The more you go, the more you will be saved.

Yan Chujiu planned to dig barnacles alone this time, and because of this, he was more fully prepared.

If you are alone in such a dangerous place, if you are not fully prepared, you may have to finish the work early if you are missing something, and you may even die early if you are not careful!

Therefore, Yan Chujiu not only has a spare safety belt, but also an extra set of tools for shoveling, digging, prying and pulling. If one set is broken, the other set can be replaced.

He also took a dozen net bags for barnacles, so that he would not have to go up and down every time he filled a bag. It would not only be troublesome and physically exhausting, but also a waste of time.

The time of low tide is limited. If you don't take advantage of the low tide to grab money, you will miss it and have to wait for the next low tide.

This is just like being a person. If you don't meet more girls and cheat the sun more while you are young, when you are old, you will be powerless and can only stare at others' performance!

Although there is no shortage of tools, Li Meiqi climbed up and just watched from the side, with no intention of working with them.

Yan Chujiu asked after working for a while, "Aren't you digging?"

Li Meiqi said confidently, "Why should I dig it? This thing looks disgusting and it doesn't taste good at first glance!"

"Some things look ugly, but they are still delicious!"

"For example?"

"There are so many, such as silkworm pupae, rambutan, geoduck, and dumplings!"

Li Meiqi agreed at first. Silkworm pupae and rambutan are indeed ugly. At the end, she was a little puzzled. Why are dumplings ugly?

Yan Chujiu didn't wait for her to ask and continued, "Whether the barnacle is ugly or not, whether it tastes good or not is secondary, the important thing is that it can be sold for money!"

"That's for you to sell, not me!"

"I can help you sell what you dig!"

Li Meiqi almost said again, I'm not short of money!

But when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Although she is not short of money, she also wants to make money!

She wants to fight for it, not to prove that she is great, but to tell her family that fishing in the sea is not a waste of time, and you can also make money!

"Xiang Aotu, what you said makes sense, it makes me enlightened!"

Yan Chujiu was stunned for a moment. Is he so good at speaking now? Any sentence is a wise saying that can make girls become transparent?

But these are details, not important, and he quickly handed over the prying shovel and net bag.

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work!"

Li Meiqi was still a little reluctant when she took the tools!

The barnacles in front of her were so ugly that they made her feel sick. She was reluctant to make money.

But after the actual excavation, she felt relieved when she saw the barnacles tightly attached to the stone wall being completely peeled off one by one, restoring the stone wall to its original smoothness!

There was a feeling of healing in her soul.

As she dug, she began to find it interesting!

Gradually, she became more proficient and her speed increased.

When she filled a net bag and was ready to show off to Yan Chujiu, she turned her head and looked, and thought it was better to forget it. Others had filled three net bags and started the fourth net bag.

He shoveled and fell, so fast that only a shadow could be seen, just like the invisible hand in Foshan!

Before she could see clearly what was going on, a bunch of barnacles had been shoveled off by him!

This guy definitely doesn't have a girlfriend.

Not now, not before!

Li Meiqi felt that she couldn't just let him press her down like this, and she had to catch up, so she inhaled and lifted her hips, and continued to dig and dig.

When she had picked up all the barnacles in front of her, the third net bag was also full.

Li Meiqi turned her head to look at Yan Chujiu. If she didn't look at him, she would be depressed, but she would doubt her life.

His nine net bags were already full.

If this was a competition, I'm afraid I would lose my pants to him.

All the net bags were used up, and Yan Chujiu climbed up with the barnacles.

Li Meiqi looked at his figure climbing up, and her heart was full of surprise.

A net bag of barnacles weighed more than ten pounds, and the nine net bags together weighed at least a hundred pounds.

You can imagine how heavy it is to hang them all on your body, and your ability to move will definitely be greatly restricted.

However, Yan Chujiu was not affected at all, as if the net bag was not filled with barnacles, but light foam.

It didn't affect his climbing at all. His body was as flexible as a gecko, and he climbed up quickly.

When he got to the top, Yan Chujiu poured all the barnacles he had collected into the big fish box and emptied the net bag.

Li Meiqi, who followed him up, couldn't help asking, "Xiang Aotu, so many?"

