God Hongtian

Chapter 712: Shi Feng is killed, Daoguo

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu were extremely serious and persistent in looking for Shi Feng.

They told Yun Hao how they discovered that people from the Juding Sect wanted to kill Shi Feng.

It turned out that after they came to the second circle, they planned to grow insignificantly, so they hid themselves and practiced secretly.

Unexpectedly, a guy from the Giant Cauldron Sect suddenly conspired with a guy from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land to kill the new Holy Son of the Giant Cauldron Sect near them.

They happened to hear it!

The two guys left after discussing it.

From the beginning to the end, Fatty and Dongfang Xiu, who were hiding and wanting to grow obscenely, were not found.

Fatty: "This tough guy is really annoying. Fortunately, my brothers are here, otherwise he would be a loser!"

Dongfang Xiu nodded and said: "So, even if he is doing well now, he still needs the embrace of his brothers!"

"By the way, Brother Yun, if you go from the tenth circle to the second circle, you shouldn't be discovered, right?" Dongfang Xiu said, "If you are exposed, it may be very troublesome."

Yun Hao: "Everyone who has seen me is either dead, or all they saw was Yun Ritian."

While talking, Yun Hao turned into Yun Ritian...

Dongfang Xiu: "Hahaha, Yun Ritian, I have long said that Brother Yun, you are a man destined to live in Ritian, and I was indeed right."

Fatty: "Did you kill a lot?"

Yun Hao: "From the second circle to the tenth circle, there is only one person from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land left in the second circle. As for the people outside the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, I killed a few casually, not many."

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu took a breath of cold air.

This is the rhythm that will destroy the people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said nothing.

Since, the guy from the Juding Sect who wanted to kill Shi Feng, and the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land

If one of them joins forces, it will actually be very convenient to find them.

Yunhao just relied on the Dao Yun Stone's induction to find the person in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Soon after, Yunhao judged that the opponent was not far ahead based on the position of the Daoyun Stone, so he directly crushed the Daoyun Stone and destroyed it.

This thing allows him to sense the opponent, and also allows the opponent to sense his approach. When he killed Bixuan in the tenth circle, Bi Xuan used this to set up an ambush.

As for the first circle, we still need to use the Dao Yun Stone to find the five people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. Later, we will directly kill the remaining person from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land in the second circle, and we will have the Dao Yun Stone again.



A huge explosion erupted.

Shi Feng, holding two sledgehammers in both hands and wearing a set of battle armor with a simple aura, rushed out of the storm.

"You can't escape!"

A loud shout rang out.

A genius from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land rushed over, punched out both fists, and hit Shi Feng with overwhelming fist marks.

Shi Feng had a battle armor to protect his body, and the nine-forged golden body skill he practiced had an extremely powerful physical body, so he directly carried the attack of fist seals all over the sky and rushed out forcefully.

"Shi Feng, accept your fate, I won't let you get out alive, you must die here!" Another loud shout sounded, and in the storm, a burly guy chased out, with a spear in his hand. With a fierce swing, he shot Shi Feng.

The two sledgehammers in Shi Feng's hands were smashed against the spear.


The two sledgehammers were blown apart by the overbearing power contained in the spear!

The tip of the spear pierced Shi Feng's chest.

Although the armor on his body blocked the spear and was not pierced, Shi Feng's body was bent like a big bow.

He shot backwards and fell heavily to the ground, creating a huge pit in the ground.


Shi Feng walked out of the billowing dust and coughed up blood violently.

The people from the Juding Sect and the people from the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land stared at Shi Feng one after another.

"Zhang Li, why..." Shi Feng asked.

Zhang Li is the name of the man from the Juding Sect.

"Why? You still have the nerve to ask me why? If you hadn't suddenly appeared, the position of the Holy Son of the Juding Sect would have been mine. You took away my position as the Holy Son, and the sect master wanted me to protect you here. Do you think it’s possible? If I kill you, the position of the Holy Son of Juding Sect will be mine!”

Zhang Li's expression was twisted and very ferocious.

Shi Feng yelled, and then instantly shot towards the left.

"You can't escape!" Zhang Li shouted angrily, and then he caught up with the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and launched a powerful attack.

