God Bestows Evil

Chapter 228: Super ghost head knife

Chapter 228 Super Ghost Head Sword

Wu Xian put away the ghost-headed sword.

His hands were numb from the shock. He was very satisfied with the power of this full blow. It was a pity that he had forgotten to behead just now, otherwise the power could have been doubled.

Zhang Wei pulled out the King of Qin's sword in advance because he did not want the two weapons to collide with the screen ghost and cause unnecessary damage.

 The corpse of the screen ghost gradually turned into black hair all over the place. Among the black hair, there was a handful of lingering fragrance!

There are more than twenty sticks of these residual incense sticks, with a total length of more than 150 centimeters, which can be used by five people to worship God. In addition to the residual incense sticks, candlelight suddenly lights up on the second floor of the basketball hall.

 This means that a new idol has appeared.

Luo Shiyi and the other five aboriginals were still a little wary. They felt that the sudden candlelight was the work of ghosts. They were relieved when they saw that Wu Xian and others were not afraid but also a little excited.

 These days come down.

 They are not without doubts about their relatives.

 But if they want to survive, they have to rely on their family members, and asking questions rashly has no practical meaning except to attract people's disgust.

They ran upstairs first and found that there was a statue of a **** in each of the three rooms on the second floor, namely the statue of the Dragon King Guangde, the statue of the demon **** Zhu Yin, and the statue of Tianguan-Fu Zhangsi.

After a brief discussion, it was determined that the biggest contributors this time were Wu Xian, Shi Ji and Qian Yunhe. They each received an opportunity to worship gods and ten centimeters of residual incense.

 As for Liao Yifang, Sun Qian, Lou Yaozong and Zhang Wei, they each received thirty centimeters of residual incense.

In fact, Zhang Wei has made a great contribution, but everyone has subconsciously forgotten his contribution, and he himself has no intention of seeking benefits for himself.

 In order to avoid being attacked by flesh-cutting ghosts, the doors of the three rooms are open.

 The three of them had a brief discussion at the door.

 The choice has been made.

 Qian Yunhe went to the room with the statue of the Dragon King of Guangde. Although he already had a weapon, the Cutting Root Blade only had a special attack effect on screen ghosts and had no other effect on other ghosts except attracting hatred.

 After all, this razor cannot hurt the flesh...

Shi Ji went to the room where the demon statue was, and he didn’t know what kind of demon power could be worthy of Shi Ji’s abilities.

Wu Xian gave it.

Of course it is the room where the statue of Fukuokaji is located.

As soon as he entered the room, Wu Xian took out a card.

 The words "Double Deal" are printed on the playing cards.

Since entering the blessed land, Wu Xian has used up four kinds of talismans: the talisman making method, the treasure hunting technique, the light character, and the fire bell spell. He triggered the blessing of turning three into one and obtained a new talisman.

Wu Xian didn’t have time to look carefully at that time.

When he had time to look at it, he felt that he was a little weak. He did want the double-shot method before, but it was to cooperate with the talisman-making method. Now that the talisman-making method has been used, the double-shot method cannot exert its ultimate effect.

Originally, Wu Xian no longer wanted to worship the Heavenly Official.

 Because with the double shot method and the electric chain spell, it is enough to turn three into one for the second time.

But after seeing the statue of the Fu Lord Secretary, Wu Xian's heart became restless again.

 Compared to using the double-shot method to strengthen the electric chain spell, it is more effective to use it to strengthen the ‘talisman’!

Just like when he was in the first blessed land, he used the double-shot method to bless long characters and created an extra-long copper coin sword. The Ghost Head Sword itself was stronger than the copper coin sword, and it also had light characters attached to it. If he prayed this time God’s good luck…

Maybe we can make a super ghost head sword!

Wu Xian took out all the remaining incense. He had fifty-five centimeters of remaining incense before, plus the ten centimeters he had just obtained. After worshiping the gods this time, it would be enough for one worship.

 He respectfully inserted the remaining incense into the incense burner.

“Master God of Fortune, please bring out some good stuff, give me a good talisman, and from now on you will be blessed with lucky stars...Fu Rudong...Longevity...Forget it, you can reward yourself with whatever you want."

With a burst of misty clouds, three talismans appeared in front of Wu Xian, all of which were brand-new talismans that he had never seen before.

  Heavy character: Bless an item and increase its weight. If it is less than 100 jins, its weight will be doubled. If it is more than 100 jins, its weight will be increased by 100 jins. Weight is power. The Ghost Head Sword has been blessed with rare light characters. Wu Xian himself only needs to bear one-tenth of the weight. After four blessings, Wu Xian should be able to hold it...

 At that time, the power of the Ghost Head Sword will increase to a terrifying level.

But even if Wu Xian could pick it up at that time, it would definitely become more cumbersome than before, and even hinder Wu Xian from escaping at critical moments.

 So Wu Xian shook his head slightly and looked at the next talisman.

Thunder character: Bless an item and add a small amount of thunder and lightning power to it. If the item already has the power of thunder and lightning, the lightning on it will be enhanced accordingly.

Wu Xian had never encountered this talisman himself, but in the first blessed place, Su Huiyan used the symbol of thunder to bless the gentian bright silver gun, so Wu Xian had a good impression of this talisman.

Moreover, he also needs to use his thunder and lightning ability to activate the blessing of Universal Heavenly Lord, so he already has some bias in his mind.

 But we have to look at the last talisman before we can make a final decision.

Gang character: Attach Gang force to the same item. The knife is Dao Gang, the sword is Jian Gang, and the fist is Fist Gang. The power of the Gang force is equal to the item itself. The length of the initial addition is one meter, and the width is the item itself. If the item itself already exists Gang Li can enhance Gang Li.

 After reading the introduction of this talisman.

Wu Xian’s eyes lit up with stars, Dao Gang, this is Dao Gang!

Which boy has not fantasized about how to create a sword with a swing of a knife? At least when Wu Xian was young, he practiced it by himself upstairs with the old man's crutch.

 Dao Gang and electric knife…

Wu Xian suddenly felt a little entangled in his heart.

 He thought about it and finally chose the ‘Gang character’.

 There are two reasons.

First, the thunder and lightning with the character "Thunder" may conflict with the evil spirit on the Ghost Head Sword.

  The second one is the sword with the Gang character, which can be counted as long-range damage, and using the sword to hurt ghosts can slow down the damage speed of the ghost head sword itself.

 So Wu Xian fished out the Gang character from the cloud.

 He placed the Ghost-headed Sword in front of him, holding a three of hearts in his hand, and flicked the card three times.

 The first time the ball is played, the three hearts are burned into half. The double shot method is activated for the first time, and the number of activations of the Gang character is doubled.

 The second time the ball is played, the three of hearts disappears, the poker becomes the nine of spades, the double shot method is activated for the second time, and the number of activations of the Gang character becomes four.

With the third flick, the Nine of Spades disappeared instantly, and the Ghost Head Saber flashed four times in a row.

 The knife is still the same knife.

 But its essence is different.

Even Wu Xian can't tell how powerful this sword is now.

 He carefully sheathed the knife, fearing that he might accidentally trigger the Gang Qi effect and cut himself.

Then Wu Xian hugged the Ghost-headed Sword with both hands, feeling full of security in his heart, and raised the corners of his mouth subconsciously, like a confident first-class swordsman.

But worshiping God is over.

 But there is one more thing Wu Xian has not read...


 Wu Xian popped up a King of Spades between his two fingers.

 The second conversion of three into one has also been triggered. A random talisman is imprinted on this K of Spades!

 (End of this chapter)

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