The geographical environment of Dongwan Village is very special. It looks like an arm of land reaching out to the sea, with uneven muscles. There are many places to go to the sea. However, on the mudflats near the residential area, as long as the tide recedes, there are more people going to the sea than seafood. In addition to local villagers, there are also tourists from other places. If you want to have a good harvest, or even make money by going to the sea, you have to go to remote and uninhabited places like Maggie Q said. However, such places are not only far away, but also difficult to walk on, and the potential dangers are countless. After a trip, not being able to exchange for gas money is secondary, and accidents are not worth the loss. Many people who go to the sea are just for fun, and no one is willing to risk their lives. Therefore, only professional seafarers go to remote, uninhabited and steep places, but they are very few.

Yan Chujiu is taking Li Meiqi to such a place now.

After the car passed through Dongwan Village, it drove along the cement road to the end and entered a section of pothole-ridden unhardened mudstone road.

This kind of road is generally not accessible to cars, and the bottom will be scratched to the point of doubting life!

If you accidentally fall into a mud pit, you can't pull it out at all, and you must find someone to help!

Li Meiqi driving the Black Warrior doesn't matter!

She bought this kind of car just to climb mountains and wade into rivers.

It swayed all the way, jumping and bouncing along the mountain.

Li Meiqi felt that the headlights were about to shake off, but strangely, the more it shook, the more excited she became.

While driving, she also swayed her slender figure along with the swaying of the car body, and sang happily with the car music.

"Carmen, Lai Si dog, Zhao Mei, sing with me, take a cup of heavenly water, and sway it under the bright moon. Love and hate are but a moment, drifting in the world!"


"Let the strong wind blow and blow, let the rain wash the sighs in the wind, you at the beginning, it seems to be destined by heaven!"


Zhao Mei was also very excited, singing along with her.

One person and one dog, the cooperation is quite good, and they are very happy.

Yan Chujiu also wanted to join in the fun, but he couldn't be happy.

He was a novice who had never been on the road, and he was almost scared by the high throw and low suck, and his stomach was churning.

The car finally stopped until there was no way to go ahead.

After getting off the car, Maggie Q looked around, and it was really remote.

There was no one here, not even a ghost.

Looking at Yan Chujiu squatting beside the car, who looked like he was about to vomit, she couldn't help asking, "Brother, are you mistaken? We are here to catch the sea, not to climb the mountain! There are dense forests here, where is the sea?"

Yan Chujiu took a while to tell her, "There is a small path hidden around here, and the sea is deep inside."

Li Meiqi looked around, "Is there a path? Why can't I see it!"

Yan Chujiu shook his head, "How can you find such a path? Come with me!"

Under his leadership, the forest that originally seemed so dense that there was no way to get through was actually hiding a narrow path.

But it was obvious that no one had walked for a long time, and the wild grass and thorns almost completely covered the road, and people who hadn't walked on it couldn't find it at all.

Yan Chujiu picked up a dead tree and kept slashing and slashing in front to clear the way, and Li Meiqi and Zhaomei followed closely behind.

After a zigzag walk, the beach with reefs came into view, and outside was the endless blue sea.

"Wow, Xiang Aotu, you really haven't aged me. This place is so beautiful!"

The place is indeed beautiful, but it is really far and remote.

Not counting the journey from Dongwan Village, this section of dirt road alone takes a full hour by car.

Yan Chujiu had come here several times before to catch seafood, but the harvest was average.

The last time he came with Su Yueqing, and the two of them didn't get more than 200 yuan worth of seafood in total.

Su Yueqing accidentally fell at that time and couldn't even walk.

Yan Chujiu carried her on his back and walked back with one foot deep and one foot shallow. It was dark before he got home.

Since then, Yan Chujiu has never been here again.

This time he revisited the old place, he didn't have much confidence, to be exact, not at all.

Just seeing that the girl didn't want to go home, he wanted to take her into the woods to see if he could... find some seafood.


It's better to come at the right time than to come early.

When Yan Chujiu and Li Meiqi arrived, the tide was just beginning to recede, which was the best time to go fishing.

Li Meiqi put on the water shoes she had prepared, took the pliers and bucket and was about to run to the reef-lined mudflats, but after thinking about it, she turned back.

"Yan Chujiu,

Let's play fish again!"

"Pinch again?"

Yan Chujiu wanted to persuade her.

Girl, forget it, don't pinch fish with me anymore, if you keep doing this, you will even lose yourself.

We are getting more and more familiar with each other, I am afraid I will be embarrassed to take off your pants when the time comes.

