God Card

Chapter 271 Chapter 280: Wan Ling's Three Card Tactics

This is.

Tang Jian was stunned, feeling the disgusting and cold touch on his fingers, he let go of his hand violently, and let the broken head fall to the ground, splashing blood all over the ground.

This is the hidden three-star assassin judge. You may not recognize this face, but you should recognize the mask he wears.

Wan Ling looked at the head under his feet indifferently, his face unmoved.

Tang Jian stared at the face full of shock and fear under his feet.

The other party's appearance was mediocre, there was nothing unusual about it, only seeing this severed head, no one would have guessed that this person was actually a judge.

A black and ferocious judge's mask also fell out of the alien space of the storage ring and landed on the ground, making a crisp sound.

I killed the judge, and this news will spread in a small area in the near future. As my student, you will basically not be involved in such assassinations in the future, but I will not give you any more similar flames. Blessings like fake god cards, geniuses don't grow up in safe havens.

Wan Ling said suddenly, Your spiritual talent is very strong, even stronger than Mi Cheng, but I heard that you have another great strength, you can often continuously burst out a strong force in battle. Canon.

Tang Jian's heart tightened.

Wan Ling had a great impact on him.

First, he killed the judge and gave him the head of the judge directly. The purpose was to announce to the outside world that Tang Jian was already his student, and to deter all those who had unruly hostility towards Tang Jian from the outside world.

But immediately afterward, Wan Ling talked about his biggest secret.

Your heartbeat is accelerating, your brain is running fast, your mental concentration is obviously converging, and your blood is also accelerating. What are you thinking?

Wan Ling stared at Tang Jian closely. Although his eyes were plain, they seemed to be able to see through all his secrets when they fell into Tang Jian's eyes.

Tang Jian didn't want to sweat, so he forced a dry smile, but at this moment, he felt that sweat was leaking from his pores.

Hehehe Wan Ling laughed suddenly, Silly boy, if there is any secret you don't want to tell, then don't tell it. You want to hide your teacher? I can give you room to hide it, but don't lie to me because you still have to It's not Kashen, you can't fool me.

Tang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, and Wan Ling suddenly smiled, like a prehistoric beast rolling on the ground suddenly, the original ferocious aura seemed to melt and become approachable.

Tang Jian knew very well that this was a deliberate switch by the other party, and he didn't want to make him too nervous. After thinking about it, he said, Teacher, thank you, my secret.

It's inconvenient to say, so there's no need to say it. Your other three senior brothers all have more or less secrets. Your teacher and I also have secrets. We are very clear about the difficulty of telling the secrets.

Wan Ling looked at Tang Jian indifferently, with deep meaning, Once a secret is told, it is no longer a secret. If you want to make a secret into a secret again, you have to let those who know it die.

Tang Jian's heart trembled, The teacher is right.

You have a very good foundation. It is said that you have inherited the inheritance of Xiong Baiyu, the acting master of the Dragon and Tiger Dao? But I think that apart from a little bit of dragon and tiger fighting skills, you also learned a very common physical training method Three Points and One Line Law Jue .”

As Wan Ling said, before Tang Jian could reply, he tapped casually, and a ball of cards that seemed to be energized came out of his palm and quickly turned into an optical brain.

The optical brain screen unfolded, and a holographic projection popped out.

On the holographic projection, all the images of naked men and women are displayed.

These men and women posed various wonderful poses, or they looked like a woman, or a fairy guiding the way, or like a celestial maiden scattering flowers, a god general shooting a gun, and so on.

Tang Jian couldn't help being attracted when he saw these images.

What kind of formula is this?

Tang Jian looked at the red dots marked on the acupuncture points and tendons of the red fruit men and women, and asked.

This is a formula that I have researched based on my teacher's inheritance. It is called Spirit of Breathing Jue. It is divided into three parts, the upper, middle and lower parts. The three parts extend from the basic chapter to the essence chapter and the whole chapter.

Wan Ling said flatly, What I'm teaching you now is the basic chapter. After learning this chapter, your absorption rate of psychic energy will be about 30 to 40 times faster than that of the Three Points and One Line Law Jue. The recovery speed after consumption will also be twenty or thirty times faster.

That should be at least a four-star formula. Tang Jian said.

Wan Ling nodded, That's right, the basic chapter is four-star. In addition to this chapter, I also want to pass on my card tactics to you. If you're not interested, that's fine.

I'm interested, I'm sure I'm interested. Tang Jian said hastily.

Just kidding, Wan Ling is known as the invincible strongman under the card god, mainly because of his card tactics.

Although everyone has their own card tactics, learning Wan Ling's card tactics is absolutely beneficial to Tang Jian at this time.

My card warfare is divided into three systems. One is the card monk style, the second is the card technology style, and the third is the card beast control style.

As Wan Ling said, he tapped the optical brain again, and a lot of information about the cards suddenly appeared on the optical brain screen.

The first student I accepted, that is, your senior brother, he accepted the inheritance of the card beast mastering style. He failed in the five-star assessment task, so he didn't learn some of my last skills.

Wan Ling said, pointing to a panel that appeared on the light curtain.

This section displays the message of Card Beast Control.

Tang Jian salivated after taking a look.

Wan Ling couldn't help being a brilliant card master, but also a brilliant card maker.

It's just that none of the card patents invented by Wan Ling have ever been exposed.

Except for a few cards, most of the cards he used have become his exclusive patents and can only be used by his students.

In the section of card control animal flow, Tang Jian saw Wan Ling's own creation of a variety of pet cards.

