“That’s right.”

In the open-air Thunder Shadow Building whose ceiling was blasted off by an electromagnetic cannon, after listening to Shichidai talk about the previous events,

Kirabi nodded and looked at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow,

“It turns out that what I saw through the cave was real.

The guy who almost shot me in the head just now is really big brother you! ”

At this time, because Naruto and the young Sasuke received Susano’s magical powers, the spirit of the fourth generation of Thunder Kage finally returned to normal.

I remembered the public execution shame play that was just witnessed by his subordinates who saw himself and Darui entangled and rolled together

He felt socially dead.

Now I heard Chirabi say that he almost blew his head, and he was anxious to explain,

“It’s really not my fault, I just typed in a little check…

Well, I had a showdown, I didn’t pretend,

I did it

It was me who blasted off the top floor of the Thunder Shadow Building,

It was me who almost blew your dog’s head,

I did it!

Obviously the seventh generation has reminded me, let me go out and try, let me shoot against the sky,

Because I underestimated the level of scientific research in their village, I didn’t listen, but shot directly,

Fortunately, it was an oblique shot, not a flat shot, otherwise Yunnin Village was afraid that I would bombard a large area. ”

Darui touched the electromagnetic cannon sniper rifle that exuded a metallic luster, which was very much in line with the preferences of their Yunnin Village big muscles.

“Is this scientific ninja tool developed by Konoha really that powerful?”

“It’s not that we developed it, it’s another” The seventh generation just wanted to explain,

Naruto spoke.

“The average person can’t use it with that kind of intensity.

The Chakra strength of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is also in the forefront of the entire ninja world. ”

“Past awards and awards, compared with the seventh generation of you, I am still far away.”

Hearing the seventh-generation trumpet shadow doppelganger praise himself again, the fourth-generation thunder shadow was really embarrassed.

But hearing the next words of the trumpet seventh-generation shadow doppelganger, his face turned green directly.

Naruto didn’t care about the misunderstanding of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow,

If it weren’t for appreciating Yunnin Village’s spirit of bravely climbing the science and technology tree, he wouldn’t have talked so much to these people,

“However, this scientific ninja tool,

It’s just the first prototype of the instrumentalization of electromagnetic cannon art.

At present, there is also a small team of several people, studying the application of electromagnetic gun art, industrialization, and military application.

As for this electromagnetic gun sniper rifle, it is actually the standard standard weapon of the scientific ninja army,

And the composition of the scientific ninja army, which is currently mainly inferior forbearance,

Middle Shinobu and Shangnin have more important tasks to do,

That is to go back to school and study again in order to master scientific ninja.

After the Chakra battery is successfully developed, the main members of the scientific ninja army will be ordinary people.

So, the strength of the Chakra of the following Shinobi, or the strength of the standard Chakra battery for mass production in the future,

It must not reach the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow you, who is also a village overlord among traditional ninjas,

The penetration force of the warhead of the electromagnetic cannon that is fired,

Naturally, it is not as strong as the one you just launched,

Even if it goes down, even the strongest shield of the three generations of Thunder Shadow can’t be penetrated, unless it comes again.

This kind of weapon, in front of the big tube wood civilization, is of little use,

It’s just a transitional scientific ninja tool before the unification of the ninja world.

And your Yunnin Village is still in the concept of satellite artillery,

To be precise, it should be called an orbital super-electromagnetic gun,

That’s what I’m working on. ”

Darui: “…”

One electromagnetic cannon cannon can’t penetrate the strongest shield of the Three Shadows, unless another one comes?

This made his faith, which idolized three generations of Thunder Shadow, begin to collapse.

Kirabi poked the chest of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.

“Big brother, I know I’m addicted to rap and can’t help myself,

I don’t know anything about science, so I don’t understand.

But you, the leader of the Ninja World technology pioneer Ninja Village Yunnin Chakra Cannon Research Team,

Can you understand what he just said? ”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying nodded confidently.

“You’re right, I’m also a pioneer of Yunnin technology who single-handedly leads the Chakra Cannon research team,

I can naturally understand… What a fart!

