God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1453: Ye Gushen's stalk

"My grandson is also here to join in the fun!"

Among the six reincarnations, a voice of high fighting spirit came out, resounding through the starry sky.

That voice contained a real god's coercion, which could make the blood of Ye Que and others surge, and everyone's heart trembled.

"After the twelve true gods, there is actually one more true god!"

Di Xiwei exclaimed.

Ye Que turned around and looked at Six Paths of Reincarnation.

A golden light rushed out, cutting through the dark starry sky instantly, crushing billions of dark creatures with one stick.

It was too explosive, and in an instant, the light from that stick shone across the universe.

After the boom.

A divine monkey covered in golden light stood on top of countless dark corpses, so bright that the strong men in the sky half-closed their eyes.

The **** monkey wears gold armor and shoulders a dark gold stick.

That's unbelievable.

The effect of the appearance is very explosive.

"Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan, this true **** has been sleeping for too long and rarely wakes up. I thought he was cold long ago, but I didn't expect to come out today!"

The ancient King Yama was amazed.

Standing above the darkness, the Holy Ape of Dou Zhan bursts out with golden light. Its terrifying power of the true **** brightens the universe and shakes countless dark creatures to tremble.

Suddenly, the Holy Ape Dou Zhan let out a long cry, and the universe trembled, making many dark creatures unable to bear it, and their bodies burst on the spot.

The holy ape is too strong, chopping off with one foot, shaking the universe.

And this is one of the super ancient gods from a long time ago.

"Old God, long time no see!"

Ye Que originally thought that this great **** would kill the Universe Sea, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to talk to him.

He was stunned and said, "Senior Demon Monkey?"

"That's right! Now that I'm awake, the memory of being with the ancient gods is still there... um... Actually, many of the characters you met in the ancient gods' world are all great powers from a long time ago!"

Fighting Holy Ape's every move has the power to destroy the universe. It's too scary. This is not an ordinary true god.

Ye Que's face darkened, and he glanced at Senior Gu Yuan who had already entered the depths.

This is the instigator.

It was Senior Gu Yuan who brought him from the Earth in the extreme northern starry sky to the Ancient God Realm in the extreme southern starry sky.

Then, his career of being played by all the great powers began.

It is estimated that these great powers held back for too long, it was really no fun, so they all used special methods to reincarnate in the ancient **** world, met and got acquainted with him, and even had conflicts.

Think about it, these guys are all creations and methods, and even true gods exist, but they are reincarnated in the ancient **** world, becoming Lingwu, Yuanwu, Wuzong Wuwang Wuhuang, etc., it is enough.

Ye Que seriously suspected that these great gods had fought **** battles with him in the ancient **** world.

"You have indeed been selected. It is a variable, not only a variable of the ancient **** world, but also a variable of the six realms, and even more, a variable of this dark taboo!"

Senior Gu Yuan shrugged his shoulders, probably seeing Ye Que's squinting eyes full of disbelief, he said again: "You are one of the variables chosen by the Empress Good Fortune before she left, and the only one who has successfully made it to the present!"

"You guys didn't really plan to play you, but because of your variables, they randomly reincarnated into many beings who may meet you, fight with you, or pass you by, or even have never been in contact with you! "

"The Empress Good Fortune said that a life of variables is doomed to ups and downs, but as long as she can endure the great grievances and the incomprehension and blame of all beings, after facing the difficulties, the final achievement can be shoulder to shoulder with her!"

Gu Yuan smiled lightly.

Ye Que listened calmly.

Di Xiwei gently held her man's arm.

"Well, it's interesting!"

Ye Que laughed it off.

"My grandson will go too!"

Rumble! !

Fighting Holy Ape let out another long roar, stepped on the nebula, and with a tumble, entered the depths of the cosmic sea.

Not only him, the ancient Yan Luo, the super ancient Suzaku, the Emperor Zhenwu, the Emperor Lei Zun, the Emperor Tianxu, and the Demon Emperor Guangming all killed him.