How much can barnacles sell for? "

"I should be able to sell them for about 6,000 or 7,000 yuan. Your three bags of small 2,000 yuan should be no problem!" Yan Chujiu estimated and asked, "Are you happy to earn so much money?"

Li Meiqi nodded, then shook her head, "I am happy, but not particularly happy!"

Yan Chujiu didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

"In less than two hours, I made 2,000 yuan, of course I am happy. Digging seafood makes more money than selling seafood!"

"Then why are you not particularly happy?"

"It's half less than you. How can I be happy when you press me to the ground and rub me hard?"

Yan Chujiu suddenly realized, "I see, you like to put me down and let me sing Conquer for you!"

"Of course!"

Li Meiqi responded subconsciously, and then felt something was wrong.

Before she could think seriously, she found that Yan Chujiu did not untie the safety rope, but grabbed the rope to climb down again.

"Are you going to go down again? ”

“Well, the good stuff hasn’t been picked yet!”

“What good stuff?”

Yan Chujiu didn’t hide anything from this girl who already knew him inside out, and told her directly, “Gooseneck barnacles!”

Li Meiqi’s eyes widened immediately, “Seafood delicacies from hell?”

These ordinary bird-billed barnacles can be sold for money, which she didn’t know before.

Not only did she know about gooseneck barnacles, but she had also eaten them. They tasted sweeter and more delicious than ordinary shrimps and crabs, but they were very expensive!

Even a family like hers couldn’t eat them every day, and they would get sick of them if they ate too much.

But when it came to collecting gooseneck barnacles, she became interested and asked hurriedly, “Where are they, where are they?”

Yan Chujiu pointed downwards, “A little bit down from where we were just now, in the cracks of the rocks close to the sea surface.”

Li Meiqi said in confusion, “Why didn’t I see them! "

Yan Chujiu thought to himself that you were only busy showing off your rock climbing skills to me, pretending to be cool, how could you pay attention to other things!

"Let's go!" Li Meiqi urged, "Let's go down together."

"No!" Yan Chujiu stopped him flatly, "If we go down further, we must get close to the water surface, which is too dangerous. It is definitely not something that can be done with great rock climbing skills. The waves will keep coming and completely submerge people... Hey, what are you doing, come back here! "

Li Meiqi had already slid down the rope before he finished speaking.

Yan Chujiu could not stop this willful girl, and could only slide down helplessly.

After the two of them landed close to the water surface, Li Meiqi finally saw the gooseneck barnacles that Yan Chujiu mentioned.

There were so many of them, densely packed, all hidden in the concave crevices.

Li Meiqi immediately reached out to pull them out, but the gooseneck barnacles had a strong adsorption ability and were deeply rooted.

It took a lot of effort and it took a long time to finally pull one out.

Li Meiqi's face suddenly wrinkled into a bitter gourd, "Xiang Concave, this is difficult to do! Pick one, I can pick several ordinary barnacles."

Yan Chujiu reached out to his waist and took out a pair of pliers specially used to clamp gooseneck barnacles and handed it to her, "You use this! "

After Li Meiqi took it, she clamped a barnacle and pulled it hard.

There was a crisp sound of "snap".

The barnacle was clamped out, but only half of it, and the other section was broken inside.

Seeing this, the experienced Yan Chujiu came forward and taught her by example.

"Open the vise a little, clamp it without too much force, and pull it out slowly."

Under his careful guidance, Li Meiqi successfully pulled out a complete gooseneck barnacle, which was 13 or 14 centimeters long.

Li Meiqi proudly raised the barnacle, "I learned it!"

Yan Chujiu smiled, "Learning is not the point."

Li Meiqi asked, "What is the point?"

"The point is to be careful of the waves. After every three small waves here, there will be a big wave. When the big wave comes, you have to... Hey, be careful! "

Before he finished speaking, a huge wave came from the sea without warning.

Yan Chujiu had no time to remind Li Meiqi to hold on to the rock wall for defense, so he could only grab her hand and pull her over.

Li Meiqi was confused when she was pulled over at first, and she didn't realize the danger until she felt the waves hitting her body.


She screamed in panic after being choked by the sea water, and subconsciously used her hands and feet to shrink to Yan Chujiu's body and hugged him tightly...

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