God Card

Chapter 242 251: Pharaoh's Early Warning (8,000 words for subscription)

Brother Xiong, I have taken that kid to live in an attic, which is in a marginal area. I read the sign and it should be ownerless. But school will start soon, and some seniors will come back, maybe the attic will be taken away by some seniors. .”

After Xiao Zhao returned, he found Xiong Qiang and told him the result, and opened the communication card to expand the map of Yujing School, pointing to a location.

That's where Tang Jian chose the attic location.

Xiong Qiang glanced at it and nodded slightly, Okay, I will report it for the record, but you don't have to underestimate Junior Tang so much, he is a celebrity and his vitality is stronger than yours, you have to learn to be humble.

Is he still a celebrity? Who?

Xiao Zhao was surprised and refused to accept, So what if he is a celebrity? Using some unconventional means to increase more than 100 vitality in just two months, and he is not afraid of dying. Don't look at the strength of vitality. I really use cards when I fight. I can beat that kid down with just one card.

The fat girl next to him couldn't help but said, Don't underestimate him, his name is Tang Jian, haven't you heard of this name recently? You are also a card maker yourself.

What is Tang doing? Is he Tang Jian? Which Tang Jian? Xiao Zhao stared wide-eyed.

It's the one who invented and made the fusion card. Another student from the student union reminded in a low voice, You said before that you admired him.

Ah!? He is my idol? How could that be?

Xiao Zhao was dumbfounded, and looked at Xiong Qiang, What can I do? No, I have to go back and remind him that even if his card master talent is not good, I really admire his card making talent. It's packed.


Xiong Qiang frowned, Since he has been allowed to live there, there is no need to bother. If he is really capable, he will definitely choose to live there. You have to remind that it is your business, but I will still report to the authorities according to the rules. come down.

Forget it, Xiao Zhao. He has such a strong vitality. If you go and persuade him to move, he will think you underestimated him later, and you have done something bad with good intentions, and you have spoken lightly and deeply.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help being speechless when he heard the words, looked at the crowd, and fell silent.

In the attic living room, sunlight shone in and shone on the psychic aura in the room, creating a fairy-like scene.

Tang Jian concentrated his mind and looked at his very auspicious attribute template.

Master: Tang Jian.

Possess card function: 【1888/1888】+

Possess spirit: [88/88]+

Vitality: [188.8]+

Special effect function: 1.? ? ?

2. Dreamland. (???)

Current energy: 【1423700】+

3. Recognition simulation: (analyze the energy consumption value to identify card types, materials, and performance) (the energy consumption value simulates the style of card making, and masters the card making plan).

Hidden options: cards.

Almost all of them are 8 attributes.

Ever since he frantically improved his strength in the life-and-death battle with Ogalie, Tang Jian didn't improve his strength much in the next half month.

Vitality, including spiritual strength, is entirely a matter of natural growth to the current state of good luck.

In about half a month, Tang Jian naturally increased 3 points of vitality, 2 points of spiritual strength and dozens of points of energy.

These naturally improved strengths also represent that Tang Jian did not squeeze out his potential due to the rapid increase in strength.

In fact, his potential background is still very solid.

After all, whether it is the strong consciousness of the three-star card master or the long-term consumption of a large amount of nutrient solution, his body has extraordinary potential, which is not so easy to squeeze and wear.

At this time, breathing according to the breathing method of the three-point-one-line method, a wave of psychic breath is absorbed into the body with the breath, and Tang Jian can also feel the impact of these energy on all aspects of the body after entering the body. strengthen.

Practicing in the attic of No. 11 Jingzi is simply getting twice the result with half the effort.

According to the current state, Tang Jian estimated that just practicing the three-point-one-line method like this may increase the vitality by about 0.1 a day.

This is simply unbelievable.

After all, the further back the vitality is, the more difficult it is to improve.

But in this special residence, the restrictions on cultivation were completely broken by a large amount of psychic energy.

It's no wonder that everyone is willing to go to the twelfth floor of Yujing. It's no wonder that in Yujing Academy, you can see some card masters with more than 100 vitality everywhere.

