God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1371: missing person


Shen Tianlin's legs went limp, and he let out a loud shout mixed with anger.

The hall master and deputy hall master frowned, and looked at the towering forest with cold eyes.

Shen Tianlin sighed angrily, didn't care about anything, and went straight to the outside of the hall.

Outside the hall, Ye Que really disappeared.

"No wonder these newcomers look at me wrongly, Ye Que actually left! Something big happened!"

Shen Tianlin was angry with these newcomers who passed the review, why didn't he just tell him about it.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"These people don't dare to speak out, most likely because they don't want to get involved in big trouble. In other words, the reason why Ye Que left was because he was pushed away by the people above! Deputy Palace Master?!"

Shen Tianlin's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

He turned around, entered the hall with anger, glanced at the vice-Hall Master, then took out the mirror, handed it to the Hall Master and said, "Hall Master, I don't have much to say! There are records about Ye Que's review in it! "

The Hall Master originally wanted to reprimand Shen Tianlin for his disrespect, but thinking that this person has always been prudent, if he is so abnormal today, something may have happened.

He was silent for a while, took the mirror over, and after casting the spell, a picture appeared in the mirror.

The deputy hall master frowned, but kept silent, and also looked into the mirror.

After a short silence.

With a bang.

The palace master's peak creation-level coercion was released, his eyes flickered, and he lost his voice: "A tenth-level **** of the 999th stage?"


The coercion of the hall master pressed on the deputy hall master, and he said coldly, with murderous intent in his tone: "You knew about this a long time ago?"

The deputy hall master's complexion changed drastically, sweat grew on his forehead, and he hurriedly explained: "I really don't know about this matter, I just treat it as a trivial matter!"

"This is the 999th-tier tenth-level god. You should be very clear. In the history of Moyuan Continent, the highest-level tenth-tier **** is only 150th-tier!"

The coercion of the hall master is getting stronger and stronger, and the killing intent is skyrocketing.

A tenth-level deity with 999 segments is of great significance to a true **** force, and it can affect the future planning of the sect.

The deputy hall master also understood, and he said again: "My disciple Huo Tianyu ordered someone to come to me and ask me to hand over Ye Que's list. Before that, I didn't even know about this matter!"

He is also angry.

After all, he is also a member of Mo Tianzong, so naturally he will not act recklessly regardless of the sect.

"Hehehe! That apprentice of yours has caused trouble many times, and I have also given you advice. If you continue to indulge like this, something will happen sooner or later! Deputy Hall Master, Deputy Hall Master, I will not turn a blind eye to it again !"

The hall master turned his head and said to Shen Tianlin: "Go, report this matter to the suzerain, it is best to let the real **** also take a look!"

With a swipe of the ground, the hall master stood up, and with a thought, all the elders in the entire examination hall were alarmed.

"Follow me to find someone!"

The hall master let out a cold shout, which reverberated throughout the heaven and earth of the hall of examination.

At that moment, the faces of all the elders changed slightly.

What kind of person is this looking for, who can even alarm the palace master?

swipe swipe—

No one dared to hesitate, and they gathered behind the hall master in an instant.

"The person you are looking for is right here!"

The hall master copied the picture in the mirror and distributed it to everyone in the form of spiritual thoughts.

After ten breaths.

There was an uproar.

One by one lost their voices.

"Grass! The tenth-order **** of the 999th stage!"

"I'm looking for this tenth-level god? Doesn't that mean that the audit failed?"

"Which dog thing did a good job?"

The elders cursed.

The deputy hall master who had just followed had his face darkened, but he didn't have the time to worry about it, so he took some elders and went looking for someone.

"I warn you, if you can't find it, you should think about the consequences yourself!"

The hall master was no longer easy-going, and pointed at the deputy hall master with a cold voice.


The deputy hall master gritted his teeth, his expression very gloomy.

The Registration Pavilion of the Examination Hall.

Mo Tianchen happily registered his identity in the register. From now on, he is a member of Mo Tianzong, and he is no longer an orphan of the outer sect.

"By the way, I have to announce the good news to my father! By the way, let me tell you about Ye Que!"

He took out the sound transmission jade and reported everything, and then his father exploded.

"Hurry up! Where is your sister? I'm worried about her marriage, now it's settled!"

His father had the same virtues as himself.

Mo Tianchen said with a smile: "I have already hugged Young Master Ye's thigh, I will notify my sister later!"

At this time, the other reviewers came over.

It may be that there is no scruples among peers.

As soon as these people showed up, they told about Ye Que being chased away by Huo Tianyu.

"Fuck! Are you courting death?"

Mo Tianchen's expression changed.

After much deliberation, he decided to tell his father about it.

"damn thing!"

His dad exploded again.

Mo Tianchen felt that his father was scolding him, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not.

"Send Ye Que's audit records, and I will look for it myself! Such a good son-in-law, how can I let him go and be squeezed out by others!"

When his father issued the order, he had already regarded Ye Que as his son-in-law, and the relationship was also sneaky.

Hearing this tone, Mo Tianchen faintly felt that he was going to become an orphan again.

But he was nimble and quickly sent Ye Que's audit records.

Boom boom boom—

The master of Shenzang Hall, Mo Tianchen's father, a peak creation, soared into the sky in a single stroke, and a group of elders followed behind him.

"This is my son-in-law. If I can't find him today, everyone will face me for ten thousand years!"

The owner of the Shenzang Palace is still tough, announcing the identity of his son-in-law in advance immediately caused an uproar.

But when the elders read Ye Que's audit records, they all exploded.

"The tenth-level **** of the 999th stage, well, I also have a daughter..."

"Stop talking, everyone has run away, it's important to find them quickly!"

A group of elders cheered and left with the hall master.

During that battle, the people in the next hall were startled, thinking that foreign enemies had invaded.

Motian main hall, the only main hall of Motianzong.

The suzerain is within it.

Shen Tianlin took the mirror and flew in. After a while, there were several waves of peak creation power coming from the main hall.

"Dare to drive away such a genius! Who did a good thing?"

The suzerain was furious.

"I will report this matter to Lord True God, this son's evildoer is beyond my imagination!"

The deputy suzerain left and went to inform Lord True God himself.

And at this time.

Ye Que came to Yuntian Palace, one of the true **** sects.

"Waiting for my good news outside, if I get in, I will pull you in too!"

Ye Que said to Huo Chen.

Huo Chenyu was originally a member of Blood Cloud Palace, but after that incident happened, he probably has already been expelled.

In this regard, Ye Que will not stand on the sidelines, if he can help the other party, he will definitely help.

"Brother Ye can still take jokes, which shows that his mentality is not so good. You will definitely succeed!"

Huo Chenyu smiled sweetly, and cheered for Ye Que.

Ye Kuang nodded, entered the teleportation array of Yuntian Palace, and soon arrived at the audit point.

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