The extreme darkness in the host's body has merged into the blood of the Three Illusory Gods!"

"Ding! The first phantom **** of the three phantom gods, the Dark Lord, is awakening!"

"Ding! The extreme darkness is controlled by the blood of the host, the host has controlled the darkness, and the danger has been lifted!"

"Ding! The system is retracting the self-destruct program!"


The ancient god's body glowed with a dark golden light, which finally converged into a pure black armor, his hair turned blood red, and his whole body exuded a dark aura.

He slowly opened his eyes, which turned dark red, containing the profound aura of a supreme dark monarch.

"Ding! The first of the three phantom gods, the Dark Lord, has awakened!"

"Ding! The system data is being updated!"

"Ding! The data in the form of the dark monarch is being placed into the system data!"

"Ding! Due to the extreme selection of the host, it is endless darkness. In order to prevent the darkness from controlling the host, the system will treat it with caution, and will temporarily put the host into hibernation for a comprehensive inspection!"

Hearing these words, Ye Gushen, who was in a daze, realized something, and quickly sent the source of indomitability in his body into Saint Lolita's body to prevent her from being completely blackened.

He reacts quickly, but the system shuts down quickly.

He only sent out a ray of flame containing a trace of unyielding source, and then completely fell asleep, and his body returned to normal form, his hair became black and shorter, and his skin was bronze.

Sheng Hatsune got the ray of flame, and the blackness stopped, and the dark power in his body was also blocked by the flame.

She woke up: "Brother Ye?"

She didn't wake up, and she seemed to be gone.

Stretching out his hand to test his nose, he was indeed out of breath.

Saint Lori burst into tears again, crying on the ancient god's body.

The heavy rain was pouring heavily on her body, making her body tremble.

Luoli cried for a long time, and found that her body was cold as a living person, why is the body of the ancient **** so warm?

"Isn't he dead?"

She arched into the arms of the ancient god, it was indeed very warm, like a human-shaped heater.

"Shouldn't be dead."

Saint Lori wiped away her tears, carried the heavy ancient **** on her back and walked out.

"Why can't it fit into the body?"

She wanted to put Ye Gushen into her body, but found that she couldn't do it, and felt that there was a power in Gushen hindering him.

Yes, this is the system's self-protection mechanism.

In order to prevent the host from being harmed during the dormancy process, the system semi-activated the true **** power of the ancient **** to protect the ancient **** himself.

His current state is quite invincible.

The defense of the body is invincible, the defense of the soul is invincible, cannot be violated by the law and the power of the source, and cannot be sent into a different space.

St. Lolita is a god, and it's strange to be able to pretend to be in the body.

She tossed and tossed for a long time, but she couldn't put Ye Gushen into her body, instead, she attracted a demon wolf.

This is a demonic wolf infected by darkness. Its body has the power to create spells, but it has no skill to create spells. In other words, this demonic wolf is a demonic body that can only use brute force.


Seeing the calmness here, the magic wolf came over to see if he could get something cheap.

This time, hey, there is a show.

The corner of its mouth was drooling, and its greedy eyes were staring at Saint Loli and Ye Gushen.

It's all fresh meat.

It will eat it all.

With a bang, with a kick of its back foot, the demon wolf rushed towards Ye Gushen behind Saint Lolita.

Saint Lolita was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she used the law of wind to run away, but no matter how fast she was, she couldn't beat the magic wolf.


Saint Loli panicked because the wolf bit Ye Gushen's arm.

With a bang, it was like teeth smashing **** steel.

Demon Wolf only felt a numbness all over his body, all his teeth fell out, and he felt a sour feeling all over his body.

What the **** is this?

The demon wolf howled and swayed in pain.

Saint Lori was stunned, and when she realized that she was about to run, the demon wolf had already set her sights on her.

If you can't bite the dead, then bite the living.

With a booming sound, the demon wolf spawned a demon fang again, jumped up, and bit Saint Loli viciously.

Saint Loli returned in a hurry, she was quite clever.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry."

She raised Ye Gushen's hand, and slapped him.

The magic wolf smiled disdainfully.

boom! !

The demon wolf was patted on the spot in a daze, his face turned into black rice porridge. He fell to the ground and rolled for more than 2,000 meters before he stopped being castrated.

This time it was honest and ran away with its tail between its legs.

"It's such a skin that can withstand beatings."

Saint Loli touched Ye Gushen's hand, it was very warm.

Just kidding, this is a true god-level skin, not for sale.

"Don't be distracted, get out of here first!"

With Ye Gushen on her back, Saint Loli chose a direction and left.

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