God Card

Chapter 284 Chapter 293: Fusion Failure

During the next week.

Apart from attending classes to earn credits every day, Tang Jian devoted himself to making mutant blue-eyed giant worm cards and Professor Wan Ling's inheritance cards.

In the middle of the process, I occasionally contacted my family members, and at the same time remotely directed Xu Nana and others to set up the card making room.

There are too many things to do, and I am so busy.

Going to class, making cards, and practicing every day took up a lot of time.

Tang Jian had no time to look around at all.

Tang Moyuan from Jane Sugar Company contacted Tang Jian two days ago to discuss the shooting of a promotional video, but Tang Jian also temporarily declined.

In the past two days, Tang Jian's research on inheritance cards has reached a critical breakthrough point, and he is naturally focusing on his own affairs.

Among the inheritance cards that Wan Ling passed on to Tang Jian, the only ones that Tang Jian can make himself are the [Red Laser I Card] and the [Six Killing Yin Knife Card].

This is also the result of Tang Jian's rapid simulation learning by using the recognition simulation function of the red card cheater.

【Red Laser Card Ⅰ】There is only one kind of light body involved in the pen.

However, if you want to meet the conditions for making this card, you must master the strokes of the light body to the level of three stars.

The difficulty rating of the card making world like Light Body is advanced (low, medium, high, top). It will take at least a month or two for an ordinary two-star card maker to learn and explore from an unfamiliar state to a three-star level. time to practice hard.

However, after using the recognition simulation function of the red card cheating device and consuming more than 333,000 energy, Tang Jian has mastered the strokes of the Light Body to the level of three stars.

In the mind, from scratch.

There are a lot of insights about the depiction technique of the pen.

In addition to the [Red Laser I Card], there are as many as three types of strokes that need to be mastered in the [Six Killing Yin Knife Card].

They are the low-level pen edge knife body.

Advanced strokes yin body.

The top pen Killing Body.

Among the three kinds of strokes, the knife body needs to be mastered with three-star proficiency.

Yin body and killing body, the minimum requirement is to master the proficiency of two stars, if it can reach three stars, the effect will be better.

Tang Jian bought another batch of energy cards worth tens of millions in the middle of the process. After replenishing sufficient energy, he consumed more than 1.4 million energy points to master the three strokes in turn to the level of three stars.

Recognition simulation function For the simulation learning of strokes, the energy consumed will vary according to the difficulty of the strokes.

It takes 10,000 energy to master a low-level pen from unfamiliarity to a one-star proficiency level, and then every time one star is raised, the energy consumed will increase by ten times.

The energy consumption required to learn mid-level strokes is twice that of low-level strokes.

The consumption of high-level strokes is twice that of the middle level, and that of the top-level is twice that of the high-level.

Therefore, learning the strokes of the pen also needs to consume a huge amount of energy resources.

Although it costs money, compared with ordinary people, it takes a lot of time to study and practice hard. I am much better than this

Tang Jian let go of the characteristic blade-like sketching brush in his hand, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

He reached out and directly closed the killing body pen that was magnified a hundred times by the optical brain in front of him.

The strokes I have learned so far are only at the three-star stage. If I want to reach the six-star stage, I have to understand the artistic conception of the strokes.

For example, a top-level pen like Killing Body.

Normally speaking, without experiencing a lot of bloody killings, it is difficult to understand the artistic conception in the strokes of the pen, and it is impossible to outline the strokes of the strokes that contain a strong killing intent.

I don't know the red card cheater, can I skip this process directly?

Tang Jian didn't think about it for the time being.

In his last life, he didn't practice any strokes to the level of four stars, let alone six stars.

Now that the strokes of the two inheritance cards have been mastered, the next step is the process of making the cards.

As for [Blue Laser II Card] and [Babu Tianlong Card], these two blue seven-star cards had to be made by Wan Lingxian himself.

The blue laser and the eight dragons are both extremely expensive, and they can only be used as trump cards for the time being. Under normal circumstances, the red laser and the six-killing knife are enough.

Tang Jian stood up and stretched.

After working in the card making room of the house for a while, he took out two mutated blue-eyed giant worm cards and a blue two-star fusion card from the card bag.

The blue two-star fusion card was made by Tang Jian during this week. It failed more than a dozen times and cost nearly hundreds of thousands of materials.

This blue two-star fusion card contains 60 kinds of strokes of pet cards, and the production process is extremely cumbersome. Even Tang Jian, who has completely mastered the strokes of all pet cards, made this card quite difficult .

Let's try it now, whether two mutated blue-eyed white worms can fuse into a new and more powerful species. I hope it will succeed.

Tang Jian looked at the three cards in his hand with hope in his eyes.

This time he didn't plan to use [God-bestowed retrospective card] to protect the card.

[Variant Blue-Eyed White Bug Card] Tang Jian can make it easily.

Although the collection of card materials is a bit troublesome, as long as you have money, you can do things well. All the materials will cost you 200,000.

[God Bestowed Backtracking Card] is a special card worth millions, so there is no need to waste it.

