During this period

Wei Sheng's stock account was making profits every day!

Tens of millions of funds were growing like a snowball.

He could no longer hold back his excitement and wanted to expose it to the Wei family, so that they could see his ability and let them know that he was also valuable, at least not much worse than Wei Hong.


When he saw Wei Linlang's depressed face!

Wei Sheng decisively expressed his thoughts: "Sister, although I don't know what happened to the group now, it's just a funding problem, plus various projects are losing money, right?"

"Yes!" Wei Linlang nodded and said: "Recently, there are indeed some problems with the project, and it may lose a lot of money. I will definitely be held accountable by the board of directors."

"If I help you make back the lost money, can you escape this disaster?" Wei Sheng continued to ask.


Wei Linlang was stunned when she heard this, and then couldn't help laughing.

Wei Hong has been personally instructed by Grandpa Wei since he was a child.

She had to admire the ability to handle the affairs of the group at such a young age.

What about Wei Sheng? A boy who grew up in a village in the city!

Even though he has entered a private high school for nobles, the time is too short after all.

He has never been exposed to business knowledge. How can he help Wei Linlang make money?

This is a loss of 847 million!

"Sister, don't you believe it?" Wei Sheng said mysteriously: "Do you remember the last time I borrowed your stock account to invest?"

"Of course I remember." Wei Linlang frowned and said: "Is all the money locked up? It's okay, it's just tens of millions, so it's a loss!"

"It's not a loss, but a profit!"

Wei Sheng didn't say much nonsense!

He put the calming tea aside first, then took out his mobile phone to log in to the stock account and handed it over.

When Wei Linlang saw a large piece of red on it, she couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"More than 70 million?" She exclaimed with wide eyes: "What, what's going on?"

"You had a total of more than 34 million in your account before. In less than a month, I doubled the funds." Wei Sheng said proudly: "If you don't believe me, you can check it out. During this period, I didn't lose any money in any of the stocks I invested in. They were all in the red!"

"How is it possible?"

Wei Linlang was in disbelief.

She quickly looked through the past trading records.

As a result, she was surprised to find that Wei Sheng did not lie. He really bought everything and it went up. It was as if he could predict the future. Whenever a stock was about to fall, he could always sell it in time to keep the profit.

"How did you do it?" Wei Linlang looked complicated.

"I told you I was born lucky!" Wei Sheng blinked and explained confidently, "As I get older, I find that I am getting luckier and better. I won the lottery five times a while ago and made eight or nine million."

"It's the same with stock trading. I know nothing about stocks, but no matter what I buy, it will go up. After I sell it, the stock will always go down inexplicably, so I can double my funds in such a short time!"

Wei Linlang couldn't help but secretly smack his lips after hearing this.

This kind of luck is really terrifying. Although it sounds very fantasy, there are so many talented people in the world. Luck seems to be a kind of ability.

"What a pity!" Wei Linlang glanced at the mobile phone interface and shook her head, saying, "Although 70 or 80 million is not a small amount, it is still a drop in the bucket to fill the hole in the Ruixing Hardware Factory project."

"Sister, don't you understand?" Wei Sheng approached with a smile and said in a low voice, "Good luck is also a cheating device. I can turn more than 30 million into more than 70 million, and I can double more money!"

Wei Linlang's eyes suddenly lit up!

Yes, isn't this a cheating device?

This ability makes money in the stock market just like printing money.

As long as enough funds are given to Wei Sheng to operate, wouldn't it be possible to kill all sides in the stock market.

Easily earn back a huge cash flow?

What project hole is a fart!

Wei Group can even soar to the sky with this.

"Okay, okay, let's go, follow me!"

Wei Linlang excitedly pulled him and pushed the door directly into the study.

Wei Jialiang frowned when he saw the two people coming in, and subconsciously asked: "What are you doing here? Is there something wrong?"

"Dad, our Wei family is going to be prosperous!" Wei Linlang excitedly handed over the phone.

He repeated the conversation just now.

The more Wei Jialiang listened, the more surprised and shocked he became.

He almost doubted his ears and wondered if he was dreaming.

Is there such a fantasy in the world? But after confirming again and again that this is not a simulation software, he finally believed it all.

Wei Jialiang excitedly stood up, hugged him and laughed: "Okay, okay, I didn't expectWe, the Wei family, actually adopted a natural lucky star. You are born to bring good luck to me, hahaha!"

"Dad, you are right. Xiaosheng is definitely a lucky star!" Wei Linlang smiled and said proudly: "It is our honor to adopt him. Now the group is in trouble. Why don't we ask him to take a vacant position in the group?"

"Okay!" Wei Jialiang said with a smile: "You arrange it. Just give him a position as vice president. It will sound good when it is said."

"Thank you, Dad, thank you, big sister!"

Wei Sheng smiled immediately.

He deliberately exposed his ability, isn't it just for fame and fortune?

At such a young age, he served as the vice president of Wei Group. How face-saving would it be? And from now on, he can still be loved by the Wei family. They must treat him as a lucky treasure, right?

Think of Wei Hong, who is alone!

Comparing the two, Wei Sheng couldn't help but feel proud.

"Dad! "Wei Linlang continued, "I think Xiaosheng's talent should not be wasted. Why don't we build a financial investment group within the group? Allocate funds to invest in stock market funds and make sure we can make a lot of money!"

"In the early stage, we can play by ourselves. After we become famous, we can also set up a private equity fund to leverage the huge stock market with very small funds. This is definitely a godsend opportunity for our Wei Group to transform and develop."

Wei Jialiang's eyes lit up as he listened!

He is not a fool, and naturally knows the benefits of this talent.

Once it can be successfully implemented, the market value of Wei Group will be more than 50 billion or 60 billion.

It is not impossible to become a chaebol of hundreds of billions or trillions of yuan!

"Okay!" Wei Jialiang immediately decided: "Don't disclose this matter first, and you two will be responsible for it. Linlang, you will allocate some people and 2 billion funds to invest in it, and see the results as soon as possible. "

"If this matter is done well, the deficit of the Ruixing Hardware Factory project is nothing at all, and you can also be proud of it in the board of directors. No one can shake your position in the future! "

Wei Linlang laughed when she heard this and assured him again and again: "Dad, don't worry! Without Wei Hong, it's nothing. Xiaosheng is even more amazing than him. Good days are ahead for our Wei family."

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