God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1003: Ye Que's big opportunity has come (3)

"Ah! Brother Ye Que!"

The girl flew over.

Ye Que rubbed his chin, thinking that a year would pass soon, and it was time to arch.

The little girl was pure and cute, she rushed over and was gently hugged by Ye Que.

"Brother Ye Que, I miss you so much!"

"Me too, go, girl, I'll talk to you about a big project!"

"What elephant wood?"

"It's the kind of project that your elder sister talked about with me before."

"Ah! Good! Woohoo, you always didn't let me talk about Xiangmu before, I thought Brother Ye Que didn't want me anymore!"

"Ahem...you were too young at that time, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on."

"I can hold on, I have six other forms! Hmph! Look down on people!"

"Cough cough cough...then let's go."

Ye Que temporarily closed the passage to the Guixu Ring and sealed off the space.

A year later, oh no, a day later, he walked out of Guixu Ring.

Looking at the great rivers and mountains, I was refreshed for a while.

He entered the underworld in two or three steps.

I went to have a look at the Hell Sky Mission, and saw Mr. Yan was wearing all kinds of hooks, but his face did not change. He was walking around in the maze all over the knife mountain, and he walked out of the maze very quickly. Obviously he is a master.

He couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Sure enough, the Hell Sky Group headed by Mr. Yan is still an existence that attracts the attention of Hell.

Turning around to the soul-suppressing hell, Luo Wushen closed his eyes tightly, still fighting against the soul of the gods, and did not wake up, Ye Que's face remained unchanged.

He's only been away for less than a year, which is normal.

Turn around and go to Ye Tiandian again.

He was bored, wandered around, and when he met Ning Yu, he deliberately used his experience in the starry sky as material, and told the great writer of Ning Yu.

What about destroying the golden beetle clan, suppressing the Black Sea Group, destroying the kings of gods, and teaching the nine overlord-level forces in the extreme southern starry sky have all been said.

He even told the history of his **** king disguised as a **** and mixed with the gods. It was a wonderful story, and it made Ning Yu slow down for a long time.

"Master Ancient God is really powerful, he is proficient in everything from cheating to cheating..."

If you don't add the second half of the sentence, Ye Que wants to bow to the beautiful woman Ning.

He still liked Ning Yu very much, mainly because of Ning Yu's pen name. At thirty, he was a handsome guy, and he liked it very much.

In the end, Ye Que left the top treasure and left. He went to a nursing home. The four giants of the Turtle Clan played cards vigorously, but he was kicked out just after going there.


Before he left, he also left top treasures behind, and met Fen Ruyi, also known as Que'er, on the way.

This girl has grown up, and Qingqing clings to him, asking him to take her to see the sea, Ye Que is very satisfied, it's Que'er who makes him happy.

As soon as Ye Que was happy, he took Que'er around the world and saw everything.

After playing for half a month, he finally remembered Lan Hu and other old friends, went to meet him, chatted for many days before leaving, and left behind top treasures.

Every time he meets someone, he will give top-level treasures, from the God Market, the God King, everything.

Seeing Ye Tiandian grow up slowly, he felt at ease, and he also calmed down, and continued to collect secret techniques and master such things, the more the better.

The rest of the people also have work to do.

Di Xiwei is going to Universe City, and Huang Youyao is going to the Extreme North Starry Sky. The two are packing their luggage, practicing various starry sky secret arts, and making plans for the future.

The other avatars were not idle either.

Bai Yechen and Cardinal Gu got a chance in the ancient ruins of the Six Realms, and are hurrying up their cultivation.

Die Tinghan was deeply liked by Gu Fayue, and after half a year of working together, he became a master-student relationship.

Qi Wangshu, on the other hand, took Lingling to travel around the mountains and rivers every day.

Back then, when Ye Que took Qi Wangshu into his body, he also took in the eldest lady of the Lingzu.

Now, Qi Wangshu has hooked up with a little rich woman, and she doesn't worry about practicing. She gives away spiritual resources, star cores and other treasures, and Qi Wangshu's strength is also increasing by leaps and bounds.