With just one glance, Tang Jian stared straight at him.

Green seven-star mechanical pet card—[Mechanical Howling Moon Wolf Card] + Green Seven-Star Mechanical Character [Elite Mechanic Card] = Mechanical Howling Moon Wolf Pack!

Blue seven-star battle pet card—[Gold-eating insect card] + blue seven-star auxiliary building system [Zerg nest card] = gold-eating insect swarm!

Blue five-star battle pet card - [ghost card] + blue seven-star battle pet card - [skeleton king card] = Lich King!

Purple two-star battle pet card - [Whale Kun card] + purple three-star battle pet card - [Golden Peng card] = Golden-winged Kunpeng!

How? Actually, according to the fusion card you invented and some of your battle records, I analyze that you are very suitable to inherit my beast control style. The strength of card pets is only one aspect. The most important thing is to be able to achieve The stage of heart and mind.

Wan Ling smiled, For example, I, when I and the Golden-winged Kunpeng agree with each other, I will transform into the Golden-winged Kunpeng, and the Golden-winged Kunpeng is me, flying ninety thousand miles, and swallowing ten thousand dharmas!

Tang Jian was restrained.

This old ghost, where did you find the slogan.

Soaring 90,000 miles, swallowing ten thousand methods in one gulp, sounds really bluffing!

But when it comes to pet cards, in fact, his beautiful girl and worm are not bad if they are advanced to the final level.

Too much chewing without erosion.

Although now he is also very greedy for rare combination cards like the Golden Winged Kunpeng, but he can't solve the blue-eyed white worm alone. At present, his own pet cards are enough for him to digest.

Teacher, I feel that there is currently a lack of cards that can cause major damage, the ones that can decide the outcome of the battle with one blow. In terms of other cards, I am actually very balanced.

Tang Jian glanced at Wan Ling, and then at the other two panels.

Wan Ling nodded, That's right, you got the inheritance card [Asian Beauty Girl Card] from Tang Moyuan Tang Family of Shangxiu Jiantang Company. This card can be advanced to the final purple star product, which can become [Asian Female War God Card] ], not weaker than Jinpeng.

And I learned that you also have a card [Blue-Eyed Giant Worm Card] that is suspected to be a juvenile [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]?

Tang Jian smiled dryly, After a little improvement on my card, other changes have taken place, and it has become [Mutated Blue-Eyed Giant Worm Card].

Oh? Wan Ling was slightly moved, and he frowned thoughtfully, Since this is the case, it should be a problem to advance to the [Blue-Eyed White Worm Card] in the future, but the advancement method of this card is controlled by the highest bureau of the Federation. And there is the Great Horse God.

It's enough for the time being. Tang Jian smiled, And I plan to try it with a fusion card. Can I continue to try and transform the [Mutated Blue-Eyed Giant Worm Card] again.

You are very good, and your ideas are very avant-garde and bold. Wan Ling said, pointing to the other two boards.

The card tactics of the monk style are inherited from my teacher, and later I invented them myself. Now I have improved them into these tactical combinations, which are mainly formed in conjunction with the ancient martial arts I created.

Tang Jian's eyes flickered as he looked at the card information displayed on the optical brain screen.

The green seven-star fighting fairy-like system—[Magic Body Card] Inheritance!

The blue seven-star fighting fairy-like system——【Devil Lord Body Card】 Inheritance!

Purple seven-star combat fairy-like system——[Magic Emperor Card] Inheritance!

The green seven-star fighting fairy-like series—[Six Killing Yin Knife] Inheritance!

The blue seven-star fighting fairy-like series—[Eight Dragons] Inheritance!

The blue seven-star fighting fairy-like series——【Scattering Beans into Soldiers】Rare!

The blue seven-star fighting fairy-like series——【Wall Wind and Rain】·Rare!

Teacher, don't there be purple cards in the cards of the monk class?

Tang Jian asked curiously after seeing the end.

Wan Ling nodded: This genre of cards is no different than Beast Control, and it needs to pay more attention to self-cultivation. In fact, although the battle between us card masters is mainly solved by card coordination, our own practice is the most important thing.

Without strong enough spiritual strength and vitality, you may not be able to activate many powerful cards. For the time being, I haven't shown the purple card of the monk style, but I will tell you when you reach the level in the future.

I have hunger, and my mental strength and vitality are enough.

Tang Jian muttered in his heart, and looked at the card technology flow section again.

This section is relatively simple, and all of them are inheritance cards.

However, only two cards have been shown so far.

Green Seven Star Mechanical Laser System——[Red Laser Card Ⅰ] Inheritance!

Blue Seven Star Mechanical Laser System—[Blue Laser II Card] Inheritance!

If you want to choose a card with enough lethality, you can actually choose these two cards of the technology stream. The red laser Ⅰ card can burst out high-temperature rays exceeding 6,000 degrees in an instant, and the blue laser Ⅱ card is ten times stronger. A one-meter-thick steel plate can be cut in a few tenths of a second.

Wan Ling introduced lightly.

Tang Jian's hair stood on end when he heard the words, and a scene from a Resident Evil movie he had seen appeared in his mind.

The laser rays are connected into a network, cutting at will, and nothing can stop it.

The laser ray card is a single-target attack, and it consumes a lot. You can combine it with [Six Slaughter Yin Knife Card] and [Eight Dragon Cards] to form a range-killing card deck.

Wan Ling paused, However, even if I make these inheritance cards for you, if you want to master them completely, you need to be familiar with them thoroughly and refine them into energy bodies.

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