God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1315: Full operation

Ye Que's operations are already full.

Eat directly into the stomachs of the audience.


The most shameless ranking list finally started its second sublimation.

Originally, the first sublimation.

The black ranking stele will turn into gold, and the name will become colorful.

Now, the second sublimation.

The golden ranking stele directly transformed into colorful light, and the name turned into colorful flashing light.

Good guy.

The second sublimation caused a great sensation.

"What kind of thing is this that can sublimate the most shameless?"

"It's so scary!"

"Terrible guy, which unlucky guy has an accident?"

The people who looked at the ancient battlefield outside were all stunned and inexplicably terrified.


Ye Que, the number one in the cheapest ranking list, suddenly underwent the first sublimation.

The black stele turned into gold.

The name on it turned into colorful lights.

Audience: ? ? ?

"If a miracle has a color, it must be holy white, but it's not a miracle, it's a miracle!"

"Fear, the most coquettish ranking list was sublimated for the first time, and the most shameless ranking list was sublimated for the second time. Now, the cheapest ranking list has also been sublimated!"

Many people's eyes are straight.


The unexpected happened again.

The first place in the most insidious ranking list began to sublimate for the first time.

The black stele turned into gold.

The name, blooming colorful light.

The audience touched the sweat from their foreheads and mourned for the others inside.

Looking at the situation, it is estimated that no one can surpass Ye Que.

This is no longer simply number one.

This is a man who can sublimate the coquettish, the cheapest, the most shameless, and the most insidious from the first place.

At this time, Ye Que didn't know that a group of people in the Crystal Palace had seen everything he did.

Of course, with Young Master Ye's temper, even if he is seen, he will only be excited and stimulated.

Well, our Young Master Ye is not ordinary.


Ye Que hiccupped and glanced at the data.

His combat power has reached 377 ranks.

The rank of the top-level first-order method: 110-250

The rank of the top-level second-order method: 260-370

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

He is now between the second and third ranks, and he can be regarded as the combat strength of the super-top quasi-third ranks.

"Hey hey, everything is mine!"

Long Yuanshi's face darkened, as if he had just returned from digging coal.

But he doesn't care.

"People who work are the happiest."

Holding a pile of treasures, he put them in his sack, and then ran into the palace to fish for the treasures again.

Ye Que pointed at his back, showed his thumb, and opened his mouth to eat.

Bang Bang Bang —

The people in the crystal palace next door fell into extreme madness.

Long Yuantong, Huo Yuanzhi and others almost exploded on the spot.

That idiot Long Yuanshi didn't realize that his treasure had been stolen, and kept repeating the tool man.

Their hatred for Ye Que was not the slightest bit.

Not only them, but also the high-level creation methods of the Huoyuan, Hongyuan and Bloodyuan tribes.

Seeing Ye Que carefree and proud now, how could they get used to it.

Of course, the main reason is that they are also envious...

"Work is glorious, I can take these treasures with peace of mind, they are all mine!"

Long Yuanshi came back, he wiped off the feces on his face, and took out the deepest treasure.

In the corner of the palace, there were piles of old feces piled up, and they hadn't dried up. They were very fresh, and the taste was not to mention strong.

It is estimated that the palace is very fresh, otherwise the treasures cannot exist forever, and the old **** can exist here.

When this guy was holding the treasure, he accidentally rubbed his face with old shit, almost making him sick.

"It was all worth it!"

Long Yuanshi was moved by himself, and there were some complex tears of being wronged and worthwhile in his eyes.

He wiped away his tears with the back of his hands that smelled of shit.

Ye Que was hidden by the side, his expression moved.

A sentence came to his mind.

Although, your disheveled look is very embarrassing.

However, the action of you wiping your tears with **** is really handsome.

"Go and search in other palaces to see if there are any treasures!"

Long Yuanshi was moved by himself, so he carried the sack and went straight to the distance.

Ye Que was in awe, clenched his fists tightly, gave a thumbs up, and stretched out to Long Yuanshi: "Come on, Ollie!"

Half of the people in the Crystal Palace exploded, and half were shown so that their scalps went numb.

"With such a temper, how on earth does Bitch Ye have a source of energy in her body?"

"On the barren land, all power should be turned into weight, but in Ye Que's body, some power has not been turned into weight. For example, he can clone himself, he can be resurrected and reborn, etc. This has something to do with the source."

"Having a source has nothing to do with whether people are cheap or not, whether they are coquettish or not, or whether they are yin or not."

"It's just a small amount of source, it hasn't been developed yet, or it's not worth developing at all."

Many people disdain Ye Que, but most of them treat it rationally.

Except some surnamed dragon, surnamed fire and so on.

"Of course, it has nothing to do with whether a person has positive energy and gentleness."

Tian Luoyi was still curious about Ye Que.

People, as long as they stick to the bottom line of their hearts, they will never be knocked down by darkness.

Even if there are other small fights, they can be ignored.

"After all, it is impossible for a perfect person to exist. People with flaws are the most complete people."

Xue Aili is a true **** race, a girl from the Xueyuan tribe, and she ranks third in the most beautiful ranking list, second only to Tian Luoyi.

In the warmest ranking list, she was squeezed out by Ye Que and became the fifth place. She is a beauty who is gentle enough to make people melancholy.

It has to be said that once the seeds of curiosity and goodwill are planted in a girl's heart, no matter how much trouble this boy makes, as long as there is a bottom line, he will still not bring bad feelings to the girl.

Ka Ka Ka!

The teeth of some admirers are nearly crushed.

Although, they don't envy Bitch Ye at all.

But, I'm really envious.

After all, this is the ranking of combat power, realm, most beautiful, and warmest. She is a beauty with status and status.

"Hey, there is a space door here."

Someone discovered something special about Crystal Palace.

"It may be dangerous, be careful when trying."

The rest surrounded them.

As for Ye Que, it doesn't matter what outsiders think.

His shamelessness has reached a certain level, and he can really do whatever he wants.

If someone offers a high price, let him take off his pants and walk the bird in front of everyone.

Ye Que could only say one thing: "Take off your shirt too, or I won't feel at ease holding this treasure."

"The treasures are all mine!"

Long Yuanshi went through all the palace groups and found the last one, the palace with hidden treasures.

He put down the sack, rubbed his hands excitedly, and rubbed out some pieces of shit.

"I am coming!"

He entered the palace.

Seeing this, Ye Que took out the batch of real treasures from the sack, washed them with spells, and swallowed them.

Look at the data again.

389 paragraphs.

This is the rank of the top three-level manufacturing method.

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