After Yan Chujiu and Bi Jin chatted cordially for a while, the restaurant manager Liu Bin came and after a brief introduction, they started to weigh and price.

The pearl grouper weighed 31 catties, 70 yuan per catty, a total of 2,130 yuan.

The sea bass weighed 40 catties, 40 yuan per catty, a total of 1,600 yuan.

Although a lot of black porgy and yellowfin were caught, the positioning standard of the Poseidon Restaurant is very high, and only those over half a catty can be served, so many were eliminated, so they were only sold for 640 yuan.

All the fish added up, a total of 4,370 yuan.

Repairing the water pipe is still the original price of 150 yuan.

In order to keep in touch with the boss lady, Yan Chujiu took the initiative to remove the decimal point and only collected 4,500 yuan.

Sometimes he is very good at being a good person. If he doesn't know how to do it, he will learn it. Teachers Yuya, Arina and Caihua taught him a lot of knowledge about being a good person.

After collecting the money, he also helped to load the fish into the car, and then took the initiative to help Bi Jin dry the water.

Only a one-stop service can be considered as a complete service!

First sweep with a broom, then mop with a mop.

Watching him busy inside and outside, Bi Jin's expression was a little complicated.

Women are visual animals, and emotional animals at the same time.

Yesterday, I found Yan Chujiu through the small advertisement on the telephone pole. I saw that he looked ordinary and was not tall. He seemed to be shorter than me wearing high heels.

The first impression was only 50 points, not even passing.

But it was just to find a plumber, even if he was not in the right eyes, Bi Jin reluctantly accepted it.

Who knew that when the water pipe was repaired, it turned out to be a bit unrefined.

What made Bi Jin feel particularly embarrassed was that she didn't know how to resist.

After Yan Chujiu left, she had been in a daze.

If the water pipe hadn't burst again, she really didn't want to have any intersection with this man again!

Now that she had contact with him again, she found that she seemed to be wrong!

This guy is actually quite good.

He is indeed average looking, but he is very energetic, full of energy, exuding a sunny smell, and he is practical, hardworking, and capable!

Although he doesn't talk much, he is humorous when he opens his mouth, which makes people can't help but imagine!

In addition, it seems that I was wrong yesterday. He is not short. He is 1.75 meters tall, much taller than me!

The impression score was increased by 20 points, and he was barely acceptable.

Seeing that he helped with so much work, I originally wanted to keep him for a meal, but I felt it was inappropriate, and I was afraid!

What happened yesterday still scares her. She is really afraid of him!

Bi Jin feels that what she can do is to introduce some more business to him.

"Xiaojiu, if you go fishing often, you can also find me if you catch some beautiful ornamental fish in the future. Many of my girlfriends and I like to raise fish."

Yan Chujiu didn't know whether these women wanted to raise real fish, but she still agreed.

As long as the price is right, he can provide any service.

Originally, he wanted to ask her about the origin of the fish, but seeing that she was already sending him away, he had to talk about it later.


After leaving the beach villa, night has fallen.

Yan Chujiu pedaled a tricycle, carrying Zhaomei, and the smile on his face was as big as a boiled dog's head.

So happy, it feels like life has reached its peak!

But it's no wonder that he is happy. If you don't count the repair of water pipes, he has earned more than 4,000 yuan just from fishing today, which is more than what he earned as a technician for a month before!

"Zhaomei, what do you think about me specializing in fishing in the future?"


"You support me with both hands and feet? Haha, I know it!"


"You want me to take out the money I use to buy dog ​​food for you to buy equipment and bait?"

"Yes, yes..."

"You even want to give me the New Year's money given by your aunt? If you don't want it, you will turn against me? Okay, okay, I will accept it, don't curse!"

"Yes, yes, yes..."

"Yeah, I know you're good to me, but people and dogs have different paths, some things are destined to be impossible... Forget it, let's not talk about these unhappy things, I'll sing a song for you!"


"Hard chicken has a chicken coop~ Yunyun is high and I'm in the pot~ Walk hard and celebrate tired~ Yunliangwojieya Sengba gives a stick to love friends, yeah for eight there is yeah for falling all~ Oh~"

"Ah, ah, ah~~"


When I got home, Su Yueqing had already prepared dinner.

For Yan Chujiu, the warmth of home is simple, the rice is in the pot, and the aunt is waiting.

This meal

Dinner was quite rich!

Fried leeks with small shrimps, steamed bacon with dried fish, stewed radish with bean curd, and pumpkin flower and egg soup.

Su Yueqing was very hardworking and capable. She planted leeks, radishes, and pumpkin flowers herself.

Behind the house was originally a saline-alkali sandy land, which was completely unsuitable for planting.

Su Yueqing shoveled it little by little, and picked up a load of silt from the fish pond outside, and cultivated a vegetable garden to achieve fruit and vegetable freedom.

