God Hongtian

Chapter 751: Troubles in the Martial Palace, another palace leader is established

"Xu Guang, I told you, come together, don't waste time!" Xiao Nan's tone was very arrogant, and he didn't take Xu Guang seriously at all.

Xu Guang: "Stop talking nonsense, we at Yuanta are not someone you can provoke!"

"Hahaha!" Xiao Nan laughed wildly and said: "I gave you the opportunity to go together, but you don't know how to cherish it. If that's the case, then I will crush you one by one!"


Xiao Nan stepped into the air, carrying endless runes and striking out violent forbidden fists.

Xu Guang immediately counterattacked and formed seals with his hands.

In his body, the power of the four forbidden sources exploded.

After all, he was defeated by Xiao Nan's six taboo sources. In the collision of the terrifying taboo power, Xu Guang's body instantly lost his balance and flew backwards!


Xiao Nan sneered contemptuously and launched another powerful attack.

Xu Guang gritted his teeth, roared, and quietly hid the wisp of Origin Technique brand given to him by Yun Hao in countless runes, and blasted it towards Xu Guang's abdomen!


The huge explosion shook the sky and the earth.

In the forbidden storm filled with the aura of destruction, a figure fell down!

The people in Yuanta were all shouting excitedly!

Because the guy who fell to the ground was Xiao Nan, the Yuantian Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Xiao Nan's body hit the ground. The moment it touched the ground, it instantly turned into black charcoal and fell apart!

This is caused by a taboo power that Xu Guang has mastered!

At this moment, Xu Guangfei was in the air, looking at the pile of charred corpses and debris on the ground, and a huge emotion had already arisen in his heart.

of waves.

Everyone in Source Tower was cheering for him.

And he knows best...this victory does not belong to him, but to...Jian Hongchen!

It was Jian Hongchen who told him Xiao Nan's weakness.

It was the Source Technique brand given to him by Jian Hongchen that had a very serious impact on Xiao Nan's weakness, causing Xiao Nan's power to collapse instantly, and he had the chance to kill Xiao Nan!

Xu Guang quickly suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at the small group of people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

These guys, when Yun Hao didn't come, were shouting loudly, and they were all extremely arrogant.

Now, all of them were ashen-faced, their heads lowered, and they didn't even have the courage to say a word.

Xu Guang said calmly: "The competition of Origin Technique has always been so cruel. It is difficult to stop. Killing Heavenly Master Xiao Nanyuan is not what I wanted. I am also very sorry for the death of Heavenly Master Xiao Nanyuan. Every Origin Master It’s all Donghuang’s wealth, what a pity!”

The people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land still didn't dare to say anything, and they didn't even dare to breathe hard.

Xu Guang: "By the way, Yuanta will send you two fine coffins from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land to take back later. I hope your Eastern Wasteland Holy Land can give Xiao Nan and Yu Ye a grand burial."

Ge Chuanxiong stood aside and said with a faint tone: "Master Xiao Nanyuan died tragically. The body fragments were all turned into coke, his remaining career was wiped out, and the two coffins were no longer needed."

Everyone in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land: "..."

Xu Guang: "It's okay, it's just two coffins. We at Yuanda can't be petty. Even if Xiao Nan and Yu Ye can't use them, there are still many people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, and a lot of them can use them!"

Everyone in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land: "..."

Ge Chuanxiong couldn't help laughing out loud and said: "Yes, yes, Yuanta has always been kind and generous in doing things. In this way, Yuanta will give you a hundred coffins in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, and you can take them back first.

If you think the quality is good, you can come and tell us at Yuanta.

Yuanta can also help people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land customize coffins in advance, hahaha! "

In the end, the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land left in dejection with a hundred coffins.

Everyone here at Yuanta is having a party.

Relieve your anger!

It’s so refreshing!

From now on, the name of Jian Hongchen has become louder in the circle of Origin Technique!

Fighting against taboos with disasters and killing half-step Yuan Tianshi's remaining work, such a record directly made him the most dazzling new star in the Eastern Wasteland Yuanju circle!

This news was like a hurricane, sweeping through the entire Tongtian City.

