God Card

256 Chapter 265: The Unattainable Kashen

Throwing Tang Yueyue to Bai Le who came over to teach her.

Tang Jian hid outside the door and watched for a while, seeing that he was basically on the right track, Tang Yueyue cooperated with Bai Li very much, and immediately relaxed.

Being a brother is not easy.

As a brother, he has been able to help Tang Yueyue until now, if Tang Yueyue still doesn't live up to her expectations, there is nothing she can do.

Tang Jian didn't need Tang Yueyue to be strong, but at least after Tang Yueyue became a card master in the future, she would be able to gain a foothold in this society and control a little bit of her own destiny, that would be fine.

Taking advantage of Bai Lu's teaching Tang Yueyue, Tang Jian started to communicate with He Dongshen.

This time I applied for the patent of the evil spirit six desires blessing card in advance. Although I was forced to do so, the original intention of applying for this patent has not changed.

Although it may be a little early at this time, he still wants to mention some things.

What? You still want that Kashen who helped your sister last time to treat others? Brat, do you think that Kashen is your personal doctor?

As soon as He Dongshen heard Tang Jian's request, he immediately became furious.

Just kidding.

He, Lao He, has never been able to ask Kashen to make a move for him in his entire life.

Tang Jian is addicted after inviting him once, and he still wants to work hard?

You don't have a fever.

Tang Jian had expected that He Dongshen would blow up, and smiled, Old General He, help me, the injured person is my teacher, I am a student, I can't just leave him alone, right? My teacher is also With the physique of a spiritual enlightener, saving her is also considered saving a talent, isn't it?

Get out! What's wrong with your teacher? I said that your teacher has so many students, why are you so troublesome? What happened to the physique of the spiritual enlightenment? People die every day in the entire Federation, and there are also many people with special physiques. Look. Which Kashen has the leisure to save it?

Old He, I just asked you to send a message to the top, and it's not for you to save me. It's okay to ask the prefect Huang for instructions. If that Kashen has any other requests, you can also say so.

What are you talking about? You can meet the requirements of Kashen. Which of the cards you invented can attract Kashen?

He Dongshen lost his temper, and remained silent for a while, before saying, I'll discuss it with the prefect Huang, and we can send a request to the higher authorities, but we can't decide this matter at all. We are not people at the same level. Others may not pay attention to your request. .”

Having said that, Tang Jian couldn't help being silent.

Indeed, he is a little successful now, and everyone who used to be able to talk and laugh with him has been thrown away by him, and talking to him is no longer as casual as before.

His current status is also unusual.

But so what.

In the eyes of people at the top of the federation like Kashen, he is at best a slightly bigger ant.

His request may not be heard by others.

This is what people say lightly.

A request from an ordinary stranger who wants to find a relationship is passed to my ears, can it be easily passed on?

The circles that ordinary people make friends with completely limit the spread of their words, and it is difficult to spread them to him who is already in another circle.

If Sun Yiying's injury was really so curable, she would have healed it herself, and it wouldn't be delayed until now.

Don't think too much, you brat, we can at most help you ask, in fact, you are in Yujing, and it is easier for you to get in touch with Kashen than us.

You Yujing has four card gods. If you perform better, you may be able to attract the attention of one of the card gods. Those card gods in Yujing are all good teachers.

As He Dongshen spoke, his tone changed again, Speaking of which, you brat, I also read the batch of materials you asked Bai Le to buy yesterday, and many of the materials in your list of materials are completely It's not for studying the blessing cards of the six desires of evil spirits.

Ah? Really?

Tang Jian laughed, That's impossible. You're not a card maker. How do you know that I'm not using it to study the Blessing Card of the Six Desires of the Evil Spirit? By the way, I remember that there are more than 4 million research funds remaining. , keep it all for me, right?


He Dongshen sneered, Smart people don't say stupid things, don't be too smart, you kid, you're really good at being cheap.

Tang Jian smirked.

You have to pay attention to one thing. We have intercepted information here. There may be a killer targeting you. We are investigating who the employer is. You are too prosperous now. I am not sure if the person who wants to kill you is the old country. Organizations, and perhaps people from other forces, if you have any doubts, you can tell us.

Oh? Tang Jian's heart tightened slightly, and he narrowed his eyes.

If there are other suspects, I suspect it might be Tai Yi, this person is poisonous, and a group of people around him slandered me on the Internet some time ago.

Is there any more?

Not for now.

He Dongshen pointedly pointed out, You haven't been in touch with your master Xiong Baiyu for a long time, when did you contact him, and ask him for more information about the old country organization.

If you want to invite the card gods, I think the information in this regard should be of value. Some card gods are the deadly enemies of the old country organization.

Old fox!