There was also a poultry house next to it, raising some chickens, ducks, and geese.

The bacon, dried fish, and shrimp were all made by her.

Looking at so many dishes, Yan Chujiu felt like it was the New Year, and he drank six bowls of rice and three bowls of soup.

Originally, he wanted to continue eating, but Su Yueqing was already scared and quickly stopped him.

He ate too much!

He can no longer be described as a foodie, he must be called a glutton, but these are not the main points, the main point is that he might get too full!

Overeating can easily damage the pancreas and stomach!

Although Yan Chujiu wanted to continue, his aunt had stopped him from moving, so he had to give up and then transferred money to her.

He left two hundred for emergencies and transferred four thousand and three to her.

When Su Yueqing saw the money he transferred, her eyes widened, "... where did you get so much money?"

"I got it from fishing!"

Su Yueqing asked in confusion, "How many fish did you catch to sell for so much money?"

Originally, Yan Chujiu couldn't earn so much. He only sold his catch today for a little over two thousand, but with Maggie Q's blessing, it was doubled.

They had only known each other for two days, and Maggie Q had "given" him three or four thousand yuan. If you count the two fishing rods, it would be at least nearly twenty thousand.

This girl is simply a fortune-giving girl!

Should I treat her better when I see her again?

Okay, I'll arrange a business of 200 million yuan for her if I have the chance.

Apart from this, I can't think of a better way to repay her.

"Hey!" Su Yueqing stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him, "I'm asking you a question, why are you grinning?"

Yan Chujiu came back to her senses, "Aunt, I got lucky today and met a school of perch, so I made a lot of money!"

If life bullies you, don't be sad, don't be anxious, you need to be calm in the days of depression.

Believe it, happy days will come.

Since her sister and brother-in-law passed away, Su Yueqing felt that life was like a scumbag who had been deceiving her all the time. She was numb and had no confidence in the future!

Naturally, she dared to believe that this overwhelming fortune would fall on her family and her nephew.

After two days of fishing, she had already brought 6,100 yuan home. Is this something she dared to dream about?

"Chujiu, you can't do anything bad!"

"No, I did earn this money from fishing. If you don't believe me, ask the aunt in the shop next door and the fishmonger Wu Ashui. They watched me in the afternoon..."

"I don't need to ask others!" Su Yueqing shook her head and interrupted him, "I only believe you. If you say no, then it must be no!"

If your own family doesn't believe, who else can you believe?

"Aunt, then I won't do decoration in the future, and I will go fishing!"

"You can fish for a while and see if fishing can really make money and you like it. Of course, I don't want you to work hard and have to look at other people's faces to work!"

Yan Chujiu nodded repeatedly. Working is like drinking porridge. You can't eat enough but you can't get hungry. The key is to endure it slowly.

Remembering that there are still some unsold fish on the tricycle, he hurried to get them in.

Su Yueqing was surprised to see that there were still more than ten kilograms of fish left. "Why are there so many left?"

"The one who bought the fish from me is a big restaurant. They have high requirements for seafood. They don't want fish that are too small!"

Su Yueqing curled her lips repeatedly. "How is this small? The ones sold in the market are all this big. You are just talking nonsense. It is difficult for wild fish to grow! Sometimes you have to think about the current environment of the ocean. Are there electricians or family-killing nets?"

"Yes, yes, yes, what my aunt said is right!" Yan Chujiu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Then let's clean them up and keep them for home!"

"Kill the ones that are too small, and put the big ones in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. I will sell them at the stall tomorrow morning."

Su Yueqing said and went back to the room. After a while, she took out a bag and handed it to him.

Yan Chujiu took it and looked at it. There was a pair of jeans and a sunscreen jacket inside, and two briefs at the bottom.

"Aunt, why are you buying me clothes again?"

"Your briefs have holes in them, but you still wear them. Won't they leak air?"

Yan Chujiu blushed when she heard this. They didn't leak air, but sometimes Xiaojiu would poke her head out.

"Remember to buy some for yourself, too. The clothes you're wearing are from two or three years ago."

Su Yueqing replied perfunctorily, "I bought them!"

"Then I'll help you get the fish!"

Su Yueqing sniffed him and immediately covered her nose with disgust, "You smell like fish, it stinks, hurry up and take a shower!"


When Yan Chujiu woke up the next day, as expected, his body was covered with sticky, smelly and slippery stuff.

But compared to the previous two days, it was obviously less, and the smell was not so strong.

After getting out of bed, he measured his height as usual. This time he only grew a little more than one centimeter and became 176.5!

Seeing that the speed of his body growth was slowing down, Yan Chujiu guessed that it would not be long before he would stop mutating and completely return to normal.

This is good. It is not necessary to have all the data of the whole body reach 180, just one of them is enough.

When he went to take a shower, the weird scene appeared again, Zhaomei was immersed in the big wooden tub again...

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