This is not only because the people gathered in Yujing are the favorites of the world, but also because of the environment. After staying in such an environment for a long time, a pig can increase its vitality and become stronger than a cow.

Tang Jian felt emotional, and even had an urge to visit the rumored Yuzilou District.

But soon he resisted the urge.

Yuzilou, presumably he is not able to live in it yet, otherwise it should be arranged, and he can first inquire about the situation outside tomorrow.

After thinking about it, Tang Jian temporarily stopped continuing to strengthen his vitality, and wanted to make a guess.

He mobilized the red card cheating device to absorb the rippling psychic energy accumulated in the room.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the energy in the red card cheating device is slowly increasing.

An hour passed so quickly.

Tang Jian walked around every corner of the room.

Almost all the psychic energy rippling in the room was completely absorbed into the red card cheating device by him, and the rich psychic energy lingered around him at any time.

In the end, there was no trace of psychic energy in the room.

Tang Jian glanced at the growth value of the energy stored in the red card cheating device.

The energy has increased from the initial 1,423,700 points to 1,447,800 points, a full increase of 24,100 points, which is almost equivalent to more than 20,000 federal currency.

It seems that there is still a little difference from what I expected. After the psychic energy in the attic is absorbed, there is no supplement at all. Maybe there are some restrictions?

Tang Jian thought to himself and walked to the door.

It was noon now.

The sun shines on the ground, and you can also see the white bricks paved on the ground outside the attic with a faint white air from time to time.

Under the sunlight, the psychic aura from the outside world is not too obvious. After all, the concentration is only about one-fifth of that in the room, and even some areas are even shallower.

It should be possible for these flowing psychic energies to slowly flow into the house.

However, at this time, Tang Jian observed that when all the psychic energy around the attic was about to flow into the house, it naturally avoided it, and then circled around and escaped to other areas.

It was as if there was an invisible layer of inexplicable power, dispelling and blocking the surrounding psychic energy to sneak into the house.

There should be restrictions. In a residence like this, a large amount of psychic energy is absorbed from the outside by relying on the power of formations and poured into the room. After reaching a certain amount, it will stop absorbing from the outside, and even isolate the energy from the outside. Overflowing, probably also controlling resources?

Tang Jian stood outside the door, looking at the second-floor attic in front of him, trying to continue to control the red card cheating device to absorb the surrounding psychic energy.

Outside the attic, although the psychic energy in Yujing Academy is still abundant, it is obviously not much slower than the energy absorbed by the red card cheating device in the attic.

Because the psychic energy outside is very active, but it is fluid and does not often gather in one place.

It's like a group of agile fish, and Tang Jian's red card cheating device seems to be a fisherman ready to catch fish.

Tang Jian wandered around, worked for ten minutes, and absorbed about a thousand energy into the cheating device for storage.

As a result, the psychic energy within a range of about thirty meters around the attic was temporarily emptied again.

This behavior of absorbing psychic energy is too obvious.

Tang Jian immediately stopped this action.

He has discovered that there are faintly strong life breaths moving around the surrounding buildings.

In this area, there are many students whose vitality is not weaker than him.

Quietly return to the house.

Tang Jian calculated that although it was estimated that one day of practice in the attic should increase the vitality by 0.1.

But in fact there is still a slight difference.

Because although the energy concentration in the attic is very strong, it is obviously restricted by the formation, and the energy from outside cannot be replenished, but the energy in the attic is quickly consumed by him.

But exactly, after the energy in the attic was consumed by the red card cheater, it showed that there were only more than 20,000 energy.

More than 20,000 energy, in fact, still can't increase his vitality by 0.1.

With Tang Jian's current vitality of 188.8, if he wants to rely on the red card cheat to raise it to 188.9, he will have to consume 36340 energy points.

Even if you don't rely on the red card cheating device and simply absorb the energy of the psychic to practice with the magic formula, you should consume the same amount of energy.

That is to say, the psychic energy attracted by the magic circle in the house seems to be extremely strong, but in fact there is a limit. There are only about 25,000 to 30,000 energy reserves.