The leader of my research team is a name, pretending to be used.

Do you think that I, a big muscle bully who is addicted to cultivating muscles all day, understands the technology of a fart?! ”

Kirabi: “…”

Big brother, what you said is so reasonable, I couldn’t think of a suitable rap to reply to you for a while.

“Huh? Is it like this? ”

Darui was shocked,

Recently, in order to be a good fifth generation of thunder shadows, he has been learning the fourth generation of thunder shadows, the leader of Yunnin technology, and crazy supplement mathematics, physics and chemistry,

And then he knew,

It turns out that now when Lei Ying is still the same as before, I have to train my muscles, technology or something to kill it, it’s okay.

Remembering the pain of being tortured by mathematics and physics before, Darui was speechless.

Four generations of Thunder Shadow, you can make me miserable in order to pretend!

I learned all about my hairline, and I got bald!

Seventh Generation, Young Sasuke suddenly secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the village cadres in other villages, like us, are scientific and new, and now they are relieved.

“Hey, wait!”

Just as the blind student discovered Hua Dian, the little clever ghost Darui also found an important doubt,

He pointed at Naruto,

“Seventh generation, you… How can you also be susano, or can you fly completely? ”


As soon as I heard Darui mention the word Susano,

The fourth generation of thunder shadows couldn’t help but immediately remember the terrifying scene just now that was densely packed with all the complete body,

Suddenly the scalp is numb, and the whole body is soft,

Seeing that he was about to get sick again, he collapsed on the ground and continued to sputter and roll.

Fortunately, the curious rabbi hugged him in time and said:

“From now on, please stop mentioning those four words.

My eldest brother, he, has been allergic to these four words that cannot be mentioned since the four wars. ”

Shichidai, young Sasuke: “…”

No wonder the village chiefs of Wuyin Village and Iwa Shinobu Village stepped down not long after the war,

Is it also because of this disease?

Naruto didn’t care, and said with a smile:

“The fourth generation of Lei Ying should have post-war psychological syndrome.

I sent a psychologist, Naruko, gave him a few courses of hypnotherapy, and it was cured, very simple. ”

Saying that, he doppelganged out of Naruko, a beautiful blonde girl wearing a doctor’s uniform.

This is a research-type sub-classification female shadow avatar that distributes a lot of knowledge in the field of psychology,

Buff with a healing effect of +50% in male patients.

“Come, four generations of thunder shadows, look over here,

How do your eyes feel? Sour or not? Are your eyelids heavy?

If you want to close your eyes, then you can close them.

Relax your forehead, your cheeks, your shoulders, left arm, right arm, and then…

Yes, just lie in Chirabi’s arms and don’t resist your sleepiness.

Breathe deeply…… You will feel comfortable all over the body, with a warm feeling behind you,

You’ll want to sleep, and then…

You will breathe calmly like a baby.

Sleep, imagine you are in your mother’s arms, imagine your mother is holding you,

And you’re a newborn baby.

Sleep, you are in your mother’s arms, go to sleep. ”

Young Sasuke: “…”

God’s newborn baby!

Look at Lei Ying’s muscular face, and the little baby are completely the painting style of two authors?

Kirabi: “…”

God is in his mother’s arms.

Why are you holding my eldest brother and being single so far?

If it weren’t for the rare relaxed expression on my eldest brother’s face, I would have thrown him aside!


Nanashiro exclaimed: “It works!” Hey? ”

The purr did not come from Chirabi’s arms, but from …

Everyone followed suit.

Darui fell crooked in his chair, snoring like thunder.

Everyone: “…”

How come you were hypnotized?!

Hello is also the next Thunder Shadow, don’t be so useless, okay?

But if you think about it carefully, everyone here is the weakest in the next five generations of Thunder Shadow, and everyone is relieved.

Then the next moment, Chirabi’s arms also began to snore like thunder.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying was like a little baby, lying quietly in the arms of his mother Kirabi, and fell asleep. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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