God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1318: if i were you

Rumble! !

Extreme laws, many strange and unpredictable secret techniques, turned into visions of heaven and earth, and fell to the earth.

Layers of soil were annihilated, and large pits appeared.

Ye Que was annihilated together with the soil, but after the annihilation, he came out of Nirvana.

There was blood on his body, but his face was calm.

He has experienced even more dangerous situations than this.


The source of fire burned his palm, and the palm print turned into a giant dragon, which devoured Ye Que in one bite.

"If you die, you will be resurrected! Your ability really makes me envious!"

When Long Yuantong waved his hands, the sky was filled with dark boulders like rain, rumbling and covering Ye Que's body.

"Call Grandpa, maybe I can teach you a trick or two!"

Ye Que came out of Nirvana, and millions of secret techniques poured out to fight back.

Time speeded up, making him disappear in an instant like light.

Speaking of grandpa, Huo Yuanzhi thought of his grandson.

When I think of my grandson, I think of the scene where he was slapped in the face.

"Kill! You must die!"

Huoyuanzhi roared, and the fireballs fell all over the sky. One can destroy stars, and countless ones can distort time.

Rumble! !

Ye Que appeared in the speed of time and was annihilated by the flames, but emerged from Nirvana again.

"Consume him to death!"

All the super-top high-level spell-makers of the Hongyuan and Bloodborn tribes made their moves.

The radiant prestige of law.

It also has its own unique power.

In addition, there are also soul spells, blood spells, and weird and unpredictable curse spells, all of which were cast on Ye Que.

"Don't give me a chance!"

Ye Que's three eyes were as calm as ice, hiding the cold mountain of hundreds of millions of years.

He was enduring the shattering pain, his willpower was as motionless as a mountain, and everything was still rising.

His willpower is accumulated little by little like this.

"Do you think that with your ability, we have given you a chance, what can you take to resist us?"

Huo Yuanzhi taunted, the arrogance in his eyes was not concealed by his high realm.


The tenth-order method of guarding Longyuan Tong, Long Yuanchen, squeezed tightly with one hand.

The soil on the ground turned into a weapon capable of shattering the starry sky, piercing Ye Que's body.

The attacks of the rest of the methods continued continuously, and they were going to consume Ye Que to death.

"In this desperate situation, wouldn't it be cheaper for him if he was awakened or developed the source of energy in his body?"

Hongyuan Clan's high-level crafting method, frowning, a little hesitant to make a move.

Long Yuantong smiled: "It has been developed or awakened, so what? He doesn't belong to any core race, he is ownerless, and no one can help him. Besides, with the source, he can instantly become a high-level method? Or is it a creation?"

He is the Son of Yuan, who knows how powerful Yuan is.

But Ye Que's realm is too low, so what if he develops or awakens the source?

Could it be that he could kill them instantly?

Hearing Long Yuantong's words, everyone's attacks became more and more fierce.

"The creation method of the Shengyuan clan followed Sheng Tianming to other places to hunt for treasures. If he knows everything here, can you afford it?"

Tian Luoyi began to dislike Long Yuantong and others.

She is not sympathetic and pity Ye Que.

Rather, he felt that a group of high-level methods had joined forces to suppress a god.

Where is the face?

"Relying on his identity, status and high realm, he can still show arrogance and complacency on his face, which is really beyond my expectation."

Even though Xue Aili was angry, she also brought melancholy tenderness.

Since ancient times, there have been many troubles for beautiful women.

Putting this sentence here is a bit serious.

However, it does have some impact.

They were unintentional words, but they just angered the law-makers.

"Don't use Sheng Tianming to scare people!"

"Isn't it fun to kill an ant that can only wait for death slowly?"

"Relying on status and high realm? If I were him, I would have committed suicide long ago instead of holding on to it. What a shame!"

The source of the fire was so high that it looked like a god, overlooking Ye Que.

"If I were him, I would never be so [567 Chinese www.567zw.top] embarrassed!"

Xue Wuya also opened his mouth about the blood-born clan's ninth-level method of making, his tone was very strong, his aura was very fierce, and he was extremely domineering.

"Let him experience despair!"

Hong Tieyun made a move for the ninth-order method of the Hongyuan clan, every word is murderous, and every move is deadly.

There are many ways to watch a play around.

Mostly gloat.

After all, isn't it the joy of geniuses to witness the death of a genius who possessed seven thousand years of creation qualifications and possessed a source of energy in his body?

They looked back and saw that there were quite a few heated debaters who put themselves in their shoes.

Xu Tianluoyi's words woke them up.

They started to discuss heatedly, such as I am Ye Que, what should I do.

In short, the inside and outside of the words revealed a kind of, if I were him, I would never be so miserable, I should have a fearless state of mind, and make a shocking resistance with a feat that shocks the world.

Hearing these words, Tian Luoyi felt disgusted.

Don't think it's just that if you haven't experienced the suffering of others.

"If you kill someone, you kill him. Why do you have to be so superior, and you have to find a high-sounding excuse for yourself?"

Ye Que turned on Libra, but the effect was not good.

These are top-notch manufacturing methods, placed in the universe, can kill low-level creations in the universe, and their combat power is amazing.

After he suppressed the opponent's combat power, it was still not something he could resist.

"Guys from space, what we're talking about isn't an excuse."

"There is a difference between us and you."

Rumble! !

A series of laws, secret techniques and strange techniques all fell into the pit.

Ye Que didn't fight back, because it was futile.

He just raised his head, his back was straight, and his three eyes were staring at a group of high-level creations, or in other words, staring at the sky above the high-level formations.

"Are you ready to beg for mercy?"

Long Yuantong walked up to Ye Que with his hands behind his back, and looked down at him indifferently.

"Looking at him, it should be so, but don't give him this chance!"

Huoyuanzhi's attack was fatal, causing a sea of ​​fire to rise below, and his words were like a sea of ​​fire, full of burning killing intent.

The practitioners around saw that Ye Que seemed to be kneeling and begging for mercy, and there was a look on his face, which was exactly what I expected.

Tian Luoyi glanced at Xue Aili, and sighed softly.

Next, no matter what happens, it's normal.

But they really don't want to see this scene.

"You, do you want to kneel down and try?"

Long Yuantong smiled indifferently.

Ye Que was nirvana in the midst of destruction, endured the fierce bombardment, and never moved.

He stared at the sky, the corner of his mouth curled up: "Your imaginations are really rich."

"Let him kneel! Let him beg for mercy!"

Long Yuantong used Longyuan True Eye.

In the real eye, active.

As soon as the source came out, Long Yuantong instantly realized that there was a power comparable to creation level hidden in the sky.

When he raised his head suddenly, he saw the grotesque aurora of laws descending.

"not good!"

He wants to run.

The rest of the people also found out and ran away too.

"Unresponsive guys, do you have time to run?"

Ye Que sneered.

Puff puff!

When the high-level spellmakers encounter the aurora of the law, although they are not fatal, they suppress their combat power.

The law Aurora has a kind of oppressive power, forcibly suppressing their combat power to the tenth level of the **** king.

Ye Que raised his brows, and lowered his head slightly while thinking carefully.

"If you were me, would you have put into practice your previous heroic act of resistance?"

His low voice was like a magic voice echoing in the doomsday.

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