It really is an army of millions, and they are all at the level of ancient gods, which is too shocking.


Dizun Randeng, Dizun Randeng, Dugu Sword Emperor, Emperor Yongye, and other characters who fought against Ye Que in the ancient God Realm, all came out.

All of them have been reincarnated and awakened, or are the powers of the ancient times who have been sleeping in the cycle of reincarnation. They are old-fashioned, and the means of killing the darkness are more ruthless than one.

Ye Que suddenly felt that it was a wise choice for the Ancient God Universe to be blocked and cut off from the outside world.

Standing in the dark starry sky, he didn't have to do anything. He looked at the powerful people who had existed since a long time ago, killing the darkness without leaving any armor behind, and felt at peace in his heart.

"Sister Di, what did you want to tell me before?"

Ye Que just likes to play this meme, one mouthful of sister Di, calling Di Xiwei too uncomfortable, always giving him supercilious looks.

Di Xiwei is as cold and arrogant as a fairy, her skin is radiant in every inch, she is tall and tall, she should be upturned, she should be convex, except that she doesn't talk too much, she is really beautiful like a dream.

She gave her man a supercilious look, and her face turned red again.

"I miss you."

The voice as thin as a mosquito was still heard by Ye Que.

"There are many beds in my body, which are big and soft."

Ye Que was still that hooligan, who would push the cabbage, which was simple, rude and direct. Di Xiwei often couldn't stand this kind of thing, but thinking about being teased by this pig all the time, that wouldn't work either.

I don't know what she was thinking, but she actually uttered a meme that was once circulated in the universe.

"Gushen Ye is so powerful. When he returned to the universe of the ancient gods, he found that the universe was invaded by darkness. With one order, a million ancient gods descended!"

She stood proudly in the starry sky, raised her chin, and showed a bit of complacency on her pretty lips.

It was rare for Di Xiwei to crack a joke.

This is rare.

Ye Que's face turned dark after hearing this.

This stalk has come true.

But after savoring carefully, there is another kind of warm current flowing in the body.

This stalk came about when he was starry sky.

Now re-product, mixed with too many memories.

There is drama, but also emotion.

"This is not over yet. You used nightmares to fabricate millions of ancient gods before. Look, they all came true!"

Di Xiwei's voice wasn't too loud, but among the bosses present, which one didn't cheat? Ears are more like thieves.

Hearing this, many great talents laughed out loud.

They were reincarnated and awakened, but before waking up, they also stayed in the Six Realms and heard many funny things about Ye Gushen.

Most of these news were circulated in "The Legend of the Ancient Gods and Starry Sky" written by the great writer of Ning language, and the pen name of thirty is a handsome comparison, which is also resounding from all walks of life.

As for why Ning Yu knew these things, some of them were provided to Ning Yu by Ye Que himself, and some of them were learned from Di Xiwei and others.

"There are many other versions. I remember there is another Sakamoto. The little ancient **** was oppressed by all the creations. The 13-star ancient **** came, and the 15-star ancient **** was attracted. Yu then shouted back the great creator gods."

"Ahem, there is an even more exaggerated one. What is the return of the 15-star war **** in the starry sky, and found that the little ancient **** lives in a kennel. With an order, the 100,000 ancient gods in the starry sky rushed over."

"It's nothing to you, some of them have even changed the subject matter, some little ancient **** came to the house as a son-in-law, and was disliked by his mother-in-law, and ordered him to get out of the house. Three days later, the fifteen-star ancient **** returned, and the little ancient god's status skyrocketed. The creator **** trembled, and the mother-in-law knelt on the ground and begged him not to leave."

"I heard that Ye Gushen in the Ancient God Clan is completely like a cheating bum. He is also unique in the Ancient God Clan. He is proficient in everything. It's about the calf."

Ye Que's face turned black when he heard that.

These are all black history, the funny past events of the year.

Unexpectedly, today it has become a joke among these ancient gods.

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