God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1239: a little spare

"There must be! Let's go!"

Ye Que pulled her and flew to the depths.

40 paragraphs.

A semi-invisible member of a certain universe's first starry sky race exudes a dark gray light, and there are countless small people sitting cross-legged in the light.

Every villain has half the strength of the deity, very strong.

"You can't beat it!"

The girl Sheng Hatsune clenched her fists and said nervously.

"What if I beat it?"

Ye Que asked back.

"Then...then if you beat it, you beat it..."

Sheng Hatsune is smart, so he won't be trapped by the other party.

"Hey, forget it, I thought I'd beat it, and if I got the treasure, I'd give it back to you."

When Ye Que said this, Sheng Chuyin became anxious.

She rolled her eyes, showing her white teeth, and said with a smile, "Uncle Chen Luo, if you win, I can promise you one thing!"

Look, it's easy to fall into the trap.


Ye Que walked towards the semi-invisible person.

"You really want to challenge me?"

The semi-invisible person didn't want to make a move at first, but he was challenged by the opponent, so he had no choice but to accept it, otherwise the stele would be lost.


Ye Que said in a deep voice.

"Let's do it!"

The two sides started fighting.

Ye Que also fought with the opponent for a few rounds, and finally defeated the opponent "nearly any danger".

"Forgive your life, but give me the treasure!"

Ye Que fought the opponent mainly for the treasure.

"I feel that I still have a little bit of energy to hit a higher rank! Let's rest here for a day and rush up again!"

Ye Que looked at Sheng Chuyin.


Sheng Chuyin looked at the storage ring in Ye Que's hand, his eyes sparkled.

"Here, I'll give you half!"

In order to completely attract Sheng Chuyin, Ye Que decided to use treasures to lure him.

As for asking Sheng Hatsune to agree to one thing, he decided to save it for later.

"Wow! People in the family will definitely admire me!"

Sheng Hatsune laughed loudly, regardless of his appearance.

Ye Que didn't find many treasures. Most of the strong people on the road to the barren source will use up any treasures in advance.

After all, he is competing for the rankings now, if he does not improve his strength, do he still have to hide it?

The first day passed.

People from the Huoyuan and Bloodyuan tribes searched everywhere and even sent people to look for them, but unfortunately they found nothing.

The members of the Locust Gang were also disbanded, and they were not persecuted, because among the members of the Locust Gang, there were also 300 people from the core race.

By virtue of this, they survived.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ye Que.

He just looked outside and sighed faintly.

"Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Sheng Hatsune asked.

She felt so comfortable being with this person, she didn't have to be so reserved in the family, and she didn't even have to worry about smiling.


Ye Que clenched his fist and said.

Been here for almost two months.

If the time ratio between Huangyuan Continent and Ancient God Universe is the same.

Then the current Ancient God Universe should have been invaded by the Dark Void for two months.

A lot can happen in two months.

"Where is your home? Is the barren land as beautiful as it is?"

Sheng Chuyin sat next to Ye Que, with the soles of his feet facing each other, his body swaying.

"It has nothing to do with beauty."

Ye Que looked at the group of people who were looking for him, and he was very busy. He was ignoring Sheng Chuyin's special relationship, but no one came to provoke him.

It's better not to mess with anyone.

He was able to maintain his strength and successfully broke into the top 100.

The first day passed and the second day came.

Ye Que took Sheng Hatsune, "very difficult and painful" to challenge the 45th rank.

In the end, he "nearly defeated" the opponent and won the treasure.

"Here, this is yours!"

Ye Que handed another half of the treasure to Sheng Chuyin, then sat on the stone tablet and said, "I feel that I still have a little bit of strength left, and I feel that I can reach a higher rank."

Sheng Hatsune gave him a blank look, and said suspiciously: "Yesterday, you said the same thing when you were fighting against someone at the 40th rank! Now you can defeat the strong man at the 45th rank. Is your little spare power so powerful?"

She had a faint feeling that she was being fooled, but she couldn't tell where she was being fooled.

"It's true that there is only a little bit of energy left. If it is higher, it will not be able to rush up, but don't worry, if I get the treasure, you will definitely get half of it!"

Ye Que patted his chest on the promise.


Sheng Chuyin stopped thinking about it immediately, and Ye Que successfully tricked her into boarding the pirate ship.

third day.

The 50th-level powerhouse is already a strong quasi-fabrication stage

Ranking area: around 150.

"Come on, uncle!"

Sheng Chuyin shouted, there is a history of creating the law, and he wanted to interrogate Ye Que, after all, he is too unfamiliar in this rank.

"What are you doing! Uncle wants to challenge, are you going to make trouble?"

Sheng Hatsune was furious, pointing at those few law-makers and cursing.

The few Zafa smiled awkwardly, didn't dare to say anything, and walked away in despair.

Ye Que saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

It really was the right choice to bring her along.

This time, he fought against a 50-level strongman, and the fight was bloody, and the wounds could be seen to the bones.

In the end, he "nearly defeated" the opponent.

As a 95-rank superpower, Ye Que said that it was really tiring to act.

"Uncle, your limit has been reached, let's stay here, I admire you very much!"

Sheng Chuyin saw it, and ran over to support him, with distressed eyes.

"No, I feel that I still have a little bit of strength to spare. Let's rest for two days. Let's continue to push. I feel that I can reach a higher rank!"

Ye Que wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and spoke firmly.

Sheng Hatsune's face was slightly dark.

With this little spare energy, how much spare energy is there?

Why does this happen every time.

From 40 paragraphs, to 45 paragraphs, to 50 paragraphs.

5 paragraphs and 5 paragraphs rushing, how terrifying is this extra power?

Will it be the 55th segment next time I am in shock?

She became more and more suspicious, and she was fooled.

But after hearing Uncle Chen Luo's cough and seeing the blood on Uncle Chen Luo's body, he didn't think about it any more.

"Well, let's rest for two days and try again!"

She said yes.

"Come, here is half of your treasure!"

Ye Que stretched out his hand tremblingly, and handed a storage ring to Sheng Chuyin.

This time, the little girl was embarrassed to pick it up.

"Uncle, you keep it."

Sheng Hatsune became shy, she was careless before, but now she is holding her booger in front of Ye Que.

"No! You must take it! Otherwise, I'll throw it all away!"

Ye Que said seriously, with a straight face.

Sheng Chuyin was so moved that he stretched out his arms to wrap around Ye Que's arm: "Uncle, you are so kind!"

"It's okay, let's rest for two days! Don't worry, I will give you a place when the time comes, and I won't let you be threatened by the power of the true god! I guarantee it with my life! I swear by the barren source!"

This time, Sheng Hatsune was even more moved, with tears in his eyes.

Rest for two days, to the fifth day.

Ye Que continued to set off with Sheng Hatsune.

"Go, go to a higher rank!"

Ye Que went straight to paragraph 55.

Sheng Hatsune was speechless, it really is 55 paragraphs.

But she didn't think much about it at all. Now she has long been attracted and moved by the uncle.

She thinks everything the uncle does is reasonable.

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