God Hongtian

Chapter 783 Give me a chance

Yun Hao exploded with force and killed the leader of the group of monks.

The other monks suddenly panicked and fled in all directions.

However, Yun Hao didn't give them a chance to escape at all, and chased them with flying swords, leaving no one behind!

Half an hour later.

Monk Xu Zhen from the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda rushed here with a group of people.

When he saw the wreckage everywhere, he could no longer control his hypocritical expression and looked extremely ferocious.


At this time, Greedy Wolf Daoma Wuming from Beihai Holy Land also rushed over.

"Xu Zhen, you wanted to stop me and kill Yun Hao first, but in the end, all your people were killed by Yun Hao. Moreover, although your Buddha's golden bowl is only an imitation, it is also extremely precious. Likewise, I was shattered.

What is this called?

This is called stealing the chicken but losing the rice, losing the wife and then losing the army! "

Ma Wuming was in a very good mood at the moment!

Xu Zhen looked at Ma Wuming with a gloomy face and said: "Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda withdraws from the battle to hunt Yun Hao!"

After that, he took the remaining people and left.

"Senior Brother Ma, will the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda really give up?" one person said, with disbelief on his face.

Ma Wuming sneered and said, "Do you believe their lies? This Xu Zhen bald donkey has obviously suffered a loss. He doesn't want to rush to the front anymore and plans to hide in the dark and pick up what's ready!"

"Then we have to be more careful. The brains of these bald heads are so bad that pus is leaking out!"

Ma Wuming sneered and said: "Don't worry about them, they will just hide in a dark corner and play dirty."

He's just a scheming clown! "

The other side.

Yunhao, who had killed a group of people from the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda, suddenly received a spiritual talisman message from Jiang Chen.

‘People from Zhongzhou have also arrived, a lot of them! ’

Yunhao put away the magic talisman.

By now, everything that should come should have come!

Next, it’s time to attract everyone to one place!

It didn't take long.

In Yun Hao's ears, he suddenly heard the crisp sound of plucked strings.

The next moment, a tiny line cut across the space and appeared in front of him.


Violent physical energy burst out from Yun Hao's body.

But this tiny line still directly cut open the vitality of his physical body!


Several flying swords shot out from Yun Hao's storage ring.

Still unable to stop this tiny line, the flying sword was also cut off!

Seeing that such a strange and powerful subtle line was about to cut Yun Hao's body in two, Yun Hao teleported in one step and disappeared from the place.

"Too weak!"

The woman's voice then sounded.

A space shattered, and a beautiful woman in a long skirt flew out.

In front of her, there was a simple long piano floating.

The surface of the Changqin is filled with layers of brilliant rainbow light.

"I thought that Donghuang Yunhao, who could make the emperor go to war so violently, would be a very powerful genius, but it seems that he is nothing more than that. Even the strings that I casually plucked were so difficult to resist. Hunting a

Trash, really boring. "

The woman said coldly, extremely proud, and her words and expression were full of contempt and disdain for Yun Hao.

Yun Hao drew his sword.

The blade of the sword flashed with cold light.

Woman: "You still want to resist? Stupid and ignorant waste, you can't compete with my power! Do you think that by killing the so-called super geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and the Southern Xinjiang Holy Land, you can dominate the younger generation in the Cang Realm?" Yet?

In the eyes of our Zhongzhou geniuses, you are all a bunch of trash! "

"Then let's see whether my sword is stronger or your guqin is more powerful!" Yun Hao shouted coldly and immediately killed the woman.

The woman looked indifferent and didn't take Yun Hao seriously at all.

The five slender white fingers of her left hand instantly fell on the guqin floating in front of her.

Strings plucked.

Suddenly, a series of dense musical notes evolved into an omnipresent attack and killing power, rolling towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao slashed it with one sword!


The cold light of the sword qi tears apart the heavy musical notes with a killing move.

The woman's face changed slightly, and the next moment, her right hand landed on the strings.

The sound of the piano became more urgent, and actually evolved into complicated killing moves such as fire, thunder, violent wind, blizzard, etc.

Her methods are extremely special and extremely powerful.

However, Yunhao's response was simpler.

His sword energy crazily poured into the long sword in his hand.


The crisp sound of the sword resounded throughout the world!

The sound of a woman plucking the strings,

That moment was completely suppressed by Yun Hao's sword cry.

The sound of the piano is not noticeable.

For monks who practice this type of sound, sound is the way to transmit power.

Yun Hao's sword sound covered the sound of the piano.

All the powerful attacking and killing methods used by the woman lost the support of their strength and directly shattered and dissipated.

Yun Hao flew violently in the sky.

The contempt and disdain shown before were no longer on the woman's face, replaced by deep fear.

She hugged the guqin in a panic, hit Yun Hao hard, then turned around and wanted to escape into the void.

Yun Hao chopped the guqin into pieces with one sword, and then pierced the back of the woman's head with his sword before she escaped into the void!

"Keep someone under the sword!"

At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

A man appears.

The man has a tall and straight figure, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a handsome face. He is indeed a handsome man.

"Yunhao, give me some face and let her go!"

The man said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Yun Hao sneered and said, "You said to release her, so let her go?"

Man: "This girl is the one I like, so if I say to release her, you must release her. This principle should not be difficult to understand, right?"

"Who do you think you are!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

The man snorted coldly and said, "Then listen to me clearly, I am Beigong Fengliu from Zhongzhou, ranked 95th on the Zhongzhou Monster List!"

After saying that, this man added with a proud look on his face: "You don't know what the Zhongzhou Monster List represents, do you?

You country bumpkin, let me tell you, the genius who can enter the Zhongzhou Monster List, even if it is ranked 100th, can beat the top young people in places like Donghuang, Nanjiang, Xiyu, and Beihai!

So, I asked you to let her go, you'd better let her go!

If you give me this face, I can give you a chance to escape for half an hour.

Otherwise...if you dare to kill her, I will kill you immediately, I mean what I say!"

"Really?" Yun Hao sneered, and the next moment, the sword tip that pierced the Zhongzhou woman's head suddenly burst out with a powerful edge!

In an instant.

The woman was reduced to ashes.

Beigong Fengliu, the genius from Zhongzhou and ranked 95th on the Monster List, changed his face drastically and became furious.

"Yun Hao, you're looking for death!" With a roar, his body had already shot in front of Yun Hao, and he slapped out with a palm, and between his palm and fingers, there was an extremely domineering force! Such an explosion is indeed very powerful. The so-called Zhongzhou Monster List seems to be really valuable! Facing Beigong Fengliu's palm killing move, Yun Hao stabbed out with a sword! A sword that can travel thousands of miles! The sword intent of the Wanli Sword Art burst out to the fullest! "Puff!" A sword pierced through Beigong Fengliu's power, pierced his palm, and then pierced his throat! Beigong Fengliu was stunned. "Ninety-fifth on the Monster List, who gave you the courage to kill me?" Yun Hao's cold voice sounded, and then the sword energy raged, smashing Beigong Fengliu to pieces!

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