This night

is destined to be a sleepless night!

As expected, the news of the Fed's interest rate hike still caused a sensation.

The US stock market soared wildly that day, and investors from all over the world also received the news one after another. In the chaos, funds from all over the world poured into the US stock market for refuge, while the domestic stock market plummeted wildly.

Wei Jialiang, his daughter and Wei Sheng also did not sleep all night!

They returned to the group headquarters overnight to hold an emergency meeting.

A large number of financial experts pondered how to overcome the difficulties.

As a result, the private equity funds under the name of Wei Group's Financial Department II just opened the next day, and dozens of stocks fell off a cliff. Even if Wei Sheng and others wanted to sell, no one dared to take over, and various emergency plans fell through.

In the office of the Financial Department II at the group headquarters!

A group of senior manipulators were anxiously selling shares.

But there was no effect after the continuous operation, and many people were so angry that they wanted to smash the keyboard.

"Mr. Wei!" A trader frowned and said, "I can't sell it. Many stocks have hit the limit now. If we only sell a small number of stocks, we may be able to sell them. But if we want to sell such a large amount, no one will take it."

"Yes, we have already lowered the price, but all the stocks have plummeted since the opening. No one dares to buy it!"

"Fuck, it's estimated that thousands of stocks will hit the limit today. Look..."

"Damn, it's a stock market crash, it's definitely a super stock market crash! I have invested millions of savings in the stock market. I wanted to make a fortune, but now it's all gone."

Everyone sighed.

The Internet and various media also published news.

News about the once-in-a-millennium stock market crash, the conspiracy theory of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike, etc. appeared everywhere.

For a time, stockholders were in mourning, and the Internet was also hot.

The A-share market was all green!

90% of stock prices were plummeting!

Even more than one-third of stocks hit the limit.

Among them, the dozens of stocks that Wei Sheng had selected before naturally suffered heavy losses. Not only did they all fall into his hands, but all the profits he had earned in the past were lost in one day, and even the principal was difficult to take out.

"What should we do now?" Wei Jialiang roared while slamming the table, and looked around with red eyes: "You all either claim to be top students of finance at Harvard University, or claim to have work experience on Wall Street. Now you are helpless when you encounter a situation? What's the point of the group supporting you?"

"Mr. Wei!" A financial analyst in a well-dressed suit frowned and retorted: "This is a stock market crash, not a small storm! Under the magnificent trend, we are all eggs in an overturned nest. Many countries cannot compete. How can a few analysts change the overall situation?"

"What do you say we should do now?" Wei Jialiang asked in anger.

"Wait!" The financial analyst pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said seriously: "All large companies are plummeting in the stock market crash, and only a few banks and other stocks are still strong. We can either continue to increase investment and wait for the bottom, or wait until the first wave of the stock market crash is over and choose to sell at a loss and leave."

Wei Jialiang is not a fool, so he naturally understands the implication.

Other larger corporate groups are helpless in the stock market crash.

What big waves can a small Wei Group make?

At this time, all stockholders are panicking. Either they hold on for four or five years and wait for the stock market to pick up, or they bet that the country will have policies to save the market. In short, they will lose money no matter what!

"Will the country introduce policies to save the market in the later stage?" Wei Linlang asked with a frown.

"It's hard to say!" The financial analyst shook his head and sighed, "As long as it doesn't particularly affect the economic environment, the upper level usually doesn't intervene. In the past, some people also bet everything on the stock market crash, hoping that the country would rescue the market, but the result was that they could only get stuck more tightly!"

"It's over!"

Wei Sheng collapsed on the chair.

His face was full of despair and frustration, and he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

How glorious he was some time ago, how embarrassing it is now.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of his luck to kill all sides and make a lot of money in the stock market, and by the way, he controlled the entire circle of rich people in Jiangzhou City, so that countless people begged him to take them to invest.

Now it's all in vain!

He still has to face accountability and abuse from all sides, which makes people's scalps numb just thinking about it.

Now Wei Sheng, Wei Linlang, and Wei Jialiang dare not turn on their mobile phones, because once they turn on the phone, there will be countless calls asking about the situation, and they don't know how to respond.

"Chairman!" A female secretary came running over and said anxiously, "Boss Li, Boss Liu and others came here in a hurry and are now clamoring to see you."


Wei Jialiang sighed, his old face flushed with embarrassment.

You don't need to guess what kind of scene he will face later.

Think about all thisIt was like a dream. Wei Group inexplicably started to invest in the stock market, inexplicably suffered a stock market crash, and inexplicably dragged a lot of people into the water.

Everything seemed to be blamed on Wei Hong, and it seemed to be blamed on Wei Sheng!

Wei Jialiang was in a very complicated mood, and he didn't know who to blame in the end.

"Dad, let me deal with them." Wei Linlang said with a stiff face: "This stock market crash came too suddenly, no one expected this to happen. It's right for the uncles and aunts who invested money to be angry, but they can't be too embarrassed about me, a junior."

"Let me go, everything is my fault!" Wei Sheng stood up to take the blame, showing his fearlessness, and began to silently output in his heart: [Woo woo woo, I must take this matter, even if I am scolded by uncles and aunts, I must not let my father and sister suffer! 】

The eyes of Wei Jialiang and his daughter softened instantly.

In fact, they blamed him a little in their hearts.

But Wei Sheng had a golden finger, and this guy kept regretting in his heart.

The two of them couldn't help but feel soft-hearted after hearing so much, so they were embarrassed to blame him.

"I'll go!" Wei Jialiang sighed, stood up tiredly and said: "Everyone knows that investment is risky, but I'm just upset about the money I lost. I'll risk my old face to make amends to him, and then let a few valuable projects go out, and this matter can still be settled!"

After a few words!

He seemed to have aged more than ten times.

Even his back seemed to be a little hunched!

Wei Linlang looked so sad that she almost cried. Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. If the family hadn't fallen out with Wei Hong, could this matter have been avoided?

The answer is yes!

This guy is extremely sensitive to the financial trend.

He can even predict the stock market crash. Isn't it easy to help the family avoid this disaster?

It's a pity that she didn't grasp such a great brother.

Instead, he favored a fake brother who brought the group into trouble.

Wei Linlang felt a little regretful, and inevitably felt a little resentful towards Wei Sheng.

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