God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1433: Your Majesty!

Ye Que went through a transformation, and his data also changed.

As follows—(Look carefully, there are new abilities in it, there is really no water, and now the data only appears once for 70,000 to 80,000 words)

[Ancient divine body of good fortune (the source of good fortune has been awakened/Yangyuan has already owned it)]

[Boundary: Sixth Order of the Gods and Spirits]

[Spell pattern of 1-10 laws: 60% (when the law pattern of the ten laws reaches 70%, it can break through to the seventh level of the law-making god)]

[Book of Good Fortune One: The Original True Explanation (Volume 1, Ancient God Jietiandao/Volume 2, Cosmos)]

[One of the heavenly books of good fortune: Star Code (Volume 1, Fission Star Brilliance Method/Volume 2, Ancient Book of Dark Void)]

[One of the weapons of good fortune: the good fortune eye (open the eyes and everything will be born, close the eyes and everything will be destroyed, with three pupil skills, camouflage, folding and reflection)]

[One of the weapons of good fortune: good fortune shield (the inheritance of the host comes from the good fortune shield, which has three good fortune, absolute defense, good fortune leap, and good fortune strike)]

[One of the good fortune weapons: good fortune heart (when used, it can release infinite energy, time limit: three days, cooling time: ten days]

[Ability 1 of Good Fortune Heart: Good Fortune Berserk (The Good Fortune Heart contains the power of the true god, once it goes berserk, it can condense the finger of the true **** to kill any single creature, the chance of berserk: 0.01%)]

[The ability of good fortune 2: the fusion of good fortune: the power born from the fusion of the good fortune tree and the good fortune heart, which can melt all things and give birth to new abilities randomly)]

[Source of Creation: Awakened (due to insufficient blood awakening, unable to use awakened Creation Source)]

[Yuansheng all things: Awakening Yuan is the real ancient **** of good fortune; possessing Yuan, one thought, law, blood, forbidden techniques and other means, can be transformed and fused at will]

[The source of Zhiyang: Already owned (five drops of the source of Zhiyang have been integrated into the host body. If the host uses it, the ancient **** body will be transformed into the Zhiyang body and become the Zhiyang human race. Please use the source of good fortune before using the Yangyuan)]

[Fist of the Sun: Burn 90% of your own blood and release three times more destructive power than yourself]

[Zhiyang fate pattern: nine life patterns, every time you absorb a drop of the source of Zhiyang, you can open a life pattern, there is a divine treasure in the life pattern, please open it as soon as possible]

[The Supreme Sun Canon: The Incomplete Supreme Sun Canon, the host has already cultivated the heavenly book of good fortune, so there is no need to practice it]

[The source of good fortune: 1% (the source power reaches 100%, the chance of breaking through to the true **** can be increased by 30%)]

[Zhiyangyuan: 10% (the source power reaches 100%, the chance of breaking through to the true **** can be increased by 30%)]

[The final reincarnation eye: ...]

[Ancient God's Bloodline: ...]

[Unopened Bloodline 8: Chaos Power of the Ancient God (Fully sealed bloodline, open reminder - die in chaos, live in chaos, wake up the ancient **** of chaos)]

Ye Que scanned the data, and there were many changes.

"It should be that after I obtained Zhiyangyuan and became stronger, the data self-summarized... This is a good thing!"

"Hmm... if the spell pattern reaches 70%, you can break through to the seventh level of spell making. I have to hurry up!"

"New abilities, the fusion of good fortune, can integrate all things, and develop new abilities... This is a good thing!"

"The source of the sun... a good thing, but if I use it first, it will make me change my race... Forget it, wait until I use the source of good fortune! We are the ancient gods who are serious!"

He was looking at the data, but Zhi Yangning couldn't see it, so he chirped curiously.

"Brother Ye, are you in a daze?"

Zhi Yangning asked.

"Didn't you say that there is a complete version of the Zhiyang Canon? Can you use it for me."

Ye Que asked.

"Then how do you thank me?"

Zhi Yangning's mentality is changing, and he becomes optimistic.

"I'll treat you to dragon meat later!"

Ye Que laughed.


Zhiyang Ning can't eat it, but he can receive kindness. This is the best thanks.

Next, she used a certain secret method given to her by her brother and taught it to Ye Que, who then performed it.


The Zhiyang Sword and the Zhiyang Furnace, both of which were shining bright golden sun rays, shone so brightly that the world in Ye Que's body was all golden.

"Ding! The rest of the Zhiyang Canon has appeared, has the host absorbed it?"

The beep is coming.


Ye Que said seriously.

"Ding! The rest of the Zhiyang Canon has been absorbed!"

"Ding! The host is practicing Zhiyang Canon!"

"Ding! The Zhiyang Canon is finished!"

Ye Que felt that there were strange memories in his mind, which contained the contents of Zhiyang Canon.

"Cultivating the Zhiyang scriptures, you must absorb the essence of the sun until you transform into a golden sun, and you can enter the realm of the true **** when you are born from the source of the Zhiyang!"

He murmured, with more understanding in his eyes.

The cultivation method of each true **** is different.

The True God of Zhiyang absorbs the essence of the sun, and finally transforms himself, thus giving birth to the source of Zhiyang, and finally becomes a true god.

"It looks ordinary, but it's actually difficult! It's too difficult!"

Ye Que found that even if he cultivated the True Code of the Supreme Yang and gave birth to the source of the Supreme Yang, the chance of successfully breaking through to the True God is only 10%.

I really admire Zhiyang True God, who can break through successfully.

"This exercise is not suitable for me. I already have the source of good fortune. If I practice it again, it will slow down my practice speed!"

"However, some abilities are still worthy of my use! For example, Zhiyang Liuzi Jue, it can restrain darkness and taboos..."

Ye Que squinted his eyes, and faintly felt that the Zhiyang universe was being targeted by the dark taboo, probably because of the Zhiyang Liuzi Jue.

This thing restrains the dark taboo, so the dark taboo destroyed it.

"Well, this scripture can also teach me how to use the true **** weapon for myself! Zhiyang Sword, Zhiyang Furnace, in the next time, I will let them be stamped with my mark!"

Boom boom boom! !

Many powerful creators flew out from the first realm of Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain.

Ahem, only the first realm is left, and the other eight realms are all destroyed.

"My lord!"

Eighty-three creations appeared, and the golden lion was also inside, among which were twelve peak-level creation powerhouses.

They all knelt on one knee and saluted Ye Que respectfully.

They originally inhabited the eighth realm of Zhiyang Jiujie Mountain.

Later, they were called out by Ye Que to cut the roots of the Creation Tree, but the situation was critical at that time, and a true **** attacked, so Ye Que had to let them go back to the first realm.

Now it's all out.

However, the superficially respectful but perfunctory attitude they had at the beginning is now gone.

Now everyone is very respectful, the kind from the heart, Ye Que can feel it.

"You guys are..."

Ye Que was surprised.

"You have the source of Zhiyang in your body... that is an important item for us to obey and recognize you. More importantly, the dearest relative of the True God of Zhiyang is on your body, and we also need to protect her!"

"Of course, what's more important is that your strength as a great true **** has completely convinced us!"

The twelve peak creations took the lead and obeyed on one knee.

Ye Que's body trembled, and his eyes lit up.

He has been preparing to return to the universe of the ancient gods.

He has several true **** weapons.

But not enough.

Today, there are eighty-three creations, including twelve peak creation realm powerhouses. This is a super foreign aid.

"It seems that even if Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain is destroyed, its most terrifying power still remains! Enough!"

Ye Que stood up with the Zhiyang sword in his hand, with unprecedented confidence in his tone.

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