God Card

Chapter 268 277: The Conjecture of Hiring an Assassin (seeking monthly ticket)

Wisps of psychic energy lingered around his body.

Tang Jian took a hot bath after returning to his residence, but he didn't drain the psychic energy in the room in one breath.

The feeling of being surrounded by psychic energy is actually more comfortable.

There is a slight sense of physical and mental comfort.

He opened the card maker ID card.

The card turned into a portable optical computer-like light screen, appearing in front of his eyes.

Only after the light screen appeared, the mailbox kept shaking.

Tang Jian opened it to check.

Most of them are news that prompts the sale of patents.

A small number of them are news that the materials have been successfully purchased and are in transit.

Looking at the patents sold, Tang Jian counted them carefully, and was surprised to find that all the patents had sold more than 200 copies.

It was the Gale Card that sold very slowly, perhaps because of the birth of the Fusion Card and the Blessing Card of the Six Desires of the Evil Spirit, it was driven to sell a lot.

Among them, there may also be factors that contributed to the exposure of the Rookie King System Kasai Ranking List.

Tang Jian remembered that when he bought an energy card of 3 million federal coins a few days ago, the contribution value of the Card Creators Association was only over 300,000, which was considered a lot at that time.

Now looking at the amount displayed in the Personal Contribution Value, it is already as high as more than 850,000.

This is simply an extremely terrifying wealth, far exceeding the sum of all the funds earned by Tang Jian in his previous life.

According to the value comparison of the contribution value of the Card Creator Association.

The contribution value of more than 850,000 is equivalent to more than 85 million federal currency.

In the previous life, Tang Jian cultivated from card apprentice to three-star card master, and the resources consumed were initially estimated to be more than 30 million federal coins.

Of course, the experience of cultivating in a place rich in psychics in the tiankeng does not count.

Although the contribution value is earned quickly enough, it doesn't seem to be too much when it is actually used.

Tang Jian was thinking about it.

For example, if you want to promote the Asian girl card to the next stage, it is estimated that the purchase of materials alone will cost seven to eight million federal coins.

That is still based on the fact that it can be purchased smoothly, and it is only a material.

If the Asian girl card promotion fails, then you have to buy more materials to continue.

More than 80 million yuan seems to be enough for ten visits.

Not counting the purchase of materials, but simply using them to improve his strength.

To increase the vitality from the current 197.5 to 999 vitality, adding up layer by layer, it will cost more than 305 million federal coins.

In comparison, the 85 million federal currency can only satisfy the energy value of almost 90 million, which is less than one-third, not including the massive nutrient solution that needs to be consumed halfway.

As long as you open it to improve your strength, it will consume more than 300 million federation currency energy.

MP. The luxury commercial housing near Yujing University seems to be only a little over 200 million federal coins?

I thought I was rich just now, but looking at it now, I'm actually a poor ghost.

Thinking deeply, Tang Jian came to his senses, and felt a little ashamed for his swollen heart just now.

It seems that he is making a lot of money at the moment, but that is actually the case.

Unless he persists, he will practice slowly step by step, just like in his previous life.

Otherwise, as long as you want to use the red card cheating device to quickly increase your strength, the resources and energy consumed will increase by ten times and dozens of times.

Hanging up is also troublesome.

Asking for money, if you don't have money, you still have to live with it.

For the time being, Tang Jian did not increase his vitality.

With his current vitality strength and cards, it is enough to deal with most scenes.

Or wait until tomorrow's school opening ceremony to break through, and then gnaw at the free resources provided by the school.

Can save a little is a little.

Click to open the Rookie King Card Game leaderboard.

Tang Jian found that his potential value had increased by another three hundred, becoming 17,300.

There is only 200 contribution points away from Bartheth, who ranked first in the patent list.

The potential value is not fixed and will increase as the popularity of patented works continues to grow.

But up to now, Tang Jian's several works have almost exhausted their popularity, and the remaining residual heat may be able to create a little potential value, but it is still unknown whether they can overwhelm the number one.

If you can get the first place in the rookie king card competition, then you will have to give out a mysterious reward.

This mystery reward is not fixed.

In the past, every card maker who won the first place received different rewards. Of course, very few people actually announced it in detail.

Tang Jian was a little excited.

There is only a gap of 200 contribution points.

The Newcomer King Card Competition is held every three years, and this year is already the last year.

As long as three months later and January of the new year arrives, the card making competition will enter the final stage.

However, the months before this stage are actually the most competitive.

Tang Jian suddenly woke up.

It won't be the one who hired a murderer to assassinate me.

His eyes fell on Bartheth, who was number one on the ranking list, and then on Rose, who was ranked third.

There were some scandals in the final stage of the previous rookie king system game.

It's nothing more than competitors buying each other to kill each other, or buying other people's patents on their own heads, and sprinting for rankings at the last minute.

All kinds of ugly methods emerge in endlessly.

Tang Jian hadn't thought of this level before, and he couldn't figure out who had such a big hatred against him, who would rather pay a lot of money than hire an assassin to assassinate him.

But now seeing the leaderboard of the rookie king system card game, Tang Jian suddenly became enlightened.

If there is no conflict of interest, there will be no inexplicable hostility.

These people on the rookie king's card game rankings have direct conflicts of interest with him, and they have a strong motive to hire murderers.

