God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1268: With Ye Zhenshen's order, one hundred thousand ancient gods came

With a big wave of his hand, Ye Que took away the nine hanhans first, and then quickly went to collect the remaining star sea worms.

He looked calm, stared at the thirty-eight creator gods coldly, and said coldly: "Aren't you afraid that the true **** will appear?"

"A certain existence told us that the so-called true **** has long since died!"

"Your little trick is over!"

Thirty-eight creator gods, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, directly shot.

At that moment, fluctuations that could be called obliterating levels instantly enveloped the starry sky.

Gu Fayue was also affected, and she couldn't bear it at all.

boom! !

The starry sky was emptied.

Everything was gone, clean, dark and dead.

However, the thirty-eight creator gods have not left, they are waiting for the ancient gods to nirvana.

buzz buzz —

Cosmos City unleashed seven or eight creation-level coercions to suppress the thirty-eight creation gods.

However, the thirty-eight creator gods were expressionless, and they had already prepared for this.

There are ten creation gods who fight against the seven or eight creation-level coercion.

The remaining twenty-eight gods sealed off this area, trying to annihilate the Nirvana ancient **** alive.

"Don't you dare to come out?"

A creator **** spoke indifferently, with an aura that no one could disobey.

They are too scary, if they are dispatched together, as long as the Thirteen Stars are not around, they can push the starry sky horizontally.

"Since I dare not come out, I will destroy this starry sky and obliterate you infinitely!"

The creator **** raised his hand, as if he lifted the universe, and the vicissitudes of the long years were released from his hand, almost crushing the starry sky.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice that seemed to be the supreme ruler rumbled across the starry sky.

"You... want to destroy me?"

This voice is terrifying, with a kind of fluctuation that makes the universe tremble.

The moment they appeared, the bodies of the thirty-eight creator gods shook, and there was panic in the unfathomable darkness in their eyes.

They all turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.

There was darkness at the source of the sound, but a terrifying figure stepped out from the darkness.

The figure has no rules, no coercion, and no momentum.

But every step is like stepping on the long river of time and space, and the long years dare not be contaminated by the body of the master.

"True...true god?"

Thirty-eight creator gods trembled.

The one who came was the true God.

His face, like Ye Que but not like Ye Que, possessed a terrifying coercion that nothing and nothing could bear.

"I said, I will watch this starry sky!"

The true **** sighed and stared at the thirty-eight creator gods.

There was indifference and disappointment in those eyes.

If the true **** is disappointed, it means that they may be destroyed.

But they are still calm, thinking about whether the news that the humanoid creature said that the true **** will not appear again is true.

Seeing this, the true **** sighed again.

With a wave of his hand, one ancient **** after another walked out of the darkness behind him.

Each one is ten stars or more.

There are a lot of eleven stars, twelve stars, thirteen stars, and fourteen stars.

There are even fifteen stars.

Well, even the 16-star, 18-star... and even 20-star ancient gods have appeared.

After a while, the Hundred Thousand Ancient Gods rushed over.

At that moment, although the thirty-eight creator gods had doubts, fear was added to the doubts.

Fear prevents them from thinking too much.

Not daring to think too much means being afraid.

Afraid, naturally gathered the power to block the starry sky, and retreated to the side to ask for forgiveness.

"Hey, you let me down."

The true **** raised his head and stared at the creations in the dark void.

The creatures bowed their heads and did not dare to speak, but they were actually looking for an opportunity to speak.

But at the same time, I also had some doubts in my heart.

There is the pressure of the gods to raise their heads three feet, and the power of rules that can make them kneel down when they see the true god, why didn't they appear?

"Wait, return to the dark void, I will give you one last chance! Otherwise, one hundred thousand ancient gods will be enough to destroy the dark void!"

With his hands behind his back, the true **** spoke leisurely, shaking his head in vicissitudes.

However, the thirty-eight creator gods remained silent.

The True God frowned: "Wait, do you want to disobey the True God's order?"

His tone was so heavy that it caused the thirty-eight creator gods to hesitate.

"Well, I will grant you death..."

The true **** raised his hand.

To be honest, between the two choices of fate and doubt, no one dares to persist in doubt.

The thirty-eight creator gods retreated.

But they still remain suspicious, but they are very subtle.

"The ancient gods have nightmares, they are very cunning!"

"Before I didn't dare to move around, now I am in the dark void, open the eye of creation."

The thirty-eight creator gods communicated with each other, and immediately opened their eyes.

From this point of view, it depends on the split.

"Look, I'm so good-looking as a man? Get lost, go back and play with your wife! Don't look at me!"

Ye Zhenshen threw a secret technique that flashed instantly, and crashed into the dark void.

One by one, they opened their eyes wide and looked at Ye Zhenshen intently, but they were caught off guard and saw a dazzling light that could make the dark starry sky instantly daylight.

At that moment, they were blind.


Ye Huyou let go of her and ran away.

The wings of the Dharma God shook the starry sky, and brought Ye Huyou close to the universe city in an instant.


A creation is a creation, even if the eyes are affected, it doesn't mean they can't perceive Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

In front of them, making dharma is like an ant, let alone Ye Que?

As soon as the creature spoke, the law of darkness was contained in its mouth, and it stopped Ye Que and Gu Fayue in an instant.

boom! !

The seven or eight creation weapons of the universe city are shot, trying to penetrate the law of darkness.


The rest of the creations all shot, and they slapped one after another, constantly falling on the law of darkness.

Got tricked.

They were angry, and the strength of their attacks was terrifying. They continued to suppress Ye Que and Gu Fayue.

But when they hit each other, they felt something was wrong.

"Why is there no Nirvana?"

"No, this is just a fake body condensed by the law!"

Thirty-eight creations observed carefully, saw through the false body, and immediately glanced around the universe city, not giving the other party a chance to enter the universe city.

But they scanned for a long time, but no one was seen.

At this time, they realized again that they had been tricked.

"From the very beginning, these two people never thought about entering Cosmic City, because they thought we could intercept it!"

Thirty-eight creations, being tricked again, their faces are so gloomy that it can make the starry sky tremble.

This is not only being played in terms of means, but also in thinking.

They thought that the two ancient gods must want to return to the universe city, so they subconsciously believed that the two ancient gods would also run to the universe city if they wanted to escape.

And in fact, they did, and got tricked.

"Except for Cosmic City, there is no place for you anywhere else!"

"Cut off the means of transmission, search!"

Thirty-eight creations were dispatched, and the power was terrifying.

Just one creation can shake the universe, and it is unimaginable that all thirty-eight of them will be dispatched.

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