"Where do you think Chen Xuan is going? You didn't know just now, it really shocked me, especially his cold eyes felt like it would freeze me

After seeing the figures of Chen Xuan and Da Huang gradually disappearing, the fat man heaved a sigh of relief and fell to the ground.

He felt as if his blood had stopped flowing when he met Chen Xuan just now, this feeling was really terrible.

It was only a short period of time. I didn't expect Chen Xuan to undergo earth-shaking changes. Although I only met him yesterday, it seems that he has changed today. Thinking about it, it's really amazing.

"Don't say it's you, even I was terrified just now, I was afraid that Chen Xuan came to find trouble with us, after all, one of us was wounded and the other...we were not his opponent at all, Fortunately, it was just a false alarm."

Su Xiaobei also sat directly next to the fat man, and said with some emotion in his heart.

In fact, he wanted to say that one of them was wounded and the other was an idiot, but he felt that he would definitely offend Fatty if he said this, so he took it directly.

But the last sentence is the most sincere thought in his heart, that is, fortunately, all this is a false alarm, mainly because Chen Xuan is really terrible, now they see Chen Xuan, they really want to dig a hole in the dirt Hide yourself inside.

"You said that Chen Xuan's strength has always been so strong, or was he hiding it before, or did he have some adventures? Don't you think it's strange?

This guy's whole temperament seems to be a different person, let's put it this way, it's like being reborn, do you think it's really possible to change a person like this?"

When the fat man said these words, he tilted his head directly, as if he was caught in the questioning thinking in his mind.

What Chen Xuan looked like before is completely different from the current Chen Xuan.

If Chen Xuan is still the same Chen Xuan, then he can only lament that his previous disguise was simply too good.

"Who knows, I just know not to mess with him in the future, but when I think of how beautiful and comfortable that guy's life is, oh, I'm really envious!"

Su Xiaobei's thinking was different, he was not curious at all why Chen Xuan became so fierce and powerful.

He only envied that Chen Xuan's life was completely the same as life outside, having a shelter of his own and all kinds of food in it, it was simply too comfortable.

Compared with them who worry about food all day and night, many times they can't find other food and can only eat wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger. Such days make him feel as if he has returned to the most primitive state of life.


So how could Su Xiaobei not be envious of this.

Perhaps before, he was still thinking about how he would show off his skills when he came to participate in this program, or that he must make himself a celebrity, but in fact, he realized how cruel the truth was after he came here.

Of course, he didn’t feel such a strong sense of loss in his heart without comparison at the beginning, but when he saw Chen Xuan’s life, there was a strong contrast in an instant. Once there is a comparison, his mentality will naturally change. up.

"It's also reasonable. Why Chen Xuan became like this doesn't seem to have much to do with us. His life is indeed enviable."

The fat man thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a clue, but felt that what Su Xiaobei said was very reasonable and could only nod in agreement. .

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