Originally, Yun Hao's apparent fighting prowess was only to defeat a genius ranked 80th on the Qingyun Ranking.

But as his source skill combat power was exposed, his ranking on the Qingyun Ranking changed instantly.

Wan Jianmen Jian Hongchen is second on the Qingyun List!

As for the top spot on the Qingyun Ranking, for the time being, it is still Lu Chaoyuan from the Martial Palace.

No one dared to question Jian Hongchen's ranking instantly rising to second place on the Qingyun List.

Just because he can kill half-step Yuan Tianshi's Yuye, it is actually appropriate to rank him first on the Qingyun Ranking.

But now the Wudian Lu Chaoyuan, who is number one on the Qingyun Ranking, is also very famous and is in the limelight. After all, Lu Chaoyuan was blessed by the divine dragon on the Great Avenue Ladder under the Tongtian Sacred Tree, and was promised by the divine dragon that he would have the opportunity to go to the Dragon Clan in the future.

Practice in the ancestral land.

Yun Hao didn't care about the turmoil caused by this battle over origin techniques.

At this time, he was with the four Yuantian Masters of Yuantu Tower.

He has already told the secrets about Xiao Nan and Yu Ye.

The four source heavenly masters were all shocked.

The Source Master of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land actually contains the forbidden blood of will within his body!

Suddenly, Xu Guang seemed to have thought of something and said: "Thousands of years ago, the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land carved out an extremely well-preserved body from the source stone.

That incident caused great turmoil at that time, and the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land was almost destroyed because of it. In the end, Yang Tianhua came with the artifact given by the Heavenly Palace, and this helped the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land resolve the crisis.

Everyone thought that the physical body that came out of the Origin Stone had been completely destroyed, but now it seems that may not be the case... I think that there is a high probability that the forbidden blood sealed in their bodies is. Nine, it comes from that physical body! "

Hear this.

Yun Hao's thoughts also surged.

Throughout the ages, all lives preserved from the Source Stone have possessed extremely terrifying power.

These are the most powerful people in the previous martial arts civilization. They were eroded by the power of the taboo in the Source Stone. Their already extremely powerful power was integrated into the characteristics of the taboo. Their strength is so strong that it can rival the real gods!

Whether the truth is really what Xu Guang said is currently impossible to verify. This must be the core secret of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. It is extremely difficult to find out.

Yes or no.

It doesn’t matter.

When the soldiers come, we will block it, and when the water comes, the soil will cover us up. Let’s talk about it when the time comes!

When Yun Hao left Yuanta, Ge Chuanxiong personally escorted him.

They've decided.

From now on, Ge Chuanxiong will be Yun Hao's protector!

To put it bluntly, Ge Chuanxiong is Yun Hao's guard!

A Yuantian master acts as a guard.

This is the first time this situation has occurred in Donghuang!

And this was the result of Yun Hao's polite refusal. According to Yuan Tianshi Xu Guang's original plan, they would select two Yuan Tianshi to follow Yun Hao to always be prepared for possible crises!

Walking on the streets of Tongtian City, countless eyes were staring at the two of them.

Before, Yunhao had only established a firm foothold in Tongtian City.

And as word spread about what happened in Source Tower today, Yun Hao completely became famous.

It is so popular that no one in the younger generation can match it.

Even the Wudian Lu Chaoyuan, who still occupies the top spot on the Qingyun Ranking, is far less famous than Jian Hongchen!

Today, there are some changes in the streets of Tongtian City that are different from those in the past.

There are many more people from the Martial Palace!

Moreover, it seemed that they had just returned to Tongtian City from outside and were rushing to the area where the main hall of the Martial Palace was located.

"Master Ge Tian, ​​what happened in the Martial Palace?" Yun Hao asked.

Ge Chuanxiong thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "I haven't heard what happened in the Martial Palace."

At this time, another group of people from the Martial Palace appeared in front.

Ge Chuanxiong: "I know the leader, I'll go ask him!"

After saying that, Ge Chuanxiong immediately flew over.

Soon, Ge Chuanxiong returned to Yun Hao's side. His expression looked a little complicated and he said: "Martial Palace... is about to choose a new chief palace master!"

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