God Card

Two million words! New milestone! Thank you everyone!

It has been written until today, 311 days, and the book has 2 million words.

Happy ヽ(○^^)

Record this moment and share it with all genuine readers who have read this book!

Thanks to my nine leaders, and to all the book friends who rewarded, subscribed, and voted. You have brought great honor to this book!

There are still quite a lot of glory achievement points in this book. Although it is still not enough to enter the Hall of Fame, there are still more than 10,000 achievement points.

With this honor score, only one out of 100 books with the same score may be comparable. So it's still not easy, and it's everyone's credit.

Sensational little coquettish words, decent people like me can't say it, so let's send each of you a [God-level good person card]!

Cover funny face / Bow to everyone!


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