God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1010: Take Star Core (4)

"It's a good thing they didn't catch up, they all went back!"

He came to a planet where primitive life had just been born, and let out a long breath.

The body has reached its limit, and it is time to take a good rest.

Getting up tired, he arranged various god-level formations and weapons around him, and immediately returned to the world inside his body.

His battle must have attracted the attention of many people.

If you want to close the bloodline now, you must take precautions.

If someone came to attack him while he was weak, he would be powerless to resist.

"Close the blood!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

His whole body was bleeding, his bones were cracked, and he was in so much pain that he was dying.

Sure enough, using the bloodline for a long time, and hitting such a limit, the side effects are so great that even if you don't die, your skin will peel off.

"I hope no one will bother me!"

Ye Que tilted his head and passed out.

Just as he was recovering himself, someone with malicious intentions really came outside.

"Even the Star Demon Clan and the God-Royal Clan dare to trouble him, so it should be no problem if I come to reap some benefits."

There are gods coming.

These gods used to hide in Tibet, worrying about being caught by the star demons.

Now, the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods suppressed the Star Demons, causing many hidden gods to show up.

But these guys didn't think about who helped them, and now they came to grab the attention of the ancient gods.

Not only one, several of them found the location of the ancient **** through the live broadcast, and rushed over.

"There must be something good on that guy!"

"He has reached his limit, he must be very weak now, grab him out of the body!"

Several came quietly.

God kings dare not come, only gods dare to come.

Moreover, the low-level gods don't have the guts to do so, and all the ones who come are high-level.

There is no way, the ancient gods are too strong, and they have scared many gods.

Just when several gods came here, a voice came over.

"I'll warn you once, I advise you not to mess around, go back!"

The deserted voice has a great oppressive force.

"Who is pretending to be a ghost?"

"Want to be brave?"

"Don't court death!"

The faces of those gods were gloomy.


That voice contained law oppression, and the law was also making a thunderous sound, sweeping across the star field in an instant.

Then, a tall figure came out.

With a plop, many gods knelt down.

"Twelve star ancient gods..."

"Run! In addition to the thirteen stars and eleven stars (Ye Que already has eleven stars), the Ancient God also has twelve stars!"

"I warned you once, but you didn't listen to the persuasion and wanted to escape, do you have that qualification?"

The voice was cold, full of murderous intent and anger.


With a dull sound, many gods were directly obliterated under the suppression of the law.

And all of this, Ye Que didn't know anything about it.

When he woke up, it was already five days later.

Woke up dizzy and dizzy, looked at the body, almost recovered.

The body of the ancient **** has a strong self-healing power, allowing him to recover in a deep sleep.

The first thing to do when you get up is to devour the Qi and blood and the fifth-grade star core, replenish the Qi and blood, and replenish the power of the stars.

"Huh! Let's go! The Star Demon gang will definitely not let it go, I have to take the opportunity to collect the debt! I have to find the Dark Star Core and the Star Sea! The dark void ancient scriptures must be mastered, and the Nightmare Bloodline must be opened. The task is heavy! "

He got up and flew out of his body, at that moment he was ready to fight back.

The main reason is that he was **** by those **** kings once, which scared him.

"Fortunately, no one is there! Go to the nearby Fangshi first, find the Jinan Xingxing, and take out the hundreds of millions of star cores in the card!"

Ye Que secretly cast a spell to become invisible, and finally got into the dark void, and when he came out, he had already turned into a huge giant tortoise in the starry sky.

Many people don't know his identity as a giant tortoise, so it's safest to use this form.

After flying for more than ten days, he found a starry sky market at the level of Wanyu. He couldn't help but sigh, the business ability of the blood demons is too strong, and they can open a market anywhere.

To avoid attracting large-scale attention, thereby attracting the star demon, he disguised his face, entered it, and went straight to the extreme south star line.

"I'm sorry, there are no fourth-grade star cores here, even if there are third-grade star cores, there are not so many!"

The president of Xingxing suppressed his shock, and respectfully handed the golden star card to Ye Que.

Ye Que frowned.

There is no fourth-grade star core in Wanyu Starry Sky Square City.

There will always be one in Ten Thousand Domain Starry Sky Square City.

"Do you know the coordinates of Wanwanyu or Yiwanyu Xingkongfang City? Give me one!"

Ye Que was going to take the teleportation array to go there.

"My lord, yes, I'll find it for you!"

The president didn't dare to be ambiguous, it was a golden star card, a symbol of super super dignity.

She quickly handed the coordinates to Ye Que, and seeing Ye Que leave, she hurriedly notified the Blood Demon Clan headquarters.

"My lord, someone uses a golden star card in Wanyu Xingkongfang City. I suspect that he is the ancient **** that the third prince mentioned."

She spoke in a low voice.

Back then, the Third Prince had given the ancient **** a golden star card, and everyone knew about it.

"Good! Where is he going now?"

There was an excited voice.

"I gave him the coordinates of Wanwanyu and Yiwanyu Xingkong Fangshi. I'm not sure which Fangshi he is going to."

"It's okay, give me the coordinates where he is going! Hurry up and give it to me! We have a big problem in the southern starry sky, and we need to ask him for help!!"


Ye Que took the teleportation array and went directly to Wanwan Xingkongfang City, and went to the Extreme South Star Walk.

The Jinan Xingxing here is much bigger, and the comings and goings are all at the level of rich people.

He glanced at it, and there were people handling business at many counters, even the VIP counter and the super VIP counter.

Suddenly, he saw that an ordinary counter was empty, and walked over immediately.

"I need to get some star core."

Ye Que laughed, very excited.

He got a lot of golden cards from the third prince and many juniors of the hegemony, which contained a lot of fourth-grade star cores, which he urgently needed.

But before the staff could respond to him, a fat and fat man came over, followed by a young girl.

"Get out of the way! You are lined up behind me, I need the star core urgently!"

The fat man made a nasty voice, and the smell of his mouth almost made Ye Que faint.

"What's wrong? Are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Ye Que refused to let it go, and if he dared to jump in the queue, especially the one that dared to commit, isn't this a draw?

"What did you say?"

The fat man said coldly.

Seeing that the conflict was about to break out, the staff said indifferently: "Guest, he is the number one member of Wanyu Xingkongfang City, and also a VIP of Jinan Xingxinghang. For your safety, you should step aside first. "

This staff member is a woman, her words are extremely indifferent, like a machine, but when she looks at the big fat man, she smiles flatteringly.

With Ye Que's violent temper, he was about to blow up this idiot with a single shot.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw that someone had just left in front of the VIP counter, and there was still an empty seat, and his heart moved immediately.

When there is a conflict here, when trouble comes, it takes time to deal with it...

"Forget it, it's important to get the star core, after all, it's more than one billion!"

When he thought of so many star cores, he became a little excited.

"Forget it, here you go."

He steps aside.

The woman nodded, a bit of disdain flashed in her eyes.

"Counsel! You're smart!"

The big fat man plays with taste.

The girl who was following the fat man looked at Ye Que and thought that she was so handsome that she wanted to post it upside down.

It's a pity that he is a poor boy, not at the same level as her.

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes.

Ye Que's face darkened, thinking that you will suffer later.

It's important to get the star core first.

But as soon as he ran over, the fat man followed, wanting to go to a better VIP counter and enjoy better service.

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