I just don't know how long it will take for the magic circle to absorb the psychic energy from the outside again after I have absorbed all the energy in the room.

Tang Jian thought about it.

If it is replenished every day, then the twelfth floor of Yujing is worthy of its name. It is equivalent to living in this attic, and I will receive energy resources equivalent to more than 20,000 federal coins every day.

The energy in the house is exhausted.

Tang Jian didn't stay in the house anymore, and went out for a stroll to get familiar with the campus.

In Yujing Academy, Tang Jian didn't have many friends.

The first person to get acquainted with and gain prestige is Qi Luo.

Tang Jian didn't want to contact that narcissistic woman either.

He wandered around the nearby university town, entered some card making rooms, observed the layout of these card making rooms and the cards sold, and enriched his experience in the card making rooms.

When I turned on the communication card and surfed the Internet, I also found that there was a lot of information about the fusion card on the Internet.

Some of the messages entered Tang Jian's eyes.

These messages are obviously the public opinion created by Taiyi's instigation.

Huh? In this life, Taiyi actually developed a fusion card so quickly? But I got ahead of him?

Tang Jian couldn't help being surprised when he saw some people's speeches on the Internet.

Among these messages, there is no statement made by Taiyi at all. They are just messages from people who are familiar with Taiyi, which means that Fusion Kanai Taiyi was first produced and invented, but it has not applied for a patent.

Such information and remarks have no actual evidence.

Even Taiyi, the person involved, never spoke out and said anything, so it was untenable, so that after a heated discussion, it quickly sank and became unremarkable.

But Tang Jian was still extremely sensitive to this, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart.

Could it be that Taiyi has really developed a fusion card, but has not applied for a patent?

Then why, the other party doesn't stand up and say a word now?

Tang Jian inexplicably felt a little embarrassed and guilty, and at the same time very puzzled.

After all, the fusion card was created in the previous life, and it was indeed invented by Taiyi.

It is indeed a loss for him, a reborn guest, to take the lead in this life.

Instead, he moved the opponent's fruit.

This is very unkind.

However, according to the trajectory of the previous life, Taiyi shouldn't have developed the fusion card at this time.

Could it be that in the previous life, the other party developed a fusion card very early, but they never applied for a patent?

It's like he is holding the blessing card of the evil spirit and six desires in his hand, and he has never applied for a patent.

Tang Jian was in doubt.

Suddenly the communication card rang.

It turned out that Wang Borui sent a text message.

Tang Jian, take care of yourself. It's best to keep a low profile. In the next few years, don't apply for any patents.

Tang Jian's heart skipped a beat.

Old Wang, what does this mean?

He immediately prepared to send a text message to ask.

But after thinking about it, I still communicate directly.

As a result, the communication prompt is an empty number.


Tang Jian was stunned.

If it is indicated as an empty number so quickly, there is only one possibility, the other party directly destroyed the communication card.

Tang Jian inexplicably had a bad premonition.

What's the situation? It seems like you're overplaying it?

Tang Jian frowned.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that maybe he shouldn't touch the patent of the fusion card.

However, as a reborn person, it is almost instinctive to plunder some memorized resources from the previous life for his own use.

Although Tang Jian will not satisfy his own interests at the cost of trampling on human life.

But it's not so stupid that you don't fight for it even if you know the benefits.

Knowing that there is an Easter egg in a certain place, and this Easter egg will not be taken away by someone in a few years, I obediently wait for the destined person to take it away, and I can bear it without stretching out my hand at all.

It's like knowing the winning numbers of a lottery ticket before rebirth, and also knowing that this lottery ticket was not won by yourself.

After rebirth, he waited for the winner of the lottery in the previous life to continue to buy lottery tickets to win the lottery, but he honestly decided not to buy this lottery ticket.

To be honest, there may be people with such abnormal endurance, but Tang Jian thinks that he should not.

Back to school with a heavy heart.

Tang Jian suddenly saw two figures standing beside the yard in front of his attic.

When he found those two figures, the other two immediately looked over.

Tang Jian instantly felt a faint hostility

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