God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1406: full gathering

Everyone wants to get the inheritance, who cares about your life and death.

Besides, one less you means one less competitor.

And some people are wicked, they don't save them if they don't save them, they pay back their debts, and they deliberately cast illusions to cover up the stone hand.

It's also a bit vicious. I guess Ye Que was not pleasing to his eyes before, after all, Ye Que was dazzling.

This kind of people made killer moves, deliberately deepening Ye Que's disaster.

"The **** clown!"

"Those who defected to the barren land, bah!"

"Retribution, let you pretend!"

Several spit out a mouthful of saliva before leaving comfortably.

Ye Que couldn't fully recover, but his strength was still there. He chose to ignore those who ignored him.

But those who hit him hard, used killing moves, spit and taunted him were all captured by the causal line by the power of his reincarnation eye.

For those who are against him, the two parties will connect the line of cause and effect.

When he gets out of trouble, he will definitely not spare these people.

In the magma.

Biting, burning, knife wounds, and lightning all fell on him, causing him pain and making him unable to recover.

Even if he opened the heart of good fortune, it would only allow him to maintain this state for three days.

As for Creation Rage, he didn't have much hope.

Since the last time, most of the will and power of the true **** of good fortune were aroused, the power of the true **** of good fortune remaining in his body has decreased a lot.

The 1% chance of causing Creation Frenzy has become 0.01%.

have no choice.

On the stone hand, everyone has passed, some are indifferent, some are ridiculed, and some are falling into trouble.

And he can only endure all kinds of pain in the infinite Nirvana.

This inheritance was initiated by him.

He has suffered a lot along the way, but at the last moment, he made a wedding dress for someone else.

Ye Que was not reconciled.

The more he endured the attack, the stronger his unwillingness to be reconciled.

In the end, that unwilling will was conveyed into the system.

"Ding! The inheritance experience is initiated by the host, and the host is qualified to close the inheritance experience!"

"Ding! According to the system analysis, the host is no longer able to continue the inheritance experience. Do you want to close the inheritance experience?"

"Ding! Close the inheritance experience, Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain will close the granting ability of inheritance power, and all outsiders will be excluded from this place!"

"System prompt: The host has two chances to inherit experience, if the first fails, you can re-experience the second time!"

"Ding! Has the host turned off the inheritance experience?"

"Ding! Has the host turned off the inheritance experience?"

His body has not recovered, but a part of his body can still be Nirvana, and the system can also use this to convey information.

Ye Que's thoughts responded: "Close!"

How could he make a wedding dress for the enemy's family with his painstaking inheritance and experience.

He wants to close the inheritance power.

Without his permission, no one can carry out inheritance experience.

"Ding! Please confirm again with the host, whether to close the inheritance experience?"

"Confirm! Close close!"

"Ding! The host closes the inheritance experience!"

"Ding! The countdown to the closing of inheritance experience: 10, 9, 8..."

As the countdown to closing began, a force of repulsion appeared throughout Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain.

All outsiders, strong or weak, were ostracized.

Just before closing, people from the Shengyuan clan also came.

The spread of information was too slow, and they came here in a hurry because of hearsay.

Now, Saint Lolita's cousin, Sheng Chuxue, discovered Ye Que and asked in surprise, "Ye Que?"

"Get out of the way."

Sheng Tianming came and shook the stone hand with a slap.

He wanted to remove the stone hand and rescue Ye Que.

Unfortunately, they came too late.

Before they could rescue Ye Que, the inheritance power was closed.

The repulsive force repelled everyone from Zhiyang Jiujie Mountain.


Ye Que disappeared and returned to the Blood Throne.

"Brother Ye, did you fail?"

Zhi Yangning flew out from the throne and approached Ye Que with regret on his face.

But she is very good at comforting people, and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter, the inheritance experience is started by you, you have the initiative, if you fail once, there will be a second time, you just need to start the second time later!"


Ye Que stood in front of Zhiyang Ning, made a booing gesture, and stared coldly under the throne.

There, creations and methods of creation of all races are all there.

turn out to be.

All those who were excluded will gather around him.

These people all came near the throne.

Longyuan tribe, Bloodyuan tribe, Fireyuan tribe, Hongyuan tribe, Niuyuan tribe, Shengyuan tribe...

People of many races are there.

Although not many, there are seventeen or eighteen races.

There are not many creations, but there are twenty or thirty.

Sixty or seventy methods have been created.

They all stared at Ye Que with coldness in their eyes.

"Have you gained inheritance experience?"

The fifth-order creation of the Longyuan clan said in a deep voice, he never expected that Ye Que would have such an opportunity.

"It seems that we were excluded because of your influence!"

"Damn the untouchables! How dare you disturb my good deeds!"

"The guy who is looking for death!"

"Sure enough, you are a rebellious piece of garbage. How dark is your heart, and you actually blocked my chance to get the inheritance!"

"Do you know that cutting off a person's wealth is like killing one's parents?"

This time, not only the four clans condemned, but other clans also shouted angrily.

Their killing intent was soaring, their coercion swept across the world, and Ye Que was filled with hostility.

Ye Que's face was indifferent, he was used to such targeting.

Suddenly, the corner of his clothes was grasped tightly.

He looked sideways to the back.

Ning Ning hid behind him, clutching the hem of his clothes guiltily, with tears in his eyes, sobbing, "Brother Ye...I didn't know they would come...I...I..."

"it's not your fault."

Ye Que stretched out his hand to touch her little head, comforted her softly, and endured all the hostility, killing intent and coercion.


The coercion of creation struck him and pressed him to the ground.

"Start inheritance experience, I will give you one last chance!"

The fifth-order creation of the Longyuan clan is a middle-aged man with a mean face and a cold expression, suspended in the air, staring at Ye Que coldly.

"Everyone, this is too much."

The creation of the Shengyuan clan opened its mouth, but the tone was not very full.

Although they are true **** races, there are other true **** races here, not only that, but there are also many core races.

What he said was a confrontation with all the races present, and it took a lot of courage to say it.

"If you Holy Origin Clan think it's too much, you can leave here!"

The creations of the Longyuan clan responded coldly, and other clans also launched hostility towards the Shengyuan clan.


The creations of the Shengyuan clan stepped aside and did not speak again.

It is not in the interests of the Shengyuan Clan to become everyone's public enemy at this time.

What those juniors wanted to say was stopped by the Shengyuan Clan.

"Little brat, start the inheritance experience!"

The creation of the Huoyuan tribe was violent, and he slapped Ye Que's body with a slap, crushing Ye Que's body on the spot.

He knew that Ye Que could achieve Nirvana.

As he thought, Ye Que came out of Nirvana.

"Start inheritance experience! Hurry up, don't waste my time!"

Creations of the Hongyuan and Bloodborn tribes were also attacking, easily suppressing Ye Que.

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