Vienna Hotel

In the large conference room on the 27th floor!

The mahogany chairs were placed on both sides of the hall, making it comparable to a diplomatic reception room.

Teacups were placed on the tea table, looking solemn and serious.

When Wei Hong and Huo Yinghao entered the conference room together, it was already full of heads of relevant departments in the province and city, as well as heads of some large groups in various places. There were as many as 20 to 30 people, each of whom had a dignified look and outstanding temperament.

Among them, Cao Mingzhou sat on the main seat at the top.

His eyes were neither happy nor sad, and he gave people an extreme sense of oppression.

Pairs of eyes swept from all directions.

Huo Yinghao smiled and nodded to the familiar people, while Wei Hong ignored anyone. Under the gaze of everyone, he found his seat and sat down swaggeringly.

"You kid, be polite!" Huo Yinghao sat aside and reminded quietly: "There are many people here who even have to be polite to me. Don't think that you are arrogant just because you have some power in Jiangzhou. It is still easy for them to embarrass us in secret."

"It doesn't matter, I don't go into politics!" Wei Hong crossed his legs and leaned on the seat, took a sip of tea, and then sighed: "It's just a project meeting, is it necessary to be so solemn? There are more than 20 people sitting in the large conference room of two or three hundred square meters. Everyone has to shout to talk, right?"

"That's the rule." Huo Yinghao smiled helplessly: "Guo Ming knew that the project meeting would be held today, so he hurried to get engaged today. Even his father didn't have time to rush back from abroad. It's really funny to think about it."

"Speak of the devil!"

Wei Hong raised his eyes and looked at the door.

The door opened, and Guo Ming walked in wearing the suit he wore when he got engaged.

Following behind him was Wei Jialiang. After looking around, the two found their seats and sat down.

"Is everyone here?" Cao Mingzhou rubbed his eyebrows and said to the male secretary beside him: "Let's get started!"


The male secretary nodded!

He walked towards everyone in a businesslike manner and distributed a pile of documents.

Cao Mingzhou said directly: "Everyone, the project of Jiangzhou City to build a high-tech industrial park and open a pilot free trade zone is about to be officially launched. Today we are holding a meeting here, mainly to pave the way for the smooth bidding of the project."

"This project is of special concern to our city and even the province, and it is supported by Yanjing. It is related to the economic development of the province and is enough to mobilize a large-scale project of several trillion yuan."

"Our municipal party committee also attaches great importance to this. From the construction party, contractor, to the construction party, supervision party, and inspection party, we must be prepared for strict selection and strict control..."

A series of polite words were said.

Wei Hong was drowsy after listening.

But he was helpless about it. After all, such meetings are often long and boring, and he had to listen quietly no matter how impatient he was.

The heads of various departments spoke and expressed their opinions one after another!

It took more than half an hour to get back to the topic.

Cao Mingzhou took a sip of the teacup, and then said indifferently: "Regarding this project, do the heads of the major groups have anything to say? Everyone, please speak freely, let's talk about how to make the project a success."

"Everyone, our Wei Group has some opinions on this project." Wei Jialiang jumped out at the right time and fired directly: "First of all, our group is willing to contribute to the construction of our hometown, but this project is too important. Should we also set up some bidding thresholds? Lest some unknown shell companies come to compete and seriously affect the project progress?"

"Such a large project naturally has a threshold." Cao Mingzhou leaned back and asked with a smile: "I wonder if Chairman Wei has any insights?"

"I can't say I have insights." Wei Jialiang was obviously well prepared and said directly: "It's just that I think no matter whether it is the contractor, contractor, construction party, supervisor, or inspection party, they must have sufficient qualifications and size. First of all, some immature and imperfect new companies must be excluded, so that they will not affect the project because of their unprofessionalism."

Good guy, this is naming names!

Wei Hong and Huo Yinghao looked at each other and couldn't help but sneer.

Which one of the companies here is a new company? Isn't it referring to Hongsheng Group?

Other groups are old brands for several years or even decades. They are either from China Railway or local enterprises. Their reputations are first-class. Only Hongsheng Group has just been established for less than a year, and its qualifications are still questionable.

Wei Jialiang used this as an entry point to attack, and it really hit the nail on the head!

"Chairman Wei, this is wrong." Huo Yinghao immediately responded: "As the saying goes, talent is not about age, a companyWhether a company can do good things doesn't seem to have much to do with its founding time, right? As far as I know, some old companies are overstaffed and overstaffed, and are not as dynamic as new companies! "

"Humph!" Wei Jialiang snorted, not to be outdone: "Who knows if some companies that have been established for a short time are shell companies? What if they run away after cheating money? This big project is of great importance, and so many eyes are watching it. Who will take this risk?"

"That's a bit far-fetched." Huo Yinghao crossed his legs and asked with a sneer: "If Chairman Wei wants to use this kind of rhetoric to attack competitors, he might as well do his own plan better. Isn't it better to compete with real ability?"

"This is a project meeting, and everything is based on project promotion. Please don't label me for no reason, Chairman Huo. "Wei Jialiang replied in a deep voice, and the tension between the two gradually heated up.

Everyone was watching, and they were not surprised at all!

What's the big deal about quarreling over such a big project? It's not uncommon to fight to the death behind closed doors and lose a few lives.

Everyone knows who the biggest competitor of this project is.

Wei Jialiang and Huo Yinghao represent two groups of people respectively. Their verbal battles are just appetizers. The real decision on the distribution of the cake depends on which side offers enough chips to impress everyone.

After a while, Cao Mingzhou clasped his hands and leaned on the chair and said, "This is a good suggestion. Let's discuss it later. Does anyone have any other suggestions?"

Here it comes!

Everyone was shocked.

The appetizer is over, and it's time to get serious!

Guo Ming smiled and took over the conversation decisively, saying, "Everyone, for such a big project, the first thing to bear the brunt is cost control. How much should a 100 billion project borrow from the bank? What is the interest rate? What is the cost? What is the lowest price the contractor can sign the contract for? This is what everyone should care about, right? "

Everyone's eyes lit up.

This guy came up with a trump card and directly talked about the profit and cost issues that everyone cares about most. It seems that he was well prepared and wanted to squeeze Wei Hong and Huo Yinghao out of the game with a price war.

"What is the expected cost and profit of Sino-Ocean Group for the project?" Cao Mingzhou became interested and asked directly.

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