All of them got great chances, only Jin Duande was still hanging around.

This guy sells movies in the Seven Realms every day, and he also sells them with the Jinchan clan. The good Jinchan clan was turned into a trafficker by him. The Huang clan.

Later, when he heard that other people had the opportunity, and all of them had reached the God Ruins Realm, he was the only one who could not go up to the fifth level of Daoyuan, and he suddenly felt a little remorse.

He didn't practice either, but gave the old patriarch the best film on himself.

This guy is also bold, and he doesn't even think about what level the old patriarch is. He is a peak creator god, an ancient **** with thirteen bloodlines.

This girl took the film over there, isn't it just looking for a draw?

He was beaten once every time he went, but he never gave up every time.

Later, I was beaten up many times, and finally annoyed the old patriarch: "Why are you all virtuous? I give in! You go to the extreme northern starry sky first, where there is a ninth race in the starry sky, the Huiyu Toad Clan! "

With a dark face, the old patriarch tore open a starry sky gate, then threw a law on Jin Duande, and finally threw Jin Duande into it.

"Go! For my sake, Hui Yuchan will take good care of you, but whether you get the chance depends on yourself!"

He clapped his hands and looked up at the blue sky.

Hi, it's finally quiet.

While Jin Duande was still in a state of bewilderment, he had already traveled through the gate of the starry sky, and after an unknown amount of time, he finally reached the Huiyu Toad Clan in the extreme northern starry sky.

This race ranks ninth, while the Protoss ranks tenth.

It can be seen that the opportunity of this product is great.

The earth dog also wanted to try. The old patriarch's face darkened, and he didn't say a word, and directly threw the earth dog to the edge of the central starry sky to the north.

I don't know what kind of opportunity this is, but the old patriarch's move must be extraordinary.

Ye Que's eyes are hungry.

"Don't come! One year will pass soon! Your chance is here!"

The old patriarch said with a dark face.

Ye Que smiled awkwardly: "Am I that kind of person?"

The old patriarch ignored him directly.

A year is coming slowly.

Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao were ready.

The old patriarch finally got up, and before he left, he preached again, and then he blessed the creatures of the seven realms.

Rumble! !

Under the blessing of the old patriarch's law, Ye Que forcibly broke through to the fifth rank of God King.

And Gu Fayue has also returned to the first law among the gods of law-making, its power overwhelms the seven realms, the light of law is more in the eyes, and the whole body is surrounded by laws.

She is a rare top magic **** in the history of ancient gods, and she is also a top powerhouse surrounded by the most brilliant multiple laws in the contemporary starry sky.

"Sister Fa, I tend to get lost in the starry sky, why don't you take me with you?"

Ye Que thought to himself, with this kind of BOOS-level trumpet leading his trumpet to level up, the speed of upgrading should be very fast.

Before Gu Fayue could speak, the old patriarch had already pointed out the way for him.

The old patriarch opened the gate of the starry sky, and said in a deep voice: "Your opportunity has arrived! Enter the gate of the starry sky and go to the place where the southern starry sky is close to the central starry sky, there are many opportunities waiting for you!"

Ye Que was excited, and smiled at the old patriarch: "Thank you, old patriarch!!"

"Be careful along the way, you have enough energy and blood?"

The old patriarch spoke seriously, he really cared and asked for the tempering of the little ancient god, but Gu Fayue always felt that something was wrong.

"Sufficient! It's fine to fully open the blood!"

"Okay then, go, enter the Star Gate!"

The old patriarch smiled in relief.

Ye Que took a deep breath, and before entering, bid farewell to the friends around him: "This year, I've waited too long! Everyone, I won't be popular!!"

After all, he resolutely entered the gate of the starry sky.

When he crossed the gate of the starry sky full of hope and returned to the extreme southern starry sky, when he could even see the Wanyu starry sky city in front of him, he also saw densely packed star demons and gods around him.

All of them exuded the aura of a **** king, and they were all murderous.

Ye Que said: [Pencil novel www.qbxs.vip]? ? ?

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