God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1400: eternal life

"Whether it's a dark object or not, I'll keep watching!"

Ye Que knelt on the ground, and his body was supported by the law's blood and other forces. Even if his bones were shattered and his body spontaneously combusted, he couldn't stop his determination to continue watching.

The eye of good fortune runs to the limit, looking along the line of cause and effect, and finally the line of sight passes through the sea of ​​blood, and comes to a black, directionless dark place.

Inside the Throne of Blood is a sea of ​​blood, and behind the sea of ​​blood is darkness.

After darkness, what is it?

"Look again!"

Ye Que followed the causal line and continued to read.

At this time, he was under a lot of pressure, his bones were shattered, 70% of the blood in his body was burned dry, and the three forbidden eyes were gradually affected.

He remained expressionless and continued to watch.

Follow the lines of cause and effect and look into the depths of the darkness.

Not long after, a ray of white light lit up from the darkness.

Seeing this, Ye Que's heart was shocked, and he immediately strengthened his spirit and accelerated to look towards the slightly white light.

The speed of viewing is very fast.

Soon, he got close to the whitish light, and saw what was emitting the light.

It's the roots!

A thousand-meter-thick tree root took root in the darkness, emitting a whitish light.

Countless causal lines are connected with this tree root.

"Is it a fortune tree?"

Ye Que guessed, he looked up along the roots of the tree.

From this point of view, it seems to have violated the rules here.

With a buzzing sound, a terrifying pressure from the true **** descended on him, completely cutting off his sight.

boom! !

The shattered bones, burning blood, and self-igniting body were suddenly completely crushed and turned into a puddle of blood.

The power in the dark is actually the coercion of the true god.

The pressure of the true **** is emitted from the roots of the tree.

But the reason why the tree roots released the pressure of the true **** was obviously because they didn't want him to continue watching.

However, he still glimpsed the last scene before his death.

At a certain position above the tree roots, Ning Ning was wearing thin white clothes, lying in a coffin woven with thin tree roots, with his eyes closed, his body was cold, and he had been dead for many years.

The coffin was closely connected with the huge tree roots and blended into one.

In addition, a small sword blade was stuck on the side of the coffin.

The blade of the sword exudes a scorching power like the sun.

This is what he saw before his sight was cut off.

Xu Shi peeked into the secrets and truths that shouldn't be peeked, and completely alarmed a certain force.

When he was resurrected from Nirvana, the broken sword in his sea of ​​souls burst out with the power of the sun, and instantly sank into the throne of blood, and finally connected with the blade next to the coffin.


The broken sword became a complete sword, slowly exuding the power of a true god.

buzz buzz —

The cornucopia in the sea of ​​souls was resonated and began to shake, glowing and glowing.

Not only that, but Ye Que's Zhiyang Canon, which he had practiced, was running automatically, and his whole body was covered with golden light, which was the light of raging flames.

Ding ding ding ding—

The notification sound keeps ringing, it seems to be conveying some meaning, but the analysis has not been completed, so only the sound of ding ding ding can be heard.

During this process, Ye Que turned into a golden firefly, his body was full of light.

The cornucopia in his mind was shaking in his sea of ​​souls, turning the world upside down.

He shook Ye Que so that his head was buzzing, and there were stars in his eyes.

Fortunately, this process did not last too long.

The beep comes out with a clear sound.

"Ding! The incomplete version of the Zhiyang Canon is the ancient scripture of the Zhiyang True God. The host has cultivated it and has been recognized by the Zhiyang True God's inheritance!"

"Ding! Does the host accept the inheritance and experience of Zhiyang True God?"

"Ding! Does the host accept the inheritance and experience of Zhiyang True God?"

Ye Que's head exploded, buzzing, and it was all the pot of the cornucopia. He heard the notification sound in a daze, and cursed: "Accept, accept, stop this thing for me!"

He was about to be shaken stupid by the cornucopia, and the nosebleeds sprang out even more.

"Ding! The host accepts the inheritance experience of Zhiyang True God!"

"Ding! The inheritance and experience of Zhiyang True God, start the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7..."

As the countdown began, the shaking of the cornucopia gradually subsided.

cluck cluck...

I don't know if it was an auditory hallucination, but he heard a clear and ethereal laughter.

Ye Que gave himself a big mouth and it hurt, which meant that the laughter was not an auditory hallucination.

He looked at the Throne of Blood in a daze.

In a daze, Ye Que saw Ning Ning wake up on the throne, with a pure smile on her face, surrounded by blue sadness and deep mist loneliness.

She looked at him and smiled softly, the laughter was pure and without impurities.

Suddenly, the steps carrying the Blood Throne burst into dazzling blood light. The blood light turned around and gathered beside the throne, turning into a door of blood light.

"Brother Ye, you said that with you here, nothing will happen to me, so accept my brother's inheritance! Please protect Ningning!"

Zhi Yangning's memory seemed to recover, she got up slowly, and gently pushed open the door of blood light.

She turned around and looked at Ye Que, blue light and deep fog enveloped her.

Ye Que walked up the steps silently, and went straight to the Blood Light Gate. Many doubts buried in his heart have been solved.

It turned out that Ning Ning... was actually the younger sister of the True God Zhiyang.

It is also the only survivor of the Zhiyang universe, billions of billions of almost endless creatures.

No, only half of the survivors.

She was dead, buried in a coffin of tree roots in the throne room.

She can only be regarded as a soul body now, immortal and immortal, and will exist here forever.

This is... eternal life.

Although I don't know how she lived forever.

But such eternal life is sad, even pitiful.

A person's eternal life is also a kind of sin and pain.

All her relatives and friends, together with people from one universe, are all dead.

A person wandered in confusion and slept forever for hundreds of millions of years.

It's worse than dying.

Unfortunately, she couldn't die.

I was you, you will always be me...

Ye Que became more and more afraid of these words.

Yes, the former Ningning, like him, had relatives, friends, and a place to live.

But now, she has nothing.

Look at the tragedy of this moment.

The Zhiyang universe was buried by darkness and taboos, completely buried.

The True Mystery Realm is the remnant of the Zhiyang universe. Even if it is brought here by the Zhiyang True God, it is still difficult to escape the clutches of darkness and taboos.

As for Zhiyang True God... since the inheritance has appeared, he must have been dead for a long time.

Ye Que walked to the steps, turned around and looked around.

In the darkness, countless corpses polluted by dark objects, with their backs facing the throne, waited until death.

These are the harsh realities that cannot escape the claws of dark taboos.

Perhaps, the universe of the ancient gods will also enter such a bad luck, and he will have nothing.

Therefore, he was afraid of this sentence, unwilling to be reconciled to fate, and angry at the cruelty of the dark taboo.

"Be stronger! No matter what, I want to become stronger! I want to surpass the true god!"

Ye Que looked at the Blood Light Gate, murmured but firmly.

"Senior Creation True God, you said you were waiting for me, whether you are alive or dead, I will come to you!"

"Dark taboo, I will bury you one day! In the past and present, countless universes and countless creatures that have been destroyed by you, I will end!"

Ye Que stepped forward and stepped into the Blood Light Gate.

"Brother Ye, come on! Ningning's only friend for a billion years is you, and in my memory for a billion years, you are the only one. Brother Ye, don't die! Otherwise, Ning Ning will always be there Wandering, confused, wandering and sleeping here."

Zhi Yangning spoke softly.

"It turns out that you have lived forever for a billion years... Don't worry, what I have, you should also have. With me here, you will never have any accidents! Wait for me to come back!"

Ye Que stepped into the Blood Light Gate.

"Ding! The inheritance and experience of Zhiyang True God has officially begun!"

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