God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1303: that man

I don't know who it was, but I screamed.

Everyone looked at the golden stele in the air, and their expressions changed drastically.

"As expected, he is indeed the most coquettish man on the Huangyuan Continent! Just a few words and a few words will sublimate the stone tablet!"

"He's already invincible! In terms of being the hottest, no woman can compare to him!"

"Although Young Master Ye couldn't make it to the leaderboards of combat power and realm, it's justifiable, after all, he's only in the Divine Spirit Realm!"

"Yeah, even so, it still can't stop Young Master Ye's brilliance!"

These geniuses are usually decisive in killing and killing, but this time they are more powerful than each other.

The woman with heavy makeup was stunned by what Ye Que said was smoking from her seven orifices, but she had nothing to say.

Originally, Long Yuanshi wanted to ridicule Ye Que, but he thought that he had reached the top of the list of the sexiest...

So, he obediently shut his mouth.

Of course, one wave of ups and downs rose again.

"Look, Young Master Ye has climbed to the top again!"

Someone yelled.

Now everyone can't do much, they can only talk about the leaderboard.

Rankings such as combat power and state were the most eye-catching at the beginning, but since there were more rankings such as the most coquettish and the cheapest...

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted by those wonderful rankings.

One person shouted, and everyone looked at it one after another.

Suddenly, it was terrifying.

"The number one on the cheapest list is actually Ye Que!"

"Damn, it's not a woman... Cough cough... I've said it before, I don't discriminate against women, it's just certain."

"Yeah, I thought so too, but I didn't expect Young Master Ye to be cheaper than some women..."

A bunch of people really opened their eyes.

Ye Que was expressionless, with his hands behind his back, like a super strong man.

He didn't say a word, just stood there, already radiant, attracting the admiration of countless people.

"Damn, I didn't notice it usually, I didn't expect him to be a cheap and strong man!"

Many people looked at Ye Que with changed eyes.

The creator of the Qingyuan tribe, namely Qingxianyu, had a good impression of Ye Que.

But now looking at the list of the sexiest and cheapest, she fell into deep thought.


Ye Que glanced at the other leaderboards, his face darkened slightly.

Sure enough, those rankings also had his name.

"The number one on the most insidious list is still Ye Que..."

"Damn it!"

"Stop talking, let's take a look at these rankings..."

"No. 1 on the most black-bellied list, Ye Que!"

"The number one on the most shameless list is still Ye Que!"

"Ye Que is still number one on the list of the most injuries he has resisted... Has this guy been beaten before?"

"The number one on the list with the most hunted times is... still Ye Que... this guy has a story!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Including the strongest ones such as the Seven Thousand Year Creation, the most beautiful Tianluoyi, and the high-level creation methods.

"One person, to be able to get the first place in so many rankings is also an awesome skill!"

"Young Master Ye has many stories!"

"Attention everyone, this kind of person is the last thing to be provoked, because he is shameless, cheap and coquettish, he is also resistant to beatings, and runs away from the old driver. Most importantly, is this guy returning him? He is extremely insidious!"

Someone analyzed the result, and the way everyone looked at Ye Que changed again.

Become fearful, become respectful.

Ye Que was as immobile as a mountain, like an invincible god, standing where he was, his light shone brightly again.

"By the way, isn't there a leaderboard for the darkest! Young Master Ye is probably on top!"

When someone said that, everyone looked for it one after another, and then fell silent.

Curious, Ye Que followed everyone's gaze and found that his name was not on the darkest list from the first to the tenth.

The name of the first place is Shan Ren.

"What's going on here? Young Master Ye's crooked ways accounted for most of them. Why didn't he make it to the top ten of the most sinister rankings?"

"Brother, darkness is the true reflection of a person's heart. Although Ye Dashao is proficient in everything, it doesn't mean his heart is dark."

Everyone looked at Ye Que's eyes, how weird he was.

This guy is a freak.

Besides, Ye Que, he was very careful, and found that none of these people discussed Shanren.

"Brother, who is Yamabasa?"

Ye Que asked the people next to him.

That person didn't dare to provoke Ye Que, because he was really frightened by Young Master Ye's rankings.

He hastened to explain.

Ye Que was stunned.

It turns out that Shanren is the first genius of the true **** race, that is, the Shanyuan tribe, a high-level magic-making existence.

No wonder no one dared to discuss it.

"Ye Que also has a good side. He is still the number one on the most positive energy list."

Qing Xianyu was dumbfounded.

What is this operation?

Ye Que is the most insidious person to deceive and deceive, and he is also the most positive energy.

This shit...

Everyone is going to be stupid.

"You can't look at the surface when you look at people. What's wrong with Young Master Ye being the coquettish, cheapest and most insidious? As long as you have a bright heart, you're much better than a gentle guy on the surface!"

A young girl looked at Ye Que with something strange.

At the level of Huangyuan Continent, it is rare for girls to be innocent, um, except for Sheng Hatsune's loli.

They are rarely attracted to the opposite **** and are difficult to be tempted.

It is because of a higher level that one understands many things.

But now, they have become curious about Ye Que.

Think about it, he was the coquettish, cheapest and most shameless person in the beginning, and it was easy for people to think that he was a garbage scum.

Unexpectedly, a big turning point made him the most positive person in his heart.

Such a contrast has attracted many girls.

A man who is funny, funny, and has a positive heart, isn't he attractive, isn't he fragrant?

Luo Yi was ashamed of it before that day, but later realized that he was too superficial.

That man is not what he appears to be.

She was so full of stars, but she turned her beautiful eyes to Ye Que.

Ye Que sighed: "Look, how can a person like me harm others!"

It's okay if you don't say this, but when you say it, most people's faces turn dark.

What's wrong with your positive energy, you're so insidious to deceive people, who can resist it.

Look at you, you are on the top of the list of the most resistant to beatings and the most escapes.

It is estimated that you, you usually do harm to people.

"Look, Ye Que is actually the leader of the most law owners!"

"This product is invincible. It ranks first in all nine rankings! It's even better than seven thousand years of creation!"

"I remember that the person who jumped to the top of the ten rankings can get 10,000 exchange points for free!"

"This is equivalent to getting the first place on the road to the wild source!"

The way everyone looked at Ye Que changed again.

These guys were startled, I don't know how many times they have changed.

"That's right, I almost forgot, there are rewards! How can nine leaderboards be enough, I must at least make up ten! And, I have to keep it up!"

Ye Que suddenly realized that this was not a bad thing, and his eyes immediately became serious.

When this look is not serious, everyone feels creepy.

This guy isn't planning to harm people, is he?

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