God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1333: curious baby

"Sending death and being put together are two different things."

Ye Que talked seriously.

Tian Luoyi was stunned for a moment, thinking that this guy can really talk.

No wonder it can get so many wonderful rankings.

"Since you want to die, then go for it. If you have other purposes, it's best not to provoke us!"

There was a coldness in Xue Aili's gentle voice.

Ye Que became vigilant.

Both of these are high-level methods, so he won't mess with them if he can.

After thinking about it, he accelerated past the two of them, and went deeper inside the churning python body.

"Be careful, the giant python's body is full of poison, it's very troublesome to get infected."

Tian Luoyi held Xue Aili who was about to speed up.

"Aren't you worried that he took the treasure away?"

Xue Aili said strangely.

If the two hadn't had a good relationship in private, Xue Aili would have wanted to act alone.

"He is Ye Que."

Tian Luoyi said in a low voice.


Shirley covered her mouth.

"He is seamless and does not drill! Where is the excitement, where to join!"

Tian Luoyi thought this man was amazing.

"Wait, how did he see that the fire bird was a fake, and also saw that there was a real treasure hidden in the python's body?"

Xue Aili thought of the key point.

They were able to see through the true and the false because of Tian Luoyi's Tianyuan Eye and Xue Aili's Xueyuan Wenzang. (cang)

But Ye Que is just a god, how could he see through it.

"This man is unusual, let's go up and see what other abilities he has. Of course, we also want to get the treasure!"

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili followed.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

The more he flew in, the more pain he saw and the gas for help.


Ye Que gradually came to the middle abdomen of the giant python.

There are highly poisonous mucus everywhere, and he will die if he touches it. He has Nirvana and he doesn't want to touch it casually.

Open the eyes of fortune, reincarnation and chaos, and take a closer look.

In the end, it was discovered that a broken sword was inserted into the viscera of the giant python, and the word Zhiyang was engraved on the hilt.

The Broken Sword didn't emit light, it was pure black, but there was a scorching temperature.

"This sword is not simple. It can release a strange force and destroy certain abilities of the giant python."

Ye Que cast a spell, a white awn flowed from his hand, and lightly touched the broken sword.

He was very careful, opened Nirvana, and the heart of good fortune was ready.

Gently touch.

Something unexpected happened.


A tyrannical mental force rushed into his mind.

Some fragmented strange pictures flashed in his eyes.

In the dark and icy universe, the dark taboo that turned into sea water dripped into the galaxies, shattering the universe bit by bit.

A large number of creatures died in the struggle to survive.

The mighty ones who exploded to the light of the sun, until the last moment of their lives, were also resisting the invasion of darkness and taboos.

"Don't leave me..."

The sad and ethereal voice swept across Ye Que's body like an electric shock.

Ye Que gasped, and quickly let go.

I drop a tortoise.

What is this broken sword?

It can let him see fragmented pictures, and it can also make him hear inexplicable voices.

"Forget it, if you can't pull it out, you won't pull it out!"

Ye Que was scared.

He looked at Broken Sword apprehensively, and then he was dumbfounded.

"Where's the sword?"

he said in surprise.

"It was taken away by you, don't be perfunctory to me, I saw it with my own eyes."

At the end of Tian Luoyi's speech, thinking of Ye Que's speechless temperament, he added one more sentence.

"Yes, yes! You are so courageous, you dare to touch anything."

Xue Aili Xiao Cong nodded.

Ye Que:? ? ?

How dare he accept it, he dare not even touch it.

Just in case, he checked his whole body, and suddenly found that the broken sword had come to his soul sea, floating quietly.


Ye Que was really scared.

This is the center of his soul, Broken Sword is so weird, if he accidentally makes some noise, he will not be finished.

"Damn it? What the **** is it?"

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili were really curious about Ye Que, from the very beginning.

Hearing this sentence now, I also have the urge to study curiously.

"Girls can't say that, and the reverse is suitable for you."

How about saying that Ye Que is short of money.

The broken sword entered the soul, and this guy still has the heart to complain.

Sure enough, he deserved to be the man who was hunted down the most times.

"The trough?"

Tian Luo Yizhen said it in reverse.

"Sleeping in the trough...err..."

Xue Aili vaguely guessed something, and there was a hint of embarrassment in her gentle and melancholy eyes.

Ye Que chuckled, swiped the ground and flew out.

This guy has more broken swords in his soul, and he can still laugh like this, his mentality is not generally good.

"The treasure is in hand, let's go."

Before Tian Luoyi could react, he muttered "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck".

Xue Aili hurriedly corrected her.

Then, a burst of super-top nine-level magic power erupted from Tian Luoyi's body.

"Not good! Finished!"

Ye Que felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and rushed out of the giant python.

As soon as he came out, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili flew out, Xue Aili didn't care, Tian Luoyi was already blushing.


Tian Luoyi gritted his teeth, glared at Ye Que, and flew away.

Xue Aili looked at Ye Que speechlessly, thinking that this guy was too good at talking, so she also left in the end.

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly looked at the giant python.

At this time, the giant python has calmed down.

Its fierce eyes stared at Ye Que like two full moons, very terrifying.

"Brother, I have pulled out the broken sword in your body, don't go crazy, don't kill me, I'll leave immediately."

Ye Que said hello, waved his hand, got up and left.

He had to find a way to get the broken sword out of his soul.


The 10,000-meter python moved and came straight towards him.

Ye Que thought that nothing good would happen, this guy probably wanted to eat him, so he ran away.

But as he ran, he discovered that the Chaos Eye saw gas again.

"The gas of friendliness, kindness and joy."

Ye Que slowed down, followed the color of the gas, and looked at the giant python.

That's right, it was uploaded from the giant python.

"You want to thank me?"

Ye Que asked.

The python nodded.

"Brother, can you speak?"

Ye Que pondered for a moment, then asked again.

The giant python shook his head, and conveyed a meaning from his soul.

It turned out that Broken Sword had destroyed too many things in it.

Spiritual aspects such as the ability to speak are also affected.

"Hey, sorry for you."

Ye Que flew to the top of the giant python, shook his head and said, but felt very distressed.

Because he is also afraid that the broken sword will destroy his ability.

buzz buzz —

The giant python emitted soul fluctuations again.

Ye Que felt it carefully, and said in surprise: "You still have treasures?"

After finishing speaking, he rubbed his hands again: "I'm not welcome, since you want to give me the treasure, I will reluctantly accept it!"

The giant python sends out soul fluctuations again, conveying happiness and goodwill.

It shook its body and drilled into the ground.

When they left, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili appeared again.

"There are treasures, Ellie, let's grab them."

Tian Luoyi suggested.

"I don't want that rogue thing. In other words, he really just wants to save the giant python."

Xue Aili was surprised, she didn't expect that this unscrupulous guy actually had an unknown gentle side in his heart.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either. I thought he was going to **** the treasure from us, but I didn't expect that he just wanted to save the giant python... Really... I really can't see through him."

Tian Luoyi became more and more curious.

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