Whenever I learn [God-bestowed retrospective card], I can save a lot of money, but this card is expensive because of the materials, and the materials alone may cost hundreds of thousands of federal coins.

I wondered in my heart.

Tang Jian walked to a wider part of the room and activated the two mutant blue-eyed giant insect cards in his hand at the same time.

Chi Chi Chi!

The chaotic air current surged.

Energy fluctuates wildly.

The figures of two behemoths suddenly began to appear in the air.

There were two low growls.

The light beams formed by the four cold, violent, and extremely threatening blue pupils suddenly lit up in the room.

Tang Jian didn't wait for the two erhas to show off their muscles, and directly activated the blue two-star fusion card in his hand.

A blazing energy vortex suddenly appeared, quickly enveloping the two mutated blue-eyed giant worms, and an even stronger roar of the giant worms erupted.

In the energy vortex.

The two gigantic blue-eyed giant worms entangled and fought each other, as if they were violently gnawing at each other, and the crisp sound of bones and muscles tearing could be heard clearly.

Tang Jian's eyelids trembled when he saw this scene.


The big worm is indeed ferocious. It is perfectly normal for members of the same family to kill each other and eat the flesh and blood of the same family.

Can these two bugs fuse?

Three minutes later.

Tang Jian frowned.

The roars of the two behemoths in the energy vortex weakened, and the light of the energy vortex gradually dimmed, and then suddenly collapsed.


After watching the energy vortex collapse, Tang Jian suddenly fell to the ground and was torn into three shredded cards, and remained silent.

The blue-eyed white worm is an elite among the Zerg who has experienced bloody battles.

Theoretically, the mutated blue-eyed giant worm is the king of kings, and the existence of the blue-eyed white dragon is undoubtedly the king of kings.

Zergs fight each other, and the whole group fights to the end. Maybe all the bugs are dead, and only then can a proud blue-eyed white dragon be born.

from this characteristic.

The two mutated blue-eyed giant worms are indeed incompatible with each other, one mountain cannot contain two tigers, and they will fight each other when they meet.

That is to say, the intention of the double-headed mutated blue-eyed giant worm is simply untenable? This development route must be abandoned?

Not absolutely.

In the last life, someone used a fusion card to forcibly fuse a lava beast and a frost beast together. Ice and fire are incompatible, but that person successfully fused the special card of the ice and fire giant beast. Later, some people followed suit. Most of them failed, but they also failed. There have been others who have succeeded.”

Tang Jianmu thought, Finally, a master analyzed it and came to the conclusion that the strokes of the fusion card already included a certain chance of mutation, after all, it was researched on the basis of the strokes of the mutation card.

Therefore, even if the two opposing factors are not completely repulsive, there is still a certain possibility that the fusion will succeed under certain circumstances.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian had a plan in mind.

For the time being, he still does not intend to give up the research on the double-headed mutant blue-eyed giant worm card, and will try a few more times.

Since the dream function of the red card cheating device changed, Tang Jian tried several times, but he could no longer go to the area like Ke Luoxing in the dream.

Even if you put on the memory crown and return to the time period you remember in the dream, you can't go back in time and travel through the past with your thinking consciousness, as if there is some kind of restriction.

Including the upgrade of the red card cheater a few days ago, Tang Jian also tried again, but it still didn't work.

It is no longer possible to go to Keluo Star through dreams, and the evolution route of the mutated blue-eyed giant worm to advance to the blue-eyed white dragon will not work.

If you want to make the mutated blue-eyed giant worm stronger, you have to do your own research.

But fortunately, the big and small horse gods in the star world all have blue-eyed white dragon cards in their hands, and perhaps they all have plans to make mutated blue-eyed giant worm cards to advance into blue-eyed white dragons.

Although Tang Jian thought to himself that there was still a big gap between him and a big man like the Great Horse God.

But in the previous life, Taiyi used the fusion card to attract the attention of the gods of horses and horses.

Tang Jian believed that as long as the eyes of the two were still there, they should have noticed that he contacted him proactively.

After the study of the mutant blue-eyed giant bug card failed.

Tang Jian calmed down again, and began to make [Red Laser Ⅰ Card] and [Six Killing Yin Knife Card].

These two cards are both green seven-star cards.

After mastering the corresponding strokes, it is not a problem for Tang Jian.

It is different from the [White Feather Flying Lion Armor Right Arm Card], which is a pseudo-inheritance card of the Dragon and Tiger Way.

[Red Laser Ⅰ Card] and [Six Slaughter Yin Knife Card] are real inheritance cards, and the materials required for their production are quite special. They are the kind of materials that are suitable for energyization after the card is activated.

In comparison, in the whole set of White Feather Flying Lion Armor, only the cards with the highest star rank have special materials, while the materials of other sub-cards are ordinary.

Therefore, [White Feather Flying Lion Armor Right Arm Card] is only a pseudo-inheritance card and cannot be energyized alone. It must gather other precious card suits to exert its maximum power.

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