Shi Feng withstood several rounds of attacks, and then was beaten to the ground. He stood up with a determined expression. His movements seemed a bit slow, because the injury was so serious that it was difficult for him to stand!

at this time.



Two figures shot out, appearing on the left and right sides of Shi Feng respectively.

The fat man glanced at Shi Feng, shook his head, sighed, and said, "I heard that you became the Holy Son? Why are you still so miserable?"

Dongfang Xiu clicked her tongue twice and said, "Learn from Fatty and me. No matter where we go, there will be sparks and lightning all the way, majestic and majestic!"

At this moment, Shi Feng's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Go out!"

"Silly boy, brothers, come and help you out!"

As he said that, Fatty and Dongfang Xiu stared at the two people who wanted to kill Shi Feng.

The fat man took a deep breath: "I don't want to ask about the name of the fat man. My brother

, is it something you can make up your mind? "

Dongfang Xiu gritted his teeth and shouted: "My little brother who wants to kill me, have you asked Uncle Dongfang about me?"

Zhang Li and the genius from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land looked at each other, with doubts appearing on their faces.

Where did these two guys come from?

The feeling is not strong, but the tone is very crazy!

"If you meddle in other people's business and do not know your own abilities, then you two will die together!" Zhang Li shouted.

The fat man put his hands on his hips: "Come if you have the guts!"

The next moment, Zhang Li and the geniuses from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land each roared, exploded with all their strength, and rushed towards Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, and Shi Feng.

Can be followed immediately.

A sound wave sounded like a tsunami.

A terrifying edge fell from the sky, and the boundless sword light set off by flying swords drowned the two people in an instant!

Instant kill!

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao appeared.

All the flying swords flew back to his storage ring.

Yun Hao looked at Shi Feng, Dongfang Xiu, and Fatty, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

Shi Feng rubbed his red eyes, and then thought for a long time before finally speaking: "Brother Yun, damn fat man, Xiu'er...it's so nice to see you...!"

He is not good at expressing himself.

As for words like thank you, there is no need to say them.

Brother, don't worry!


"This is where the Great Dao Point is. You three can practice here."

Yun Hao found the second circle of Daodao Points and asked Fatty, Shi Feng, and Dongfang Xiu to practice here together.

With Fatty and Dongfang Xiu's cleverness, and Shi Feng wearing the Juding Sect's amazingly protective armor, the remaining geniuses in the second round could not threaten their safety.

"Brother Yun, this is for you!"

Shi Feng took out some flying swords from the storage ring and said: "These are things from the Juding Sect's treasure house, and they are much better than the flying swords I refined.

, I just saw that you have a lot of flying swords, but prepare more flying swords by your side, just in case. "

Yunhao did not reject Shi Feng's kindness and accepted these flying swords.

Shi Feng took out another knife and handed it to Dongfang Xiu: "Xiu'er, Brother Yun told me before that you were coming to Tongtian City soon, so I also prepared a treasure for you. This knife is a holy weapon. You Take it and use it!”

Dongfang Xiu happily took the knife and said, "Tiedan, why are you so polite..."

"If you don't want it, just give it back to me." Shi Feng said seriously.

Dongfang Xiu instantly put the holy-soldier-level sword into the storage ring and said: "You respect your brother, how could your brother refuse your kindness? Really!"

The fat man stared at Shi Feng and said, "Where's mine?"

Shi Feng took out a large golden bowl and handed it to the fat man: "Fat man, you can use this bowl to eat in the future. You can put any amount of food in it. When fighting, you can also use the bowl to put yourself in and hide."

Fatty: "..."

Dongfang Xiu couldn't help laughing.

Yunhao also smiled.

"Tiedan, you gave us these good things, why are your own weapons so rubbish? Look at your hammer, it was broken so easily..." Dongfang Xiu said.

Shi Feng scratched the back of his head and said: "I became the Holy Son, went to the Juding Sect's treasure house to pick out things, and took these... They didn't let me continue to take them... They said I took too much..."

Yun Hao and the other three looked at Shi Feng with warmth flowing in their hearts.

When Shi Feng entered the Juding Sect's treasure house, he only thought about the three of them... He didn't even care about himself!

Just when Yunhao was about to go to the first circle.

Suddenly, the light of the avenue surged violently, and a fruit condensed by the light of the avenue appeared in the sky!

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