Especially Batheth.

The gap between this Batheth and me is getting smaller and smaller. His patented works are no longer popular. Unless he invents new patents, his potential value will not increase at all, and it is very likely that he will be surpassed by me. It is true. It’s possible that you can’t sit still and buy me and kill me.”

Tang Jian looked at Ross again, shaking his head slightly.

There is still a big gap between Ross and him, with only 15,600 contribution points.

Besides, even if Rose won the second place, there is actually no reward, and there is no profit to drive the other party to buy him.

Looking at the fourth place Miluo, the contribution value has not moved, only more than 13,000.

There is also a big gap between Miluo and Rose who is third.

Such a gap, whether it is Ross or Tang Jian, is very safe.

Rose could neither drop to fourth nor rush to first.

Regardless of the second or third, the benefits obtained are the same, and there is no motive for killing.

It's this Miluo. Tang Jian stared at Miluo's delicate position and murmured slightly.

Miluo is in fourth place.

He only needs to solve any one of the three people in front of him, and he can naturally join the ranks of the top three.

Because according to the regulations, the card maker must be present in person to receive the prize in the Rookie King Card Tournament leaderboard. If he doesn't show up, he will be considered as a waiver, and the reward will be postponed.

According to this regulation, Miluo is also driven by sufficient interests, and has the motivation to hire murderers to assassinate him.

Tang Jian immediately took out the communication card to contact He Dongshen, and told him his guess.

What you said seems to be true, but this is only your guess after all, and you need to investigate in secret.

He Dongshen listened to Tang Jian's conjecture and pondered, and said, Miluo is easy to investigate. After all, he is from our Guxia. Some of his whereabouts, including files, are controlled by our Guxia. But Basseth is Iceman, it's a bit troublesome to investigate this person.

Tang Jian smiled, General, I have provided you with the target, it shouldn't be that troublesome, just use a little bit of divination or deduction cards, and you can guess the approximate suspicion.

Do you think it's that simple? Deduction of divination cards is not effective if the star level is low. If the star level is high, I have to look for help with a shy face. At least the purple star level can make the other party unaware, so as not to scare the snake away. .”

He Dong said with a sinking air.

Tang Jian understood the other party's implication, General, what else do you want me to do?

It's not a big deal. I heard that you have been accepted as a student by Dean Wan today. An adult from our Northern Army wants to discuss something with Dean Wan. You just need to help pass the message.

He Dong said in a deep voice.

Tang Jian was surprised, The news from you is really well-informed, but if the big shots in the Northland military want to contact my teacher, they still need me, a small guy, to pass the message?

You know what a fart. Although your teacher is the dean of Yujing Kashi's department, he never asks about the outside world. He is a cultivator. It is very difficult to contact him. Many people have been turned away. He Dongshen drink low.

Tang Jian's eyeballs turned slightly, So many people have been turned away, then my teacher's face is very precious, you just help to check two young people, but I want to hire my teacher, the price-performance ratio of these two aspects is not good Just right.

You bastard! You're still negotiating conditions with me? He Dongshen was furious.

Hahaha, don't dare. I'm just kidding.

Tang Jian stopped when he saw it was good, Then it's settled, I will help you spread the word, but I have just become the teacher's student, if the teacher ignores you, then I have nothing to do.

You just need to pass the word on.

After hanging up the communication, Tang Jian looked at the communication card and pondered.

He Dongshen has helped him a lot, and he should pass on a message to the other party this time, which is what he should do.

However, Tang Jian hadn't figured out Wan Ling's temperament yet, but he didn't know if the other party would listen to him if he helped spread the word.

close your eyes.

Tang Jian's consciousness focused on the dream option.

After consuming 50,000 energy points, he instantly entered a dream state.

Putting on the memory crown, selecting a memory segment, pointing at Senior Bi Yi's body and possessing it.

The fat green sycamore leaves form an umbrella-shaped canopy, propped above the head.

The moment Tang Jian's consciousness entered Bi Yi's body, he felt that his conscious thinking was imprisoned, and he felt a very strong sense of contradiction.

The body is exceptionally strong, but the mental consciousness is quite weak.

An indescribable feeling is rapidly growing.

This feeling brought Tang Jian an exceptionally novel experience.

It is even more novel than being possessed by Nie Lengxiao, the three-star card master.

Incomparably powerful!

Tang Jian felt that his spirit was being exhausted all the time.

His body seemed to be full of explosive power, and his buttocks sat on the chair, feeling as if he was about to fly.

Not only that.

When amphibians emerge from the water and emerge from the water, the world in front of them seems to come alive.

Ears begin to pick up other noisy and trivial sounds, hear farther

The dull nose is like a sudden improvement after a cold. You can smell more subtle smells. The field of vision becomes wider and more detailed. It’s like the difference between a 5-megapixel camera and a 50-megapixel camera.

After only a little feeling for a while, Tang Jian found that his mental exhaustion was severe, his thinking became dull, and his eyes turned black.

Thanks 丨Lengyue for rewarding! Six thousand seven hundred characters are here. Now it was updated in the early morning of this morning, and it was not updated during the day. Tonight, I have to go to Xiuxian to do other things. I am so busy that I probably have to rest during the day. It continued to erupt for two days.

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