God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1015: Star bug (3)


He couldn't help licking his lips in the team, his heart was full of fire.

Ye Que glanced at the God King present, and also found the fat man called Ball Lightning.

He thought in his heart, it's okay, it can also add some fourth-grade star cores to him.

"Which side is it? Do you have any money?"

Ye Que asked.

The Palace Mistress ignored his call, turned to look at the Boss and said, "That's him?"

"it's him!"

The boss smiled flatteringly.

The palace lord nodded, still ignoring Ye Que, turned to the deputy palace lord and said, "Take someone to let the wind outside, lest anyone who is not open-eyed come over!"

As he said that, he brought people forward and came to the meteorite.

This time, he finally looked at Ye Que, and said calmly: "Name, identity, state, where you come from, what you want to do, tell me all."

After finishing speaking neatly, he stretched out the index finger and **** of his right hand: "One, tell me everything, and I will let you die quickly, and two, I will do it myself, but you will die a miserable death."

The surrounding **** kings, including Fatty, stared at Ye Que coldly, covered by the power of the **** kings.

"I choose the third option."

Ye Que was lying on the chair, and spoke lazily and comfortably.

The corner of the palace lord's mouth curled up: "It's really arrogant, that's all, I will do it myself!"

After finishing speaking, he performed a secret technique with one hand, and his right hand was covered with black light, and dug into Ye Que's stomach.

It's a pity he hollowed out.

Ye Que disappeared like a bubble, and his hand shattered the chair.

Suddenly, all the **** kings were shocked.

"Are you looking for me?"

A low voice came from behind them.

Palace Master, Ball Lightning and others turned their heads to look, their expressions changed drastically.

I saw a dark **** king with three eyes surrounded by eleven stars staring at them.

"Like an ancient god!"

An unknown emerges from the heart of Ball Lightning.

He also watched the live broadcast back then, and the appearance of this person in front of him was very similar to the ancient god.

"it's him!"

There was fear in the eyes of the palace lord, and he no longer had the arrogance before. In the end, his face turned pale, and he ran away,


The deputy palace lord who was not far away was almost scared to pee, and also ran away.

"My God! I kicked the iron plate!"

The spherical lightning rolled on the spot and turned into a meat ball. At the same time, he cast a zigzag secret technique, turning into lightning. Immediately, his speed soared, and he flew very far away in the blink of an eye.

Ye Que smiled coldly: "I want to leave now, don't you think it's too late?"

His eleven jade stars of seeking Tao went straight to the fleeing **** king. These guys had no resistance at all and were all instantly killed.

With a plop, the boss knelt down on the ground in fright when he saw this scene, completely dumbfounded.

"Ancient...ancient god..."

The boss trembled, nothing but regret and fear in his heart.

He never expected that the fool he thought was an ancient **** who killed countless **** kings.

Ye Que stood indifferently, and asked Qiudao Yu Xingchen to deal with the God King, while he stared at the boss and said, "Where's Xingkong Taiyishui?"


The boss handed out the storage ring tremblingly, with a strong desire to survive in his eyes. He hoped that his actions would bring him a chance to survive.

With one hand, Ye Que pinched the storage ring, and then his mind went in to see that there was a small gray and simple pool, surrounded by all kinds of strange treasures, and there were more than one million third-grade star cores. .

He put it away in satisfaction, and said lightly: "Is there any more?"

"It's gone... Senior, spare me! Don't kill me, you want the starry sky Taiyi Water, I know where the Taiyi Water comes from, and I found my Taiyi Water myself."

The boss is begging.

Ye Que frowned.

If he wants to speed up the cultivation of the Spiritual Tree, he needs a lot of Taiyi Water. If he can still find it, he will naturally not let it go.


"Don't ask him, I know where it is, and I also have Tai Yishui!"

A calm voice came.

Ye Que turned around and saw a slender, white-clothed Spiritual God walking towards him, whose face and whole body were shrouded in white light.

She stretched out her delicate white hand, and handed out a translucent bottle: "Brother Ye, this is Starry Sky Taiyi Water, produced from the bottom of Starry Sky Sea, if you need it, I will give it to you."

Ye Que hesitated for nothing, but still took it: "Is there a fourth-grade star core?"

Since he came looking for something, he simply focused on it.

"Yes! How much do you want? I'll give it to you!"

"So do we!"

Clover, Gorefiend and Whales also came.

Of the gods of the nine overlord-level powers, only these four are left now, and the remaining five all died in the ruins, crushed to death by the coercion of the eight-eyed star demon.

Ye Que's eyes lit up, since there are, then it's a good thing.

"I will charge as much as I have!"

Ye Que rubbed his hands, feeling a little excited.

"Brother Ye, we are here to seek help from Brother Ye."

The Spirit Race gods opened their mouths.

"What's the matter, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help!"

People have sent resources, and he promised very decisively.

"Since the Star Demon Race was suppressed, many strong men appeared in the starry sky, and they began to blatantly wreak havoc on the extreme southern starry sky. Unfortunately, we are not strong enough, and have been threatened by them many times..."

After the Spirit Race gods finished speaking, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking.

The main reason is that everyone is a god, and if something goes wrong, it would be embarrassing for everyone.

"Is the opponent strong?"

Ye Que was thoughtful.

"About the third and fourth ranks of the gods..."

The whale gods hesitated.

"That won't work, I can't beat it, unless you give me more fourth-grade star cores."

Ye Que's asking price was all-pervasive, and he wanted the star core when he got the chance.

"That's no problem! We don't have many fourth-grade star cores, but there are quite a few forces under our rule."

"Yes, as long as Brother Ye helps us drive them away, we will naturally pay a lot of rewards!"

"Good! Deal!"

Ye Que agreed cleanly.

"By the way, where is the bottom of the sea of ​​stars?"

Ye Que wanted to speed up the fruiting time of the Spiritual Tree, and needed a lot of Starry Sky Taiyi Water.

The spirit of the spirit clan laughed and said, "Brother Ye is going to the starry sky area where the starry sky capital is located?"

"Yeah! I'm going to get some Xingkong Taiyishui."

"It might be a little difficult."

The spirit clan gods hesitated for a moment.

"Is there a **** guarding it, or is the sea of ​​stars drying up?"

Ye Que frowned.

It is rare for him to find Xingkong Taiyishui, and he does not want to miss this opportunity.

"No, hey, Brother Ye, let me tell you, there are star sea worms ravaging our southern starry sky, and those star sea worms inhabit the central starry sky, and now some of them have come to our southern starry sky, surrounding the capital of the starry sky, Trillions of creatures in the extreme southern starry sky are trapped in the capital of the starry sky."

This was the main purpose of the great gods coming to Ye Que.

Not only do they want to ask the ancient gods to drive away those ravagers, but they also want to ask the ancient gods to rescue their people.

star sea worm…

Ye Que remembered his fortune eye, the two races that could not be replicated were the Star Sea Worm and the Star Demon Race.

He has read many books and knows that this kind of worm existed in ancient times. It is a kind of existence that swallows everything it sees. Its nature is cold, and nothing can stop them from devouring it.

Similarly, with the appearance of star sea worms, there will definitely be a star sea born.

And if he wants to open his blood, he needs to go to Xinghai to open it.

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