Li Meiqi raised a green jade-white finger, "The last game, I won't fight you after this!"

Not me, but someone else?

Yan Chujiu's heart tightened, and he asked hurriedly, "How do you fight?"

"Whoever picks up the most sea catches will win!"

"What's the prize this time?"

"If I lose, I will treat you to a western meal. If you lose, you will be the driver and the fish boy for the next few days..."

Yan Chujiu subconsciously said, "I will be the one for the rest of my life?"

Li Meiqi rolled her eyes, "You wish!"

Yan Chujiu covered his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll be relieved if it's not me! "

Li Meiqi was so angry that she couldn't breathe!

She was the unattainable goddess in the eyes of countless people!

The poor can only appreciate her sweetness, and the rich can't taste her saltiness.

However, in front of Yan Chujiu, she seemed to be nothing, and was despised, as if she was afraid that she would rely on him.

Am I so bad?

Do you know how to appreciate? Really!

"Xiang Aotu, what kind of woman do you like?"

Yan Chujiu was stunned by this jumping way of speaking. Didn't you say pinching fish? Why did you suddenly talk about sexual interests?

"Of course it's a mature and stable woman with long wavy hair!"

Li Meiqi felt that she understood. This guy likes older women.

Humph, young people don't know the good of girls, and mistakenly regard young women as treasures. Wait until your waist breaks and you will know your mistake!

Yan Chujiu stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, "Hey, didn't you say pinching fish? ”

Li Meiqi came back to her senses, "Yes, Qiaoyu, if I lose, I will treat you to western food! If you lose, you will be responsible for taking me around the entire East Bay!"

Yan Chujiu wanted to ask again, do you know what kind of western food I want to eat?

Li Meiqi seemed to stand up, as if she could understand his thoughts, "No matter what kind of western food you want to eat, I can pay for everything below 5888, and there is no problem with cash discount."

Yan Chujiu looked unhappy, "Look at what you said, what money is not money, cash discount is not cash discount, it seems that I am so realistic and snobbish, I am not the kind of person you think! Bet with you."

Li Meiqi heard the last sentence and understood what he meant, and snapped her fingers, "Okay, it's settled, Zhaomei, let's go! "

Zhao Mei was very ruthless. She immediately abandoned Yan Chujiu and left with her, as if the previous vows of love and the moonlight had never happened.

Looking at Li Meiqi's back as she left, Yan Chujiu felt that he should lose this time.

On the beach where the tide receded, the perspective eye was useless and he could only rely on luck.

His luck in catching fish... I won't say it, it would be useless to say it!

Anyway, be mentally prepared to fail!

Lose it!

Take a girl to travel around, there is nothing wrong with it, but it will affect your money making.

If someone asks him now: which one would you choose, making money or picking up girls?

He will definitely answer without hesitation: Only children make choices.

Yan Chujiu shook his head to get rid of his messy thoughts, took a deep breath, and the real smell of the sea came to his face.

This smell is very complicated!

Most people can only know that it is the smell of the sea, and cannot tell what smells it is made up of.

Yan Chujiu was the same before, but now it is obviously different.

Let me give you an analogy to explain it in a simple way.

After drinking a cup of good tea, most people will say: Damn, it tastes good.

And then... nothing happened.

But not everyone will tell you: This tea has a strong aroma, a mellow taste, is smooth in the throat, lingers for a long time, and the delicate aroma permeates the mouth, making people feel relaxed and happy, and aftertastes for a long time.

Yan Chujiu can now smell the saltiness in the air, which is the smell of seawater evaporating.

The fishy smell is emitted by shellfish, seaweed, and coral after the tide recedes.

The moist smell is the humidity produced by the waves hitting the reefs...

Not only can you distinguish the composition of the smell, but you can also know its source.

This A kind of Erlang Shen-like sense of smell, the closer to the sea, the sharper it is.

However, it was useless. As he walked along the mudflats towards the sea, Yan Chujiu did not find any valuable seafood.

He did find some dead and smelly fish and shrimps, but he did not deliberately find them, but the smell was quite stimulating to him now!

After smelling them, he could not help but look in the direction of the smell, or even look for them!

Of course, he did not want to eat them after finding them, but just wanted to see if his sense of smell was right.

For example, now, he smelled something under a stone in front of him.

There is a dead octopus.

To confirm, Yan Chujiu walked over, bent down and tilted his head to check.

As expected, there was a dead octopus under the stone.

But it was not alone, there was a blue crab holding it, but it was not mourning with tears, but eating it with hearty meals.

Good man, it was so cruel, it was not my fault!

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