God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1255: clever means

Ye Que bumped his head against a dead star, almost breaking his waist.

He got up and rubbed the slap marks on his face, grinning his teeth and said, "Gu Fayue, you **** is too violent! I'll get you done sooner or later!"

In fact, he still has some regrets.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't be talking cheaply, and if I kissed myself, even if I was thrown out, it would be a big profit.

But he never thought that if he really kissed, it would not only be as simple as being thrown, but he would have to attain Nirvana before he could withstand the beating.

Fortunately, he quickly regained his balance.

The earth dog and Jin Hunzi were not much better, they were thrown straight out, with two bang bangs, their heads fell into the Death Star, and they couldn't be pulled out.

These two guys were just watching the show, and they accidentally attracted firepower and provoked a certain woman who shouldn't be provoked.

"Women are not easy to mess with, I tell you not to mess with them! Have you suffered this time?"

Ye Que split the Death Star to let these two come out.

Suddenly, he received an order from Sister Fa, telling him not to be brave along the way.

On the other side, Jin Hunzi and Tugou wiped the ashes off their faces, feeling unbalanced.

"Brother, take her away quickly. I have top-level urging medicine here. Another day, while she's not paying attention, give her ten times the amount!"

Jin Duande took out ten packs of that stuff.

"I have it here too, you quickly take her away, cook the raw rice and make it mature, so that she can't do anything for ten months!"

The earth dog also took out a bunch.

Ye Que felt that he was about to suffer, and said in a low voice, "She's still looking at us."

Jin Duande and the earth dog:? ? ?

bang bang bang.

There is no need to teleport these three things, and there is no need to cross the starry sky, and they are beaten into the dark void alive.

"I really need to clean up. When I create the law, I will clean up you and do a great job for my ancient gods!"

Ye Que stood up with a disheveled face.

Jin Duande and Tugou didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear that Gu Fayue was still watching.

swipe swipe—

A group of dark void creatures flew by.

"It turned out to be a star race."

"Destroy them!"

Since the full-scale invasion, the Starry Sky Myriads have spontaneously learned the language of the dark void.

Ye Que and the others naturally understood.

"There are only ten gods."

Ye Que thought it was simple, a slap in the face and the group of dark void creatures disappeared.

"Let's go first, the most troublesome thing in the dark void is being stared at by [久久小说www.jjxxs.cn]."

he said.

"Wait, before you go, use the grave-digging treasure of my grave-digging clan!"

The earth dog took out a gray shovel, which was a treasure for digging graves, and there were faint fluctuations of tyrannical laws on it.

"Let me just say, you are only at the first level of God, how dare you dig the grave of Zao Fa!"

Jin Duande pondered for a long time, it turned out that this kid was hiding something.

The earth dog ignored him, and said to Ye Que: "This is a real treasure. It can even dig a grave of creation level. It is the ancestor of the tomb-digging family. It was condensed from billions of corpses in the dark void, and it is vividly understood. The law of getting out of the grave!"

He was very proud.

"The ancestor of the gravedigger integrated the law of graves into the shovel of ten thousand graves. Since the shovel of ten thousand graves is made of dark void corpses, it has gained a heaven-defying ability!"

The earth dog casts the spell himself.

Drop a drop of blood into the shovel, and the earth dog slowly disappeared.

"Yes, that's right, I became a dark void creature!"

It is with this trick that the earth dog dares to go deep into the dark void.

"This thing is very strong. If it is used to fight against invasion, it will be of great use!"

Ye Que was startled.

"It can only turn three people into dark void creatures, and if there are too many, it will be exposed! And the time to use it is only ten days, you are about to bleed."

The earth dog smiled.

Ye Que and Jin Duande followed suit, and soon became dark void creatures.

Ye Que became a dark void humanoid with two horns on its head, the earth dog was still a dog, and the toad was still a toad.

However, everyone's nature has changed, becoming the most essential dark void creature.

"Go, I will lead the way!"

As soon as the earth dog turned around, he encountered a group of dark void creatures again.

The group encountered this time is not simple, but there is a way to make it.

"Huh? How could the three of you be alone here?"

Zaofa just came across the dark void, and he didn't see the camouflage of these three goods, otherwise it would be designated to reveal the truth.

"We have discovered a group of star creatures! Among them is a first-order method!"

Ye Que lowered his head and said.

This is only a third-order construction method, and it cannot be defeated for the time being, so use the expedient strategy first.


The third-order method stared at the three of Ye Que, trying to find something, and finally confirmed that the three in front of him were indeed dark void creatures, so don't worry.

"It's in the dark void of the extreme north, not far away, I can lead the way!"

Ye Que lowered his head and continued to speak, but secretly notified Sister Fa to take the head.

"Then let's go."

There is not much doubt about the third-order method, and the many gods behind it dare not doubt it.


Ye Que, Jin Duande and Tugou returned to the starry sky again and headed straight for the dark void near the Pure Land of the Extreme North.

"They have recently moved to the central starry sky. This group of starry sky creatures are very bold. They think that we dare not show up in the starry sky, so they acted arrogantly and dared to come to my dark void!"

Ye Que pulled hatred.

"We can't go to the starry sky, but if they dare to come to the dark void, they will be killed!"

After finishing speaking, he was very satisfied with the three compatriots in front of him. He nodded and smiled and said: "It is a great achievement to be able to destroy the starry sky. You can collect these three letters of recommendation and join my team." Thousand Shrines."

The dark void is dominated by the true king of the dark void, surrounded by ten seals.

Each Seal Lord alone controls three thousand Thousand God Palaces, and each Thousand God Palace alone controls tens of thousands of giant nests of dark void.

Each giant nest alone controls countless dark, empty and weak nests.

Each weak nest of the dark void is like a star field in the starry sky, distributed all over the dark void, and there are a large number of monsters of the king of the gods and below, and even gods.

To be able to enter the Thousand God Palace, the status is very high.

Ye Que's eyes lit up, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

He put away the envelope, flew for a while, and suddenly pointed to a beautiful woman in front of him and said, "Look, my lord, there is that first-order method of making, yes, it is that stinky girl who has been single for hundreds of millions of years." them!"

Ye Que took the opportunity to point at Gu Fayue and curse.

Jin Duande and the earth dog cast admiring eyes.

This method is high, really high.

The ancient moon is full of black lines.

She came here only after receiving a notice from Ye Que. She was very satisfied with Hao Chen's behavior at first, but she didn't expect this guy to take the opportunity to take revenge and scold her.

The point is, she can't fight back yet.

Resisting an impulse, he stood up, ready to transfer all his anger to these dark void creatures.


The third-order making method is not much nonsense, with a wave of the hand, a large number of gods behind him will make a move.

Ye Que, Jin Duande and Tugou took the opportunity to slip away.

If Gu Fayue finds a chance to be alone later, Ye Que can't bear to walk around.

Gu Fayue snorted coldly: "You guys are smart!"

After all, take a strong shot and directly destroy this group of dark void creatures.

She didn't dare to stay after she was destroyed, and disappeared in place directly, heading for the pure land of the central starry sky.

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