Tang Jian hummed softly in his heart, pretending to be stupid on the surface, Master, his old man's whereabouts are uncertain. If he wants to find me, he will come to me, and he always likes to find me when there is no one. Now that there is a killer who wants to deal with me, then I miss him. It should be coming soon.

Little fox. He Dong cursed in his heart.

The communication between the two foxes, one big and one small, is over.

Tang Jian hung up the communication, looked at the communication card and pondered in his heart.

He didn't know much about the old country's organization in his last life.

After all, it is actually difficult for ordinary people to get involved with such extremes/organizations.

If there is any entanglement, it is almost not far from death or madness.

But in this life now, it seems that he is going further and further on the road to death.

Currently Beiyu, Changshan, Hemu, Lingdi and other base cities are still in the war-torn zone and suppressed by a large number of federal forces.

When I reached this situation in my last life, it was three years before I was reborn, which means that the progress of the war has been advanced two or three years in this life.

Tang Jian pondered, After the war broke out in these places in the previous life, the old country organization became more rampant, anti-federal, and bewitched some federal citizens in remote and war-torn areas to develop into members of the base.

And at that time, there was also very alarming news that the old country organization had reached a tacit alliance with the Tiankeng evil god, and trained a large number of evil god fighters composed of Tiankeng aliens.

Except for the important information about the evil god, the rest must not be a secret to the Federation. But if I really tell the news about the evil god warrior, then I guess I will have no peace.

The reason why the false news about Xiong Baiyu, a dead person, has not been punctured is mainly because the information I provided before does not involve the level of evil gods. It is only made by Nie Lengxiao, a three-star card maker. The breakthrough opened.

Once I reveal the message that the old country organization's high-level and the evil god have reached a tacit agreement, it may alarm the Federation, but this kind of too high-level message will definitely make me no longer have any freedom to speak of.

Tang Jian frowned and thought about this, and he had a decision in his heart, The evil god can't say, what else can I say in the old country organization?

While he was concentrating on thinking, Tang Jian suddenly had a flash of inspiration, By the way, Shinto, the Shinto that may appear in a few months, those domineering guys, after they suddenly appeared in the previous life, they integrated several other ways. When they are about to succeed , the guy who was one of the leaders didn't just because of.

what's on your mind?

Bai Le's plain voice suddenly came from behind, interrupting Tang Jian's thoughts.

Tang Jian turned his head and saw Bai Le, who had a smooth forehead and slightly sweaty, came out of the room, How is it?

Your sister is very smart, and she has basically grasped it. I used the card effect to strengthen her senses, and there is no problem. Bai Yu said indifferently.

Thank you. Tang Jian took out a tissue from the table and handed it to Bai Le.

Bai Li took it flat, and glanced at Tang Jian with beautiful eyes, You were communicating with General He just now? You should know about the hidden killing, right?

En. Tang Jian nodded.

Bai Li's eyes fluctuated slightly, I'll take you to school, it will be safer in Yujing. I will follow up and investigate who arranged to assassinate you.

Thank you. Tang Jian nodded, suddenly felt the communication card vibrate.

Looking down, I couldn't help but be surprised that it was Sun Yiying.



A flying car in the form of a dragon boat floats slowly in the air.

On the dragon boat, there are singing and dancing, and many beauties in ancient costumes sing and dance, creating a luxurious and lively scene.

Taiyi was sitting at the Eight Immortals Table on the high platform of the dragon boat. Opposite him was an aristocratic middle-aged man with a goatee on his chin and a purple dragon robe.

I heard that Master Taiyi also has a new card invention to be released in two days?

The noble middle-aged man watched the hot dance on the front deck with a smile, and asked Taiyi with a smile.


Taiyi nodded slightly, neither drinking nor watching dances, just looking at a few extremely thin clouds in the distant sky, and said, But compared to the cards newly invented by that genius card maker today, they are worse. A little.

Hahaha, Master Taiyi, you are being modest. I have also investigated that kid, and he has some talent in card making. The talent of a card master is not strong. He only has his current vitality after entering the card energy house. How can he Master Bi, you have now truly stepped into the ranks of two-star card masters.

The middle-aged man gave a compliment with a smile.

Mr. Zilong is not a complimenter, so don't flatter me. Someone betrayed me recently, and I came to you because I wanted to borrow your Big Zhou Star Card to check some things.

Taiyi said calmly.

The middle-aged man Zilong nodded when he heard the words, and his smile gradually faded, Every time you use the Great Zhou Star Card, it will reduce your life span by five years at least, and at worst.

I've prepared the substitute doll card. Taiyi smiled.

Zilong was surprised, and laughed, Master is really well prepared, okay, I will lend you the Great Zhou Star Card, Master.

A card exuding lavender brilliance appeared in Zilong's hand.

The card pattern on the card surface is like a thousand dots of stars, bright and dazzling, just like a galaxy moving slowly, one can't help but fall into it

Thanks 丨Leng